Coming up
at St. John's Church
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The Twelve-year Old Christ in the Temple, Zimmerman (1879) | |
Sunday, January 5, 2025
The Second Sunday after Christmas Day
First Fruits Sunday
Nursery care available in the Parish Hall
9:00 a.m. to 11:45 a.m.
Sunday Forum
Parish Hall
9:15 a.m.
Holy Eucharist
10:30 a.m.
Live-streaming available on YouTube at 10:30 a.m.
Children's Chapel
Parish Hall
10:30 a.m.
Coffee Hour
Parish Hall
11:45 a.m.
Epiphany Bonfire & Burning of the Greens
4:30 p.m.
Service of Light with Procession of the Magi
5:00 p.m.
Bulletin Draft
Watch services on YouTube
Listen to sermons
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Dear Friends,
As we step into the New Year, moving from Christmas to Epiphany, I want to share one final meditation from Howard Thurman. His words have offered me deep insight into the passage of time—with its challenges, joys, and everything in between. As I continue navigating the path of healing and adjustment following my recent health setback, I am filled with gratitude for your support and the opportunity to reunite with you this Sunday. May Thurman’s reflections inspire us all as we embrace the possibilities of this new season together.
Long Live Life!*
There is something which seems utterly final about the end of a year. It means that we are one year older; this is a fact definite and inexorable. We are twelve months closer to the end of our physical time span—one year closer to death. It means that in some important ways we are taken farther from, or brought closer to, the goal of our living, whatever that goal may be. It means that some crucial questions which were unanswered twelve months ago have been finally and decidedly answered, and whatever doubts there may have been about the result are completely removed; now, we know. It means that we are in fuller or lesser possession of ourselves and our powers than ever before.
During the passing of the twelve months, experiences have come into our lives which revealed certain things about ourselves which we had not suspected. Some new demand was made upon us which caused us to behave in a manner that was stranger to our established pattern of life, and we felt shocked, surprised, enraged or delighted that such was possible for us. We met someone with whom we built the kind of relationship which opened up to us new worlds of wonder and magic, which were completely closed to us a year ago. It means that we are wiser by far than we were at year’s beginning.
The circling series of events upon whose bosom we have been wafted cut away our pretensions, stripping us bare of much beneath which we have hidden even from ourselves; when we saw ourselves revealed, there was born a wisdom about life and its meaning that makes us say with all our hearts, this day, that life is good, not evil. It means that we have been able to watch, as if bewitched, while the illumined finger of God pointed out a path through the surrounding darkness where no path lay; exposed to our surprised gaze a door where we were sure there was only a blank wall; revealed the strong arms and assuring voices of friends when we were sure that in our plight we were alone, utterly and starkly alone.
All of these meanings and many more counsel us that because life is dynamic and we are deeply alive, the end of the year can mean only the end of the year, not the end of life, not the end of us, not even the end of time. We turn our faces toward the year being born with a riding hope that will carry us into the days ahead with courage and with confidence. The old year dies; the new year is being born—Long live Life!
In Christ,
*Howard Thurman, Meditations of the Heart (Boston: Beacon Press, 1953), 154-155.
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Sunday Forum Returns Sunday
Sunday Forum returns this week with a brand new series for the Epiphany season.
Sunday Forum meets each Sunday at 9:15 a.m. in the Parish Hall. Nursery care is provided. Parishioners can also attend online, and you can find a Zoom link below.
Sunday, January 5
9:15 a.m.
Parish Hall
Nursery available
Participate via Zoom
Meeting ID: 850 5594 5256
Passcode: 695538
One tap mobile
+13017158592,,85055945256#,,,,*695538# US (Washington DC)
Find your local number.
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Help Altar Guild De-green the Church
Join us after church on Sunday to remove the Christmas decorations from the church.
If you purchased a poinsettia memorial, please take a plant with you when you leave church on Sunday.
We will burn the greenery later that day at our Epiphany Bonfire.
Sunday, January 5
12:00 noon
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The Vigil of the Epiphany
Sunday, January 5
Epiphany Bonfire & Burning of the Greens, Churchyard
Bring your leftover green Christmas decorations to burn on our annual Epiphany bonfire. Warm cocoa, hot cider, and fireside snacks will be provided.
4:30 p.m.
Service of Light with Procession of the Magi, Church
5:00 p.m.
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It's a First Fruits Weekend
It's a new year and time to start working toward another goal of 4,000 pounds of food for the Christ Ascension Food Bank.
Next First Fruits Collections:
Saturday, January 4--10:00 a.m.- 12 noon, 24th & Broad
Sunday, January 5--during church
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Return Your Reverse Advent Calendar
It's time to submit your boxes full of non-perishable food for donation to the Christ Ascension Food Pantry. Deliver your contributions to the Parish Hall the next time you are at church or when you deliver your First Fruits donations this weekend.
Claim Your Opportunities
to Host Coffee Hour
The Hospitality Team is looking for Coffee Hour hosts to fill out its 2025 calendar. Check out this Google Doc schedule to see the dates. Sundays in green are still available; Sundays in blue have been claimed.
New this year are several "Coffee and Cookies" Sundays when the hosts only need to make coffee, supply cookies, and clean up coffee mugs and pots at the end (We'll use paper plates). Coffee and Cookies Sundays are ideal for families or small groups who want to help, but on a smaller scale.
We only have 17 Sundays left to fill.
Please send any questions to Liz Broda.
Annual Pastoral Care Meeting with Supper
If you would like to find out more about this important ministry at St. John’s, plan to join co-chairs Rita Driscoll and Barbara Bayler and the rest of the committee for a meeting and supper on Thursday, January 16, at 6:00 pm. at Barbara's home.
You will be under no obligation to become a part of the ministry, but we would love to tell you about what we do for the folks in our parish who need pastoral support.
Please contact Barbara Bayler or Rita Driscoll for more information.
Thursday, January 16
6:00 p.m.
Barbara Bayler's home
Christmas Pageant Pictures Wanted
If you took pictures of this year's Christmas Pageant and are willing to share them, please send them to Daryl Quackenbush, who plans to compile them into a slide show for all of us to enjoy.
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GIFT Women's Group
A dedicated group of five women began meeting in December 2018 as a spiritual recovery and transformation group. The group has evolved into GIFT (Growing In Faith Together) and welcomes new members.
GIFT is a women's group that meets the third Sunday of each month for those whose faith and spiritual journey is shaped by unexpected, life-altering circumstances. The group is self-led, and members rotate leading each 90-minute session as they create, reframe, and/or reclaim their personal faith experience in community.
Interested individuals are encouraged to contact Cabell Jones.
This group meets in person and welcomes participation via Zoom.
Next Session
Sunday, January 19
4:oo p.m.
Parish House Library or via Zoom
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 864 4751 2806
Passcode: 748115
One tap mobile
+13017158592,,86447512806#,,,,*748115# US (Washington DC)
+13052241968,,86447512806#,,,,*748115# US
Meeting ID: 864 4751 2806
Passcode: 748115
Find your local number.
Make Your 2025 Pledge to St. John's Church
Join Us in Walking in Love
Dear St. John’s,
We invite you to make a financial pledge to support our ministries that reflects our shared commitment to “walk in love.” Together, we are building ministries that bring light and love to our community and beyond.
If you haven’t yet, please consider making your pledge.
To date, 56 family units have made pledges totaling $196,947, which is 78.8% of our $250,000 goal. Every contribution, no matter the size, helps us to fulfill our mission. Thank you for being a vital part of our journey of love.
Mike Broda, Stewardship Chair
Children's Chapel
Children’s Chapel meets each Sunday in the Parish Hall during the first part of the service. Children join their parents in church during the offertory so that they can participate in the Eucharist.
For more information, contact the Rev. Anne Lane Witt.
10:30 a.m.
The Parish Hall
Sunday Nursery Care Available
9:00 a.m.-11:45 a.m.
Parish Hall Nursery
Survey Results Available upon Request
If you missed the recent Sunday Forum where the results of last summer's parish survey were revealed, or if you'd just like to have more time to study the information, email Patty Duffy, and she will send you a copy of the PowerPoint presentation.
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Next Vestry Meeting,
Tuesday, January 14
at 6:00 p.m.
in the Parish Hall
All members of St. John’s Church are welcome to attend vestry meetings as observers. Minutes of recent meetings are posted on the bulletin board in the Parish Hall foyer. Please share your ideas or questions about the life of our parish with a vestry member.
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Arnold’s Raid
Four Days of Events
January 2-5
A FREE program offered by
The National Park Service,
St. John’s Church Foundation
and Henrico Recreation and Parks
to commemorate the 1781 Raid on Richmond
led by Benedict Arnold.
Click here for details.
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Episcopal Relief & Development
Responds to Unrest in the Middle East
Episcopal Relief & Development is partnering with the Al Ahli Hospital, a ministry of the Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem, to provide emergency support in Gaza following the outbreak of war in the region. Please pray for peace in the Holy Land as they experience violence, and consider making a contribution to the Episcopal Relief & Development Middle East Fund. Support of this fund will help to provide medicine and other supplies and help our partners tend to the physical and psychosocial wounds of all people affected by this conflict.
Read Episcopal Relief and Development's full statement here.
The Collect for Peace
Eternal God, in whose perfect kingdom no sword is drawn but the sword of righteousness, no strength known but the strength of love: so mightily spread abroad your Spirit, that all peoples, especially those of Israel, Palestine, Lebanon, Haiti, Ukraine, and Sunday, may be gathered under the banner of peace as children of one God; to whom be dominion and glory, now and for ever. Amen.
--adapted from The Book of Common Prayer, p. 815
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Prayers During Communion
If you have a special prayer concern, a member of the congregation is available to pray with you at the altar in the east transept of the church each Sunday during communion.
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We Pray for Everyone Affected
by Hurricanes Milton and Helene
Gracious God, we pray for all those affected by Hurricane Milton on Florida’s west coast, even as their neighbors continue to contend with Helene’s devastation. We pray especially for those who have lost lives and homes, for the first responders, rescue workers, and all who enable the work of recovery and rebuilding, Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Donate to Episcopal Relief and Development Hurricane Relief.
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Eucharistic Visits
We invite those who wish to have communion brought to their homes to contact Amelie.
You may also contact Amelie if you are interested in learning about serving in this important ministry.
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A Note about Pastoral Appointments and Emergencies
To schedule an appointment with our rector, please email Amelie or leave a message on her voicemail at 649-7938; you will hear from her within 24 hours.
And if you learn of a pastoral issue concerning one of our parishioners, please reach out to Amelie as well.
If you have an emergency, please contact Patty Duffy at 649-7938, and she will ensure a more immediate response.
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St. John's Church
2401 East Broad Street
The Rev. Amelie Wilmer, Rector
The Rev. Anthony Gaboton, Associate Rector
The Rev. Anne Lane Witt, Children's Chaplain
The Rev. Deacon JD Dickinson, Deacon
Cabell Jones, Deacon Intern
Patty Duffy, Parish Administrator
Curt Sydnor, Minister of Music
Lora Toothman, Senior Warden
Laura Streat, Junior Warden
Office: 2319 E. Broad Street RVA 23223
The deadline for submitting copy for the weekly bulletin insert and parish-wide email is Wednesday morning, but earlier is always appreciated. Please send your content to Patty Duffy. Please note that content may be edited to accommodate space limitations and style guidelines.
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