Building a Comprehensive System of Personnel Development (CSPD)

For State Systems Serving Infants and Young Children with Disabilities and Their Families
What's New:
Tools and Resources for Higher Education Faculty
As higher education faculty, you might be wondering how to align your program and course work with evidence-based EI/ECSE standards. In this newsletter, we are going to share some tools and resources that will help you get started.

As you may know, ECPC’s mission is to build a Comprehensive System of Personnel Development (CSPD) into all systems within a state. These systems require explicit guidance, evidence-based standards, and adequate funding to ensure that services are provided by knowledgeable, skilled, competent, and highly qualified personnel, in sufficient numbers to meet the needs of all families, no matter where they live.
As higher education faculty, you are in the position to support the development of high-quality EI/ECSE programs, coursework, and practicums by aligning higher education curriculum with the newly-developed Initial Practice-Based Professional Preparation Standards for Early Interventionists/Early Childhood Special Educators (Birth through age 8), also known as EI/ECSE Standards.

These standards are the first to focus specifically on the preparation of early interventionists and early childhood special educators who work with young children ages birth through eight who have or are at-risk for developmental delays and disabilities and their families, across home, classroom, and community settings. These standards build on the history of EI/ECSE to integrate policy, research, and practice and to emphasize the unique skills and knowledge required for specialization in working with young children and their families.

In this issue of the newsletter, you will have the opportunity to explore the EI/ECSE standards and to access the many tools and resources you need to align your program and coursework with each of the standards. You will also find tools to help you get started with revising syllabi and cross-walking the EI/ECSE standards with your programmatic requirements. 
Take a look!
These resources for higher education (IHE) faculty and professional development (PD) providers are designed to facilitate the integration of the Initial Practice-Based Professional Preparation Standards Early Interventionists/Early Childhood Special Educators (EI/ECSE). The series includes a module for each of the seven EI/ECSE Standards.

Each Module includes:
  • Overview
  • Topics and PD Guides
  • Sample Syllabi
  • Multimedia Illustrations
  • Learning Activities
  • Resources (Websites, Learning Modules, Glossary, and References)
Not sure where to start?

Are you ready to align the standards to your program and courses?

Here are a few of the many resources available on the website, and more in development.

Resources & Tools by Audience
(click on each button below to locate resources by audiences)
Before you go, don’t forget to take a look at the ECPC E-Learning Lessons and Videos, developed for higher education faculty and professional development staff!
Course enhancement offerings include e-learning lessons, practice guides, and resources. The materials provide authentic learning activities and opportunities for self-evaluation and student-guided mastery experiences.