This week All Saints Academy celebrated its patronal feast day with Bishop Robert Brennan (pictured left). The school was blessed by this celebration before Bishop Brennan moves on to the Diocese of Brooklyn. During his visit, the Bishop was presented with a student-hand-crafted rosary. They asked him to take the rosary with him to New York, to pray for them as they will pray for him.
Christ the King and All Saints Academy recently received an anonymous gift of $20,000 for the EmPOWER campaign! This was an unexpected and transformative blessing.
The next large-scale initiative for this campaign is a CK School Homecoming celebration. Leaders who can invite alumni and friends to the Christ the King campus are needed.
As a reminder, the EmPOWER building improvements that were made last summer were absolutely necessary. They ensure the safety of our school family and will help attract families to All Saints Academy.
Capital improvements are campus-wide:
- Replace the boiler system and boiler piping;
- Update ventilation system;
- Add air conditioning; and,
- Upgrade 400 Amp to industry-standard 1200 Amp service