Two new blog posts have been added to our website:
Chris reviews "To A/B or Not To A/B, That is The Question." Has the A/B or A/B/C trust “gone the way of the Dodo? Find out why the recent changes in the Federal Estate Tax system are up-ending traditional martial trust planning.
Paul covers "Testamentary Capacity." See how the law defines a person's mental capacity and if they are legally able to decide their affairs regarding wills and trusts.
We continue to offer free Estate Planning Webinar Workshops which you can enjoy from the privacy of your own home. Here is the schedule through the end of 2020, they are all from 7:00 - 9:00 p.m.:
Feel free to forward this email to anyone you feel may benefit from Estate Planning news and and please remember -- if you have any questions -- you can always contact us or call 877-585-1885.