District 10 News
Brought to you by Councilman Clayton H. Perry
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Howdy neighbors,
Can you believe it's almost October? Cooler weather is just around the corner!
We are so proud to share that City Council has finalized the FY 2023 Budget. Below you will find a detailed list of prioritized items that will benefit our neighbors greatly, including increases to the City's homestead exemption, additional public safety authorizations, and a rebate paid back to all CPS Customers. In addition to finalizing our budget, we're planning our Public Art projects associated with the 2022-2027 Bond and need your input to determine where you would like Public Art projects in District 10 (form attached here).
Lastly, we want to give a big shout out to everyone who attended our Community Meeting this past Monday! A huge "thank you" to our guests SAPD Chief McManus for providing updates on our San Antonio Police Department, Dr. Stuckey from Northside Neighbors on Patrolling, Roxanne "Roxy" Ramirez on Code Compliance, David Newman on Solid Waste Management, and SAWS for a great RAC discussion. In case you missed it, our Community Meeting can be found here!
A reminder that the District 10 Field Office is closed for renovations, but we are still working and available to assist you. Please contact 210-207-0999 for any neighborhood-related issues, and if you need to schedule a meeting with me, call 210-207-7276. We’ll host an open house when the renovations are done, so you can see what we’ve been working on!
Please mark your calendars for the next Northeast Neighborhood Alliance Meeting set for October 17th, at 7 PM at the Tool Yard (Northeast Service Center) located at 10303 Tool Yard.
Be on the lookout for the City's Solid Waste Management Department Service Days for District 10 beginning November 7th (more info below).
Do you have ideas for District 10? If so, the District 10 Team would like to attend your next HOA meeting, or if you'd like to sign up for our Roadshow, we'd be happy to help set that up with you. Please email District10@sanantonio.gov with the date, time, and point of contact to schedule our attendance at your next HOA meeting. I look forward to hearing from you!
As always, thank you for being active community members and leaders here in District 10. Please do not hesitate to contact our office if we may be of any assistance to you. The District 10 team is on hand and available to address your needs and concerns.
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Check out our '10 Wins for District 10!' | |
Community Highlights:
9/11 Memorial Ceremony at VFW Post 76!
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Texas' oldest VFW Post 76 hosted it's 9/11 Memorial Remembrance ceremony.
Corey Schultz and Monica Morris (pictured above) were among the Veterans who survived the attack on the Pentagon that fateful day. Thank y'all for sharing your stories and service to our great Nation!
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District 10 hosted SAFC Match Day! | |
We got a KICK out of hosting our D10 Match Day supporting San Antonio FC!
Thank you to everyone who came out, we had a blast! Stay tuned for more D10 events coming soon!
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Homeowners and Neighborhood Associations | |
The District 10 office is attempting to reach out to every HOA President to ensure everyone is registered. Here is the current list of neighborhood associations:
Neighborhood Assoc Listing.xlsx
Neighborhood Associations or Home Owner’s Representatives should submit any changes/updates using the online form below. The directory is voluntary and does not include every association within the City. Registration is highly encouraged, as the directory is a valuable communication tool utilized by many public groups and organizations who wish to communicate with associations.
Want to be added to the directory, or make a change to your current listing? Complete the online form below, or print the online form and mail it to:
Communications & Engagement Department
Attn: Neighborhood Engagement
115 Plaza de Armas
San Antonio, TX 78205
The link is: Neighborhood Association Registration
The file must be less than 20 MB. Please click the Add Attachment button to add your document(s).
Thank you for your support.
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COVID Impact Grants Program | |
Did the pandemic affect your small business?
Funded by American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA), the COVID Impact Grants program will provide financial aid to small businesses that continue to be impacted by the pandemic.
To apply and for additional information regarding eligibility and required documents visit :
Covid Grants
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Are you a District 10 neighborhood and interested in co-hosting a Roadshow? Roadshows are an opportunity for you to meet your neighbors and tell us your top priorities for District 10 and learn about what the city can do for you.
For more information contact Jarvis Soileau at jarvis.soileau@sanantonio.gov
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September is National Preparedness Month! | |
Be prepared
Don’t wait for an emergency or power outage, make a family emergency plan now. If you have medical equipment that requires electricity or medicines that need refrigeration, check with your doctor when making your plan. You can find plan ideas at ready.gov/plan.
Add/Update Emergency Contact Information through CPS Energy’s Manage My Account (MMA) portal, or by calling Customer Service at 210-353-2222. Find out more by visiting: cpsenergy.com/alerts.
Sign up for local alerts through the City of San Antonio: Stay Informed: Get Alerts.
- Follow CPS Energy on social media: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn. Also, look for our posts on Nextdoor.
Track statewide electricity demand at ERCOT.com and view daily peak demand forecast, current load, and available generation. Sign up for the ERCOT mobile app and follow ERCOT on Twitter (ERCOT_ISO) and Facebook (Electric Reliability Council of Texas).
Create an emergency kit for your family. Be sure to include flashlights, water, and canned and dried foods that don’t require refrigeration in your emergency kit. Ready.gov/kit is a good source for emergency kit information and supply lists.
- Locate your gas and water shutoff valves and know how to use them.
- Fully charge all electronic devices and devices' battery chargers.
- Avoid using a generator during power outages unless you are sure it was installed safely and correctly.. Never use a generator, camp stove, charcoal grill, gasoline heater, or propane heater indoors. These items can start accidental fires, cause electric shock, and cause deadly carbon monoxide poisoning.
If using a generator, please visit our tips on Generator Safety
- Review your property insurance and have insurance and other critical documents stored in a safe, accessible location.
- Have account numbers and important contact information available.
Use the online CPS Energy Outage Center to track power outage details, report an outage, and view outage tips. It is located at cpsenergy.com/outagecenter. You can also report outages by calling 210-353-HELP (4357).
Additional tips and actions to keep you and your family safe
- Monitor available communication channels for emergency communications.
- Conserve energy if requested.
- Install working smoke alarms in every bedroom, outside each sleeping area, and on every level
- Install carbon monoxide alarms in a central location outside sleeping areas
- Test smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors monthly.
- Replace batteries in smoke alarms yearly on a routine schedule whether needed or not
- Have your central air conditioning system inspected annually by a licensed professional
- Keep a dry chemical fire extinguisher in the kitchen
- Check your natural gas appliances - a yellow or orange flame may indicate a problem and should be checked by a qualified technician
- Unplug unnecessary electric appliances and electronics. Use surge protectors to protect electronic equipment and small appliances that must remain plugged in.
- If your power goes out, turn off your air conditioning unit. Once power is restored, wait a few minutes before restarting the air conditioner.
If your neighbors have power and you don’t, check your breakers.
- After a power outage has been restored, wait a few minutes before using your large appliances.
- Keep freezers and refrigerators closed when your power is out.
- If you have multiple mobile phones in the household, keep one phone on for emergency updates and turn the others off to preserve battery life.
- Conserve power on your mobile phone in case of emergency. Some battery-saving tips include: turning down the screen light, turning off Bluetooth and closing unused applications.
For more information, please visit Safety & Emergency Preparedness
Other Useful Information
What to do if your power is out:
- Keep a flashlight and a battery-powered radio nearby
Report outages to (210) 353-4357 (HELP) or call toll-free at 1-800 870-1006 in rural areas; if you have a smart meter, there's no need to call because the meter will alert us about the outage
- View our Power Outage page for more information related to outages in your area
What to do if you have a natural gas leak:
- If you or your family smell something similar to rotten eggs, you could have a natural gas leak
- Do not use any electrical or battery-powered item, do not switch lights on or off, do not light a match, or use a cell phone - any of these items could send a spark igniting the gas
- Leave your home immediately
Call 911 and CPS Energy at (210) 353-4357 (HELP)
How to Track Electricity Demand:
View daily peak demand forecast, current load, and available generation at http://www.ercot.com.
- Follow ERCOT on Twitter (@ERCOT_ISO) and Facebook (Electric Reliability Council of Texas).
- Sign up for the ERCOT mobile app (available for download at the Apple App Store and Google Play).
Subscribe to the Emergency Alerts list on http://lists.ercot.com.
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We host monthly community meetings in District 10 on the 3rd Monday of every month (unless it falls on a holiday) at 7 pm at the Tool Yard. We are looking for Girl and Boy Scout troops to join us and post the colors and lead the group in the pledge of allegiance at the beginning of every meeting. If your troop would like to be added to the schedule, please contact District10@sanantonio.gov | |
Tips from SAWS on water safety! | |
Stage 2 restrictions begin when the 10-day rolling average of the Edwards Aquifer level reaches 650 feet mean sea level at the monitored well. Coming out of drought stages can be considered 15 days after the aquifer is above the trigger.
All restrictions from Stage 1 remain in effect unless added to or replaced by Stage 2 rules.
- Landscape watering with an irrigation system, sprinkler or soaker hose is allowed only once a week from 7-11 a.m. and 7-11 p.m. on your designated watering day, as determined by your address.
- Watering with drip irrigation or 5-gallon bucket is permitted any day, but only between 7-11 a.m. and 7-11 p.m.
- All residential fountains and indoor commercial fountains can operate at any stage of drought.
Outdoor commercial fountains must have a SAWS variance in order to operate during drought stages 1 through 4.
- Watering with a hand-held hose is allowed any time on any day.
- All non-public swimming pools must have a minimum of 25 percent of the surface area covered with evaporation screens when not in use. Inflatable pool toys or floating decorations may be used for this purpose.
Washing impervious cover such as parking lots, driveways, streets or sidewalks is prohibited. Health and safety exceptions to this rule may be requested from SAWS here.
Residential car washing allowed during drought once per week on Saturday or Sunday as long as there is no water waste.
- The use of SAWS-certified commercial car wash facilities is allowed any day.
- Operators of golf courses, athletic fields, and parks must submit a conservation plan to SAWS. For requirements, contact SAWS at 210-704-SAVE. Golf courses, athletic fields, and parks may not irrigate between 11 a.m. and 7 p.m.
- Hotels, motels, and other lodgings must offer and clearly notify guests of a “linen/towel change on request only” program.
And don’t forget to follow these year-round rules:
Water waste is prohibited at all times. This includes lawn watering overspray and runoff.
- Restaurants may serve water only on request (to reduce dishwashing).
Charity car washes allowed only at commercial car wash facilities.
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The Neighbor of the Month | |
Do you have a neighbor who goes the extra mile for the residents of your street, your neighborhood, or for the community? The Neighbor of the Month recognition program gives you the opportunity to recognize those individuals for their acts of goodwill and call attention in a positive way to the benefits of being a good neighbor.
Please email us to submit your nomination.
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The District 10 team is in the office and available to assist you. Please reach out to us with your needs or concerns. Give us a call at 210-207-0999 or send us an email at District10@sanantonio.gov. | | | | | |