Brunch this Sunday November 12

Commitment Sunday • November 19

Angel Tree Begins • November 19–December 10

Holiday Festival • December 2

First Sunday of Advent • December 3

How Family Ministry Will Proceed in the Interim

We want to let the families of Hennepin Avenue UMC know how we will proceed in the interim while we search for the new Director of Family Ministry. Pastor Laura will be the contact person for the Confirmation program and Youth Ministry in general. She will interface with our partners from Good Samaritan and Lake Harriet-Jan and Ariel to make sure that Confirmation is a solid faith forming experience for our youth in the program. She is excited to participate alongside the confirmands in this learning journey.

We are so thankful for the leadership of Kelsey Johnson and Loretta Kenney who have graciously agreed to lead the Sunday School program on Sunday mornings. Kelsey and Loretta are long time volunteers in the Sunday School program and dedicated to the faith formation of our children. Pastors Elizabeth and Laura will trade off leading the Time with Children portion of the worship service. If you have any questions about the Family Ministry Program, please contact Pastor Laura ([email protected]).

You may be wondering how you can support this program going forward. As always, we welcome your prayers for the children and youth of Hennepin Avenue UMC as they grow in their faith. The success of this program depends on the greater support of the church community, we welcome your skills and time to make this program better and more vibrant. The job has been listed, please share this job listing with your network. Click here for the job listing.

In ministry with all of you,

Pastors Elizabeth and Laura

Volunteers Needed for Brunch!

Sundays • 11am-noon • Koinonia Hall • $10 per person/$20 per family

Brunch is back and we have Bryan Carter, Kristy Barnes, Marla Tipping, and Lynne Carroll to thank for it! It has been a smashing success thanks to them and now is the time to let Lynne know you are ready to step up and step in to keep it going - just ONE hour (give or take) ONCE a month is all they need! The three of them have put their brains together so the process is easy and fun for those who serve as well as those who are served.

There are 3 shifts. You can let Lynne know if you have a preference.

Set up: 9:30-10am

Serving: 10:45am-12pm

Clean up: 12-1pm

Sign up HERE for your slot now!

Angel Tree Coming Soon!

November 19 - December 10

This holiday season, Hennepin members are invited to be angels and purchase gifts for refugee children new to the United States. The Angel Tree will be up in the East Entry on November 19.

Refugee Services recommends buying ONLY 3 gifts per child: something warm (hats, scarves, gloves, warm socks), something fun (toys, games, soccer balls, cell phone chargers, ear buds), and something educational (games, books, puzzles). For religious reasons, please avoid buying stuffed animals that are pigs or dogs. Thank you for giving!

If you have any questions, please contact Leslie Wille at [email protected].

Confirmation News

Pastor Laura will be joining our Confirmation class for the remainder of the year. The next meeting is this Sunday, November 12, at Lake Harriett UMC from 4-6pm. 

Join Us!

Hennepin Avenue UMC is on Facebook! Please "like" us at

For any questions regarding Family Ministry,

please contact Keesha Sedgwick at [email protected]