Saying Goodbye to 2020
We made it and although there are so many things from the year 2020 that we are eager to say goodbye to, there are so many wonderful things that we can also reflect back on!

Our staff rallied to deploy technology devices and mobile hotspots in March, quickly set up a grab and go meal distribution system, safety protocols were implemented districtwide, masks, hand sanitizer, and plexiglass shields for high traffic areas were obtained, a Return to Learn Plan was developed, a new online learning platform (Canvas) was launched, a fully remote learning program was established, new staff members were hired, activity programs continued, and Oviatt Elementary was reopened. All of this work (and more countless details) were accomplished through the shared commitment of dedicated staff members, students, parents, community members, and the NCSD Board of Directors. We aimed for making great enough decisions during these extraordinary times and did so by helping each other out, depending on each other, and leaning on the support of people inside and outside of our district, especially people serving as substitutes. We will get through this pandemic together!

As we look to 2021, I think it's safe to say that we are all ready for a fresh year full of new hope. I'd like to wish all of our Norwalk families, students, and staff a Happy and Healthy New Year! Goodbye 2020, cheers to 2021!

Yours in service,
D.T. Magee, Superintendent

P.S. - All of this work is done to honor Dana Schuemann, former NCSD Board of Directors Vice President, who we lost on February 18, 2020 - her work and influence continues to impact our district.
Winter Sports Highlight
Featured Next Month: Norwalk Men's Swimming and Bowling

*All participant photos were taken individually and combined into team posters.
Sign Up To Be A Booster Club Member
The Norwalk Athletic Booster Club (NABC) is a strong organization with a rich tradition in Norwalk. We are a fiscally responsible and mission focused group. Through membership dues, annual fund raisers, robust concession sales and gifts in kind, the Athletic boosters are able to generously give back to all athletic programs at both the middle school and high school levels. Just this past year we gave nearly $50,000 in the form of equipment, gear, uniforms and other functional items to make the athletic experience a memorable one for all athletes and coaches.

The Athletic Booster Club isn’t just for parents of high school aged student athletes. If you’re a parent of a middle school student, grandparent of a first grader, an aunt or uncle, sister or brother, alumni, business owner – whoever you are – you are invited to join! We have opportunities for you to provide insight, volunteer your time at games or meets, and take part in the planning of upcoming events. We can do even more with your membership and participation.

If you love sports, the great lessons and opportunities they afford all student athletes on and off the playing field, and how athletics can unite a community, then sign up to be a part of the Norwalk Athletic Booster Club today. Onward Norwalk!

Get and stay connected with the NABC:
Twitter: be-a-warrior @NABC_GoWarriors
Instagram: norwalkboosterclub
Snapchat: nabc-beawarrior
Norwalk High School Dance Marathon Needs Your Support
Norwalk High School's Dance Marathon Committee is asking for your support! Dance Marathon raises money for the families of children facing pediatric cancer at the University of Iowa’s Children’s Hospital. Donations can go through Venmo @NHS-DanceMarathon or the online donation page at

This is Norwalk High School’s 4th year of Dance Marathon, led by Seniors Eva Hoch and Cadyn Niemeyer. The committee has set a goal to raise $15,000. Any donation amount helps! Thank you for your generosity!
NHS Photo Students Thrive Despite Pandemic Restrictions
The Digital Photography Program at Norwalk High School received a reboot in the fall of 2018, overhauling it’s curriculum, standards and designation as a Career and Technical Education category (CTE). This meant that the curriculum would have an underlying message of work-based learning opportunities, showcasing career options in the field so that students would grow in their understanding of the industry as a whole. With that foundation in mind, one guest speaker visits each month who’s photographic career lines up with the students’ current project or assignment. For example, students start the school year with an Action Image assignment as they seek to help Yearbook cover high school sporting events. In coordination with a lesson on 9/11, a photojournalist typically shares with the class. Photojournalists that have visited include: Mary Chind-Willie, Pulitzer prize winning photographer for the DSM Register on her coverage of the River Rescue in 2010, Channel 5’s Chief Photographer Don Schmith & Kelsey Kremer of the DSM Register. 

In past years, guest speakers have been within driving distance of NHS, but in light of COVID protocols NCSD has put in place to protect students and staff, in-person guest speakers are not currently allowed in the buildings. Teachers across the district are becoming well versed in online communication options, including Google Hangout, so guest speakers receive a link to the Hangout and are then projected onto the screen in the photo classroom so students can converse with the speaker. Remote Learners attend the Hangout daily to learn synchronously already and can also contribute questions to the conversation with guest speakers. Because taking things online has become the norm, this has broadened the pool of potential guest speakers to potentially share. “The world is truly our oyster right now.” Carrie Krupke, current Photography teacher shares, “I can contact photographers from all areas of the industry, in any time zone, for them to share their expertise.” This newfound freedom led to an online exploration of a variety of genres of photography and the corresponding photographers to contact. Students recommended topics they’d like to have covered and Krupke went looking.
School Meal Promotion Resources
Dear Warrior Families,
USDA has extended free meals to children for the rest of the 2020-2021 school year for schools participating in the USDA Summer Food Service Program. Regardless of household income, all children can access free and nutritious school breakfast and lunch each day. Participation in school meal programs is important for several reasons:
  • School meals help address the increased food insecurity many families are facing.
  • School meal programs allow children to have access to nutritious foods
  • Students who eat school meals have better overall diet quality than students who do not.
  • More participation in school meal programs means more funding for school nutrition programs.
To help spread the word that school meals are for all children, CDC has developed a toolkit that contains sample social media posts, graphics, and newsletter text for you to use in your own communication efforts. 
Stay Active this Winter!
Substitute Teachers & Paras Needed
Norwalk CSD is looking for substitute teachers and paraeducators! We have a few more spots open to join our substitute teaching and/or paraeducator pool for the 2020-2021 school year! Applying is quick and easy by visiting our human resources page.

Current Daily Sub Teacher Rates:
$115 per full day ($57.50 per half day) for the first 15 Days of Service
$135 per full day ($67.50 per half day) for after 15 Days of Service

Increased Rates for 20-21 Days Served After 12-14-20 through 05-28-20 or end of the school year:
$155 per full day ($77.50 per half day) for after 35 Days of Service during 20-21
$175 per full day ($87.50 per half day) for after 90 Days of Service during 20-21

For information about how to obtain a substitute teaching authorization, visit the Heartland AEA website. If you have any questions about our hiring process, please contact Human Resources Tiffany Patterson.
*The above staff photo was taken in August of 2019.
New District Website Launching
January 2021!
Be on the lookout in January for the official launch of the new Norwalk Community School District website! New features include enhanced user experience, live social media feeds, mobile and tablet friendly viewing, detailed news section, new branding and much more!
Photos of the Month
WARRIOR TAKEDOWN! Norwalk Wrestler Austin Brenizer flips Carlisle opponent to the floor. Photo Credit: Micah Stiegelmeier
HOLIDAY CHEER Norwalk students and staff celebrate the holidays in the month of December.
*Remote Learner
COOKIES FOR THE COMMUNITY Lakewood Elementary staff bake and distribute cookies for local community organizations.
Video of the Month
Norwalk students spread holiday cheer just before Christmas!

District Links
Severe Weather Alert Information:

The Norwalk Community School District will continue to use Infinite Campus Parent Messenger to alert parents on winter season weather delays, early-outs, cancellations and facility closings.

The following communication channels will also be used.