September– December 2023

A Holiday Greeting from NVRH CEO Shawn Tester

"As we enjoy this season of gratitude, it is also a critical time for your healthcare system. We face hurdles with rising costs of goods, challenging recruitment environments, complex payment reforms, and an increased demand for mental health and support services. These concerns have put major strains on our systems. Yet, we at NVRH, are stepping forward.

We are meeting these challenges with innovation. We are taking progressive steps to tackle the recruitment challenge. We are collaborating with strategic partners to support the unhoused population as well as support those in our community who are struggling with substance misuse. And soon we will break ground on the West Wing Project, which is an expansion of our Emergency Department, Lab, and Pharmacy...."

Click here to watch the video.

Finance's Terri Schoolcraft enjoys her last week before retirement!

What’s next? Time for me and my husband! Time to ourselves, with our families, with my mom, and all my retired friends. They’re waiting for us!

What will you miss? I will miss the people. This is a great floor, it’s really amazing. The kindness. These are good people.

I want to thank everyone. This is a great place, and there is a lot of talent here. I look forward to the future. Change is a good thing and the finance team is in great hands.

Did you know, starting in the New Year, you can access ALL of the following medical journals via the Pulse Page?

  • JAMA: Journal of the American Medical Association                     
  • Journal of Palliative Care
  • Medical Letter on Drugs & Therapeutics
  • Morbidity and Mortality Weekly
  • NEJM: New England Journal of Medicine
  • Nursing Outlook
  • Nursing Times
  • American Journal of Nursing                                             
  • Journal of Infusion Nursing                                       
  • Journal of Nursing Administration
  • MCN: American Journal of Maternal/Child Nursing
  • Nursing2024
  • Nursing Management                                    
  •  Obstetrics & Gynecology: The Green Journal                                                     

Questions? Swing by the NVRH Community Health Resource Center, which is located at the hospital's main entrance and provides access to health education and info about community support groups, organizations, and more. In addition to books and medical journals, there is also a computer station.

More info: 748-7501 | Open Mon. – Fri., 8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.

What’s the Point?

Point of Care Ultrasounds = happy patients & happy providers.

While ultrasounds can help providers quickly find or rule out abnormalities and help them make a diagnosis and build a treatment plan, point of care ultrasound (POCUS) is a safe tool for providers to use during their clinical assessment at the bedside. Read more.

Say CHEESE! Check out more albums here.

Employee Recognition & Education Awards.

View album.

Halloween. View album.

Happy Holidays. View album.

Big Things Are Happening at NVRH!

If you’ve been by NVRH recently, you’ve seen the construction of our West Wing Project. This, our largest expansion in 50 years, is expanding the Emergency Department, Laboratory, and Pharmacy — making them larger, more efficient, and better able to serve our community. Watch the campaign video here.

Kelly Bormann Recognized by DAR for Excellence in Nursing

According to the their website,

the DAR objectives are: 

  • "Historical - to perpetuate the memory and spirit of the men and women who achieved American Independence.
  • Educational - to carry out the injunction of Washington in his farewell address to the American people, ‘to promote, as an object of primary importance, institutions for the general diffusion of knowledge, thus developing an enlightened public opinion…’
  • Patriotic - to cherish, maintain, and extend the institutions of freedom, to foster true patriotism and love of country, and to aid in securing for mankind all the blessings of liberty.”

Nurse Supervisor Kelly Bormann was presented with a Certificate of Recognition by Daughters of the American Revolution for Excellence in Nursing on Sept. 27 by Nola Forbes, Kelly’s fellow member of the local St. Johnsbury Daughters of the American Revolution chapter (Saint John de Crevecoeur). This award is in celebration of the 125th Anniversary Daughters of the American Revolution Hospital Corps.

After 32 years, 7 months, & 28 days,

Pharmacy's Cathy Aldrich retires! Congratulations!

October | The nurse residents (below) are part of a program to provide foundational knowledge and skills. Each participates weekly in a didactic portion with hands-on application in simulation. L-R: Danielle (Med Surg), Jennifer (Cardiac Clinic), Carmen (ED), Moriah (ED), Jordan (Day Surgery), and Allison (ICU). 

We're all about learning and growing.

Last week, we kicked off our in-house clinical skills training. With over 31 modules, our teams brushed up on classic techniques, learned new tips, and discovered the latest in clinical technology.

According to Jennifer Gosselin-Leather, Manager of Clinical Education & Workforce, Nursing Education "there was something for everyone!"

Click here to see more photos.

NVRH Corporators Attend 2023 Annual Meeting

From L-R (f): Thad Richardson, Mark Bowen, NVRH outgoing Board Chair Mary Parent, Natalie Morris, John Kascenska, Warren Dow, Steve Feltus, Barbara Hatch, Sara Simpson and Kinsley Sicard. L-R (b): Joe Kasprzak, Dr. Josh Kantrowitz, Dan Daley, NVRH CEO Shawn Tester, Cynthia Stuart, Terry Hoffer and Hank Parker.

Corporators attended the annual meeting at VSU – Lyndon on Dec. 5. The meeting highlighted how the hospital plans to move towards a successful future despite complex challenges. It also highlighted the West Wing Project – which will expand the Emergency, Lab and Pharmacy Departments – as well as its new mission and vision and its 2023 – 2026 Strategic Plan.

More photos | The full story

Check out the 2023 Annual Report - Forward Thinking

Forward thinking is about stepping out of your comfort zone. And having your photo taken for the Annual Report! A big thank you to all the individuals and departments who participated as well as Flek Inc., who designed the report. Click here to download it.

We could not do this without all of you! Click on the photo of Richard Degreenia acting as a fire during a code red drill to view more photos from drill practice!

Have a Happy, Healthy, & Safe Holiday Season

"We often think of the common cold, the flu, and other viruses that can make us ill more often in the winter months, but what about how often we may get sick from enjoying a holiday meal? Foodborne illnesses (food poisoning) are actually quite common and easily preventable. Click here to read Sharon Pinard-Sisle's article about what you can do to protect family and friends from getting sick at your holiday gatherings.

Looking to Catch Up? Check Out NVRH in the News

What our patients are saying about us...

"Dr. Krason is amazing - she spoke directly to my daughter and asked her questions about school and her anxiety/worries. She was also very supportive of me leading up to and during this appointment. I have been incredibly happy with Dr. Krason and I'm very happy she's my daughter's pediatrician."

Read more Positive Comments | September | October

A note about this newsletter: Brightlook is now a quarterly newsletter! This allows for more new & never-before-seen content. Looking to submit a story or a recognition?

Contact Katie Moritz, Communication Liaison, at

The next BRIGHTLOOK will be out March 2024 | Have a Happy New Year!

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