340B Drug Pricing Program Hearing
Read the written statement for the hearing record submitted by Shawn Gremminger, National Alliance president and CEO.
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In Case you Missed it (recorded webinars)
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Complimentary Webinar
Employer Case Studies:
A Focus on Prevention, Vaccines and Misinformation
August 20, 2024 | noon-12:45 p.m. (ET)
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Mark Cunningham-Hill, MD
The Estée Lauder Companies
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Wayne Rawlins, MD
WellSpark Health
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Angel Sánchez, MSHRM
American Eagle Outfitters
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Complimentary Event
The Price of Power: Confronting the Hospital Affordability Crisis
September 19, 2024 | 8 a.m.-3 p.m. (ET)
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Shawn Gremminger, National Alliance president and CEO, will be a panelist at the 32BJ Health Fund and Labor Industry Cooperation Fund third annual conference.
The Price of Power: Confronting the Hospital Affordability Crisis, is September 19, 2024, in New York City. The conference brings together employers, labor leaders, healthcare providers, policymakers, and patient advocates to explore the anticompetitive power dynamics that keep hospital prices unjustifiably high (and rising). Action-based conversations will strengthen this community, leading to attainable steps for policymakers and purchasers to lead as one in driving down prices.
| | There is no fee to attend this conference. View the agenda. | |
New Study Sheds Light on Rebate Guarantees and the Role of Employer Benefits Consultants and Brokers in PBM Selection | |
Recently, public scrutiny has intensified on pharmacy benefit managers (PBMs), with a new Federal Trade Commission study examining their influence on the industry at large, calling for more transparency and oversight.
Policymakers are encouraged to review the perpetual cycle of rebate guarantees and agreements in tandem with the use of employer benefits consultants, according to a new study from the National Pharmaceutical Council (NPC) published in the American Journal of Managed Care.
Read the research, “Prescription Rebate Guarantees: Employer Insights.”
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National Alliance Elects New Board
Economic Alliance for Michigan President & CEO Bret Jackson Named Chair
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The National Alliance recently elected its slate of new officers for the Board of Governors. Officers are elected by their Board peers based on proven leadership and commitment to the National Alliance and coalition movement. View the press release, which includes information about all Board members. | |
Bret Jackson
President and CEO
Economic Alliance for Michigan
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Vice Chair
Jenny Goins
President and CEO
Kentuckiana Health Collaborative
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(second term)
Karen van Caulil, PhD
President and CEO
Florida Alliance for Healthcare Value
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Still Plenty of Summer Left!
2024 Summer Fun Guide from Greater Philadelphia Business Coalition on Health
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With August on the horizon, a reminder about the GPBCH 2024 Summer Fun Guide!
Members of the GPBCH Health & Well-being Interest Group contributed content to this year’s 7th edition, which includes healthy summer recipes, activities, and safety tips.
Wishing you a happy, safe August!
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Featured National Alliance Publications and Resources | |
The National Alliance library of assets on a wide variety of topics is continuously growing. To ensure you have access to the latest additions, click here for a summary of recent publications.
(Click on the images to view)
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Setting the Record Straight: The Urgency of Achieving Hospital Fair Price | | |
Reducing Medical Errors in the Hospital: The Role of Employers in Promoting Patient- and Family-Centered Communications to Improve Safety | | |
Supporting Women's Health in the Workplace: New Approaches to Urinary Incontinence Boost Wellbeing, Productivity, and Sense of Belonging | | |
U.S. Business Action to End HIV and Advance health Equity | | |
Stuck in the Middle: Employers' Challenges in Accessing their Health Data (MedCityNews, July 28, 2024)
Hospitals Charging Above 'Fair Price' (St. Louis Post-Dispatch, July 22, 2024, subscription required)
How Chevron's Demise could Impact Employers, Purchasers and Health Payers (Fierce Healthcare, July 11, 2024)
Supreme Court Ruling Could Soften Upcoming Mental Health Parity Regulations (BenefitsPRO, July 11, 2024)
Legislation to Improve Health Billing Transparency by ERISA Industry Committee (PLANADVISER, June 10, 2024)
The Leap to Self-Insurance (Managed Healthcare Executive, June 4, 2024)
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National Alliance Recorded Webinars Available | |
View all National Alliance news HERE!
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