Norwalk Parents and Families,
There has been a sharp increase in illness in elementary and secondary buildings the past month. RSV, Influenza, Strep, Vomiting/diarrhea and Covid are causing large numbers of absences.
The following are a few reminders regarding illness:
* Please screen your student for illness before school and keep him/her home if not feeling well.
* Don't give a fever-reducing medication before sending your child to school if he/she isn't feeling well. Keep him/her home to monitor for fever. Temperatures are generally lower in the mornings, so if your child has a low grade fever early in the day, medication may mask a fever/illness as the day progresses.
* Students with a temperature of 100.4 or higher must be home for 24 hours AFTER the fever is gone, without fever reducing medication.
* Students experiencing vomiting or diarrhea must be home for 24 hours following the last episode of vomiting or diarrhea.
Please see the illness guide for parents:
Please contact the nurse in your child's building if you have questions or concerns.
Thank you,
Kendall Verwers, Oviatt Nurse
Kara Greenlee, Orchard Hills Nurse
Shawna Neifert, Lakewood Nurse
Laura Johnson, Middle School Nurse
Diana Duffy, High School Nurse