Payments for all student fees were due on the first day of school, August 23rd, 2022. Any unpaid fees as of Thursday, December 1st may be submitted to a collection agency. Please be aware that once an account is submitted to a collection agency it may impact your credit rating or score. A $25 administrative fee may be assessed to all delinquent accounts as of Thursday, December 1st. Please note – fee balances are no longer shown in Parent Portal. You MUST complete the following steps to see your fees in RevTrak – even if you have paid through RevTrak in previous years.
Step 1) Go to to access the Norwalk portal.
Step 2) Login using your current RevTrak account. Create an account if you're a new user.
Step 3) Select the "Student Fee Payments" box.
Step 4) On the left side toolbar select "Add student" NOTE: this step is only applicable for your first login. Once a student has been added to your account, you will skip this step.
Step 5) Enter "Student ID" - To find a student ID number; go to the parent portal (from the Norwalk homepage), click on "Today" tab, student ID number will display immediately to the right of your student's picture at the top of the screen.
Step 6) Enter "PIN". This will be the same number as your student ID.
Step 7) Add fees to cart.
Step 8) Make payment.
To access the video walkthrough, click this link.
If you do have an outstanding balance, you may contact the building secretary as listed below with any questions.
High School, Kelly Allman (grades 9-12) 981-4201
Middle School, Laura Starkweather (grades 6-8) 981-0435
Lakewood Elementary, Linda Guerra (grades 4-5) 981-1850
Orchard Hills Elementary, Deanna Gingrich (grades 2-3) 981-1855
Oviatt Elementary, Carol Reynolds-Ward (PreK-1) 981-1005
Thank You,
Jake Loll, Director of Business Services