Ashley Flory worked with 20-year-old Jennifer* for two years. Jennifer came into foster care in September 2018, due to her mother’s substance abuse, and because of physical and sexual abuse, and neglect. Jennifer lived in a residential treatment center and several group homes before moving to a trial home visit with her mother in December 2020. As Jennifer’s case seemed to be coming to a close, Ashley spoke with Jennifer's therapist to get an update. The therapist shared that, while Jennifer had not been attending therapy after moving home, Jennifer had reached out to the therapist informally and reported that her mother and grandmother had kicked her out of the house for a period of time during the summer of 2021. This was information Jennifer had not shared with Ashley or the social worker on her case. Ashley updated the social worker about this situation and the social worker was able to address the issue with Jennifer’s mother and grandmother before the case closed successfully in November 2021. |