After Dr. Perryman jokingly offered to autograph the ball next to Drew’s signature, Shelby brought out five copies of the economist’s book, “Survive & Conquer – Texas in the ‘80s – Money – Power -Tragedy… and Hope!” He auctioned the five books and five of our members each paid a very generous $700 per book for a $3,500 total.

The five auction winners were:
  • Michael D. Moore (M3 Networks)
  • Wendy Shabay Bonneau (Freese & Nichols)
  • RaDonna Hessel (Grapevine Chamber of Commerce)
  • John Fletcher (Fletcher Consulting Public Relations)
  • Shelby Bruhn (First Financial Bank)

This is very likely the first time that an economist’s autograph had more value than a Hall of Fame Dallas Cowboy!