Message from Dr. Yasar, Area Superintendent
want to welcome all our staff, students and our parents back to school! I hope that you all had a wonderful summer enjoying some relaxing time with family and friends. I am pleased to say that we are beginning this school year with some outstanding accomplishments!
I want to say CONGRATULATIONS to our teachers, district leaders and our outstanding students for earning an “A” school district rating according to the new TEA (Texas Education Agency) accountability system. I am also proud to say that six of the seven HPS state-wide districts achieved the “A” rating designation, and the seventh district missed the rating by ONLY ONE point. Our district also received “A” Superior rating from Financial Integrity Rating System of Texas (FIRST) for 2017-18 year. Let’s keep up the good work!
In early August, our district met in San Antonio for our all-district staff conference and it was very productive and engaging! Thank you for your participation and we hope to be able to get together, learn, share, get inspired and recognize our dedicated staff members again next year!
My hope is that you all returned back to your campuses filled with enthusiasm about the 2018-2019 school year. It’s a time for new beginnings for our new staff and our newly enrolled students. Each of you are difference makers and you all are instrumental in the growth and success of our students. We are committed to challenging our students at each level and together we will continue to work diligently to guide them through their educational journey. Let’s make it another outstanding year!
Thank you all for your continued dedication to providing the best educational experience to all our students…After all, YOU TEACH! That IS YOUR SUPER POWER!
Dr. Yasar
HPS San Antonio Gather
for First All-District Conference
r. Yasar, welcomed the entire Harmony San Antonio District gathered in San Antonio for nearly two days for an all-staff conference to learn, share and get inspired for the 2019 school year. All district PLC leaders were recognized for their leadership and each campus awarded teachers who went above and beyond their duties throughout the 2018 school year. Many of the teachers held department head titles, mentor titles. and some were recognized for their amazing academic growth within their classrooms.
Teachers are Super Heros!
Congratulations District Award Winners...
Thank You for your Commitment to Your Campus!
BROWNSVILLE: Harmony School of Innovation
Under the leadership of Mr. Altindag, HSI District Award Winners.
BROWNSVILLE: Harmony Science Academy
Under the Leadership of Ms. Trevino, HSA's District Award Winners.
Under the leadership of Mr. Ayik, HSE's District Award Winners
LAREDO: Harmony Science Academy
Under the leadership of Mr. Tatir, HSA's District Award Winners.
Under the leadership of Ms. Salas, HSI's District Award Winners.
Under the leadership of Mr. Murati, HSA's District Award Winners
Under the leadership of Mr. Ayik, HSI's District Award Winners.
Under the leadership of Ms. Teaff, HSE's District Award Winners
Harmony School of Innovation-Brownsville: Congressional Award Recognition and New Staff
ictor R.
entered his senior year at HSI as a gold medal
Congressional Award
recipient after attending a recognition ceremony in Washington D.C. in late June. He recently was recognized by Congressman Vela at a ceremony held at the campus.
Victor, who is one of Harmony Brownsville's inaugural students, received the honor for reaching goals through hard work and determination. Victor set goals back in 2015 and has since completed 480 volunteer hours at a local hospital. Additionally, he accomplished physical fitness and personal development goals in martial arts, along with an educational trip to San Antonio to explore relevant historical locations. "We are so proud of the work and dedication it took Victor to accomplish this impressive goal," said
Mr. Altindag
, principal at HSI-Brownsville. "His tenacious spirit will get him far in life. We are honored to have him as a student, and we are confident that he will continue to be successful in the classroom, in college and in life," he added.
elcome to Harmony School of Innovation - Brownsville Middle and High School: left to right: Mr. N. Saldana, 6th-8th Grade Spanish, Mrs. B. Hernandez, 8th-11th Algebra I, Ms. L. Melgarejo, 8th Grade-ELA, Ms. J. Garza, 8th-11th Math, Ms. J. Garza, 8th-11th Math, Mr. R. Butler, 9th Grade-Algebra, Ms. V. Quintanilla, Art, Mr. J. Bolivar, 7th Grade Math. Welcome to HSI.
Harmony Science Academy-Brownsville:
Welcomes Six New Teachers
elcome to Harmony Science Academy-Brownsville Elementary School: left to right: Mrs. Danache 8th Grade ELA, Mr. Vasquez, 6th Grade Science & Social Studies., Mrs. Barbosa, 8th Grade ELA, Mrs. C. Trejo, 7th Grade Math, Mrs. E. Cisneros, 7th Grade ELA, and Mr. Carrera, 7th & 8th Grade Social Studies.
any thanks to our friends at Charlie Clark Nissan and the Sunrise Rotary Club of Brownsville who generously donated 50 backpacks to our HSA-Brownsville students as they started the new school year. Thank you! We appreciate your support!any
Harmony Science Academy-Laredo
Welcomes Principal Tatir and New Staff
elcome to Harmony Science Academy-Laredo Middle School: left to right: Mr. Abdullah Tatir, Principal,
Amanda Duenez
- Secretary, Cynthia Arreola- Library Assistant, Hector Gonzalez - Science Teacher, Kristina Orduna - Science Teacher, Veronica Duenas SPED Reading & Math Teacher, Arlene Duran - LOTE Spanish Teacher and
Emine Kayaalp, Math Teacher
r. Abdullah Tatir has been named principal of HSA Middle School - Laredo. Tatir has seven years of experience working for Harmony Public Schools, and most recently served as the math department chair for the district.
“Mr. Tatir possesses a great combination of classroom and administrative experience. He is knowledgeable of the curriculum, has excellent leadership skills, and a compassionate spirit.
He cares about the students, faculty and staff and he will do an excellent job as principal,” said Dr. Yasar, area superintendent.
Tatir graduated with a bachelor’s degree in secondary math education, and earned two master’s degrees in secondary math education and curriculum and instruction from the University of Texas at Arlington. Tatir experienced success as a teacher at Harmony Science Academy in San Antonio. He taught Algebra 1 and 2, Geometry, pre-calculus, AP Calculus, SAT Math, Dual Credit College Algebra, Dual Credit pre-calculus and character education. Additionally, in the 2017-2018 he served as the district’s testing coordinator.
Harmony School of Excellence-Laredo
Welcomes New Team Members
elcome to Harmony School of Excellence-Laredo High School: left to right, Mr. Sergio Ortega - Advanced Electives STEM Teacher, Mr. Omer Tekin - Biology Teacher, Coach Erik Flores - Physical Education, Mr. Selami Bingol - Chemistry Teacher, Mr. Atilla Kaya - Physics Teacher, Ms. Olga Garcia - SPED Teacher, Ms. Jeanetti Vital - SPED Teacher, Alejandro Ovando - English I Teacher, along with HSE Principal Mr. Ayik.
ur dedicated HSE-Laredo administration team continues to conduct home-visits. Have you scheduled your home-visit yet? It is a wonderful opportunity to foster relationships, ask questions and get to know one another for the benefit of our young scholars. Thank you to all our families for welcoming Harmony Laredo into your homes. Together we can achieve so much more!
Harmony SchooI of Innovation - Laredo
Welcomes Five New Staff to the Tiger Team!
elcome to Harmony School of Innovation – Laredo Elementary School: left to right, Lisa Salinas 2nd Grade Teacher, Celina Guevara Attendance Clerk, Brenda Gonzalez Kinder Teacher Aide, Gabriella Rodriguez SPED-Aide and Nancy Pacheck 1st Grade Teacher.
s. Benavidez is focused on Math Works with her 4th grade students.
Harmony Science Academy - San Antonio
Welcomes Principal Murati and Five New Staff
elcome to Harmony Science Academy - San Antonio Middle and High School: left to right: Mrs Weeks, high school SUBJECT Mrs. Ortiz, middle school SUBJECT, Mrs. Davis, middle school SUBJECT, Mrs. Sonnen middle school SUBJECT, Mr. Suslu high school SUBJECT, Mrs Flores Haynes, middle school, Mrs. Imfeld, middle school SUBJECT, Mr. Tas, middle school subject, and Mr. Benavides middle school.
r. Klediol Murati has been named principal of HSA-San Antonio, grades 6-12.
Murati has more than one decade of experience working for Harmony Public Schools. He worked as a math teacher in the Dallas area, as well as an ESL, GT, Special Education Coordinator, college counselor and was a founding administrator in the Dallas/Fort Worth area, where he served as the Dean of Academics for three years, as well as the K-12 campus principal.
"I am delighted to have Mr. Murati as a principal at HSA. Someone of his caliber and track record will definitely be an asset to our district," said Dr. Yasar, area superintendent.
Prior to moving to San Antonio, Murati served as principal for the South Houston District for five years.
Harmony School of Innovation - San Antonio
Welcomes Four New Team Members
elcome to Harmony School of Innovation-San Antonio Elementary and Middle School: Ms.
Dazetrica Gray - 2nd grade Kelsey Johnson - 5th grade math, Roschelle Moreland - kinder and Marissa Henry - 7th grade ELA.. Staff not pictured: Brittany Rush - SPED and Alex Chestnut - 5th ELA
SI staff participated in a scavenger hunt during their Summer professional development/Team Building training. One of the items listed for them to complete was "do a good deed" and they took this scavenger hunt directive seriously! While out in the city hunting for items on their list, Ms. Newton's group, helped a person shopping at Wal-Mart by loading groceries into their car.
Harmony School of Excellence - San Antonio
Welcomes New Teachers and Staff
elcome to Harmony School of Excellence-San Antonio Elementary: left to right: Diane Barksdale-1st grade, Colette Weinman-Kindergarten, Corinda Wilson-Kindergarten, and Melvin Ford-3rd grade Math/Science teacher. Not pictured, Lori Skalberg Hurt-1st grade.