Alan Stiles (6/3)
Mark Collier (6/9)
John Roberts (6/18)
James Asbill (6/4)
Kerry White (6/11) |
Rose Barnes (6/21)
Mary Grace Folliard (6/4)
Haley Asbill (6/13) |
Dave Cowan (6/21)
Siqing Shan (6/5) |
Brandon Carpenter (6/14) |
Igor Tennant (6/21) |
Caitlin Asbill (6/8) |
Rosa Moreno (6/17) |
Annika Sander (6/24) |
Opportunities for Ministry
Volunteers are needed for the Hospitality Team. On Sunday morning, these are the people who set up the beverage and refreshment areas, make the coffee & hot water, pour the juice and set out the refreshments. New team members and a team coordinator are needed.
Contact the
church office
if interested.
URGENT: Preschool Sunday School needs YOU!
We have an urgent need for Preschool Sunday School teachers. This group is composed of 4 children around ages 3-5yr. They are active, cute and eager to learn. They need a teacher or two who help them learn about God's love. Can you help? Contact Heather as soon as possible.
Vacation Bible School
June 11-15, 2018, 5:30-8:30pm
Many thanks to everyone who has volunteered for VBS already. There's still plenty of room for more! We need group leaders, drivers, leaders, and donations for transportation. Contact
if you would like to volunteer. VBS will run from 5:30-8:30pm each night with dinner for the first 45 minutes and regularly scheduled programming from 6:30-8:30pm.
REGISTER YOUR CHILDREN (grandchildren, neighbors, friends,...)
On May 27th, the church held a special meeting to vote
on a proposal from the Elders to begin the process of changing the name of our church. The results were 51 yes and 3 no.
Stay tuned for the next steps of proceeding with a name change.
An updated directory is now available. Please pick-up your copy from the church office. An electronic copy is available upon request. Contact Dina (
919-967-3056), with any additions or corrections.
You are invited to join with your brothers and sisters in Christ to pray for God's help and guidance for HillSong Church. This special time will be held on
Thursday evenings beginning June 21st at 7:00pm.
in the worship center. The first prayer gathering will be a prayer walk inside and outside the church led by Susan Dunn.
The Web of Meaning -
from Pastor Rob
"We (humans) weave our lives into a web of words, like spiders who spin their creations from within themselves and trap reality in these very meshes - from moment to moment, in both silent monologue and social discourse, and across the divide of time, as we learn about the past and communicate it."
It may be impossible, but give this a try. Imagine you are outside your own life, looking in at it, as an observer. If you were a fly on the kitchen wall, observing your life, watching the interactions with family members, seeing from all points of view, hearing every phone conversation, watching emails and texts read, what would you see? It's hard. We don't observe our own lives, we live them. This is akin to asking a fish to be consciously aware of the ocean. But try it.
What are the words that you use to make sense of the world in which you live? If you were looking at our house, hearing the back-and-forth between my wife and me, you might hear one of us say in a mock old man voice, "I'm freezing," or, "get off my lawn." Usually this is followed up by a giggle. You have no idea what we're discussing or what we mean by this phraseology, but here's hint: it has little to do with temperature or grass. Maybe you'd pick it up from context, maybe not. Based on circumstance, tone, and past experience, Candy and I understand one another perfectly with such phrases. These are a part of the web of words in which we live, a web we've woven over 15 years of marriage.
For more detail on the amounts in the Financial Snapshot, see the April 2018 Financial Statement. Copies are available at the back of the Worship Center on the Information Table.