Here's what's BUZZING at Holy Spirit!
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Welcome Everyone!
Whether you are visiting with us or a member of Holy Spirit, we are so grateful that you are here. If you would like more information about all that Holy Spirit has to offer you or your family, feel free to contact any of our staff or council members. We are always glad to help!

Below you will find everything you need to know about current events at HSELC.
Grow With Us!
We have so many wonderful things happening at Holy Spirit! Be sure to scroll all the way to the bottom of this newsletter to see everything that is happening. Some email platforms require you to click "view entire message" to see everything!

Holy Spirit offers many convenient ways to give and we sincerely appreciate your support.

We are loved by a generous God. Out of pure love we are sustained, forgiven, and empowered. We respond by giving. We give our time, our energy, our resources, and our very selves. This is how we best acknowledge we are the Lord's and ​all we have comes from God's generous hand.

  • Text to give

  • Visit our giving kiosk located in the church narthex

  • Mail your check to: Holy Spirit Evangelical Lutheran Church, 3075 Bees Ferry Road, Charleston, SC 29414. Envelopes are available on the table by the sanctuary doors or in the pews.

  • You may also place your envelope in the offering plate during the Worship Service.
Altar Flower Openings
We currently have open dates on the 2023 flower calendar. If you would like to sign up for any of the open Sundays listed below, email the church office.
Available Dates:
June 18
July 23 & 30
August 20 & 27
November 5 & 12
December 10, 17, 24 & 31
It's Tea Time!
Saturday, April 29th

Hats and gloves are optional, but always admired and appreciated!
Church Picnic
Sunday, May 7th
Join the youth of Holy Spirit on May 7th for a picnic at Pastor Jeff's house after church! We will have lunch and head to the petting zoo.

There is no cost to participate, but you may bring monetary donations to help support the petting zoo.

ALL are welcome to join!
The next all committee meeting is scheduled for THURSDAY May 11th
Bring a snack to share!
All Committee Meeting
If you are not currently serving on a committee, but would like to help out and join in... just show up! Your participation is needed as we continue to grow.

Committee Chairs - don't forget to submit your meeting minutes to the church office and to Drema Johnson to be added to the notebook by the mailboxes!
New Members Class
If you are interested in becoming a member of Holy Spirit or would like to learn more, join us at the upcoming new members class!
Saturday, May 13th
Lunch will be provided
Join us for Mother's Day
Sunday, May 14th is all about the Mothers and we would like to celebrate you!

All of our wonderful Holy Spirit children and youth are needed to help in the celebration with a song from the Children's Choir and a special Children's Sermon with Mr. Justin.

Make plans for you and your family to join us!
Graduation Sunday
May 21st
If you or anyone you know is graduating this year, please let the church office know!

We will be celebrating all of our 2023 graduates with breakfast before church and a special blessing during the 11:00am service.
Join Us on Pentecost Sunday!
May 28th - 11:00am
Pentecost is a Christian holiday which takes place on the 50th day after Easter Sunday. It commemorates the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles and other followers of Jesus Christ while they were in Jerusalem celebrating the Feast of Weeks, as described in the Acts of the Apostles.

Get your best red outfit ready and join us for worship! We will also be receiving new members into our church family at the 11:00am service.
Wednesday Nights at Holy Spirit
Wednesday nights are so much fun and we are excited for everyone to join us! Check out our schedule for the remainder of this season and make plans for you and your entire family to participate in this wonderful mid-week connection. Be a part of something fun and exciting while enjoying some good food and fellowship. Not having to cook, faith, music and friends- a win win!

Wednesday Night Schedule
Dinner (Soup and Sandwiches)

5:45 - 6:15pm
Children's Choir

6:15 - 6:30pm
Evening Prayer Service

6:30 - 7:30pm
English Handbell Choir Rehearsal

7:30 - 9:00pm
Chancel Choir Rehearsal
Our last Wednesday night for the season will be May 31st!
Don't miss Holy Spirit night at the Joe! Join your Holy Spirit family with special seating right behind home plate on June 2nd as our choir sings the National Anthem. We have a limited number of tickets available and they're going fast! Reserve your tickets by clicking the button below to email Deacon Ashlyn.
Piccolo Spoleto L'Organo Concert
Join us Sunday, June 4th at 4:00pm as we welcome the Piccolo Spoleto L'Organo concert series back to Holy Spirit and Jihye Choi to the Quarterman organ!

This concert is free to everyone and we would like to have a packed house. Make your plans to attend!
This Year's Artist
For L'Organo's annual "Off the Peninsula" recital, we present rising star Jihye Choi. A native of Korea, she has studied at the University of Cincinnati, and is currently pursuing a doctorate at Indiana University studying with Janette Fishell. She has won prizes in Korea, Australia and the US. Her brilliant program includes Mendelssohn's 4th Sonata, and works of Bach and Schumann; she finishes with the stupendous Etude Symphonique of Enrico Bossi, a tour de force for the pedals (so we're going to try and arrange for people to see her virtuosity on the feet, as well as hearing it!)
12 Openings Left for Lutheridge Day Camp at Holy Spirit
Lutheridge Day Camp is coming to Charleston! The fun includes games, crafts, snacks, learning, music, skits, and so much more during this week-long camp!

For over 25 years Lutheridge in Arden, NC, has been partnering with churches to bring a taste of summer camp to their communities. Lutheroad Day Camps are more than a traditional Bible school experience - the trained counselor staff brings special resources, including music, arts and crafts, games nature program and Bible study. This is sure to be an amazing week of growing in our faith and having a LOT of fun learning about God's abundant love for us!

The summer 2023 day camp is a partnership between the Lutheran Church of the Redeemer and Holy Spirit Lutheran Church. It is open to students in grades K through 5 during the 2022-23 school year. 

WHO: finished K5 through 5th graders

WHEN: June 12-16 9am-4pm
Opening Cookout at Redeemer Lutheran Sunday, June 11

WHERE: Holy Spirit, 3075 Bees Ferry Rd

HOW MUCH: $200 per camper for the week

Please Register HERE.

If you happen to be a Thrivent member and would like to direct your Thrivent Choice Dollars towards this ministry, would like to contribute towards camper scholarships, or would like to find another way to help (volunteering to help serve meals or offer a place to stay for the counselors, etc.) please reach out to Pastor Ryan Lyles or Ashlyn Cox.

Help is needed for Lutheridge Camp!
Wednesday drivers to Charlestowne Landing
Snack Helpers
Decorators for VBS

We are also looking for anyone that is willing to host 2 counselors from Lutheridge for the week.
Plan to attend Vacation Bible School!
June 19-22
Evenings from 5:30-7:30pm
Dinner will be served

Celebration Sunday will be June 25th during the 11:00am worship service!

Join us on our quest as we put on the armor of God and explore the strength of God's amazing power with our theme KNIGHTS OF THE NORTH CASTLE! 
Children's and Youth ministries need new markers, glue sticks and construction paper. Contact Deacon Ashlyn if you are able to donate any or all of these items.
SC SYNOD Assembly
Join our delegates at this year's Synod Assembly in Columbia, SC June 8-10th!

If you are interested in registering, click the link below.
Join Us for Another Fun Summer Camp with Children's Musical Message!
Join us July 17th - 23rd for a week of FUN and MUSIC as we learn all about the classic Old Testament story of Joseph as retold in the exuberant times and music of the 50’s. It’s surfer beats, leather jackets, and surfboards, but the gospel truth remains the same … trust the Lord with all your heart.

Summer music camp is open to children ages 5 to15 and ALL are welcome! There is no fee to participate and we would love to have your children join us every day from 8:00am to 12:00pm with a dress rehearsal on Saturday 7/22/23 and our performance during the 11:00am worship service on Sunday 7/23/23!
Your Help is Needed
Our Sunday nursery needs adult volunteers to help watch our children during the 11:00am worship service. Nursery attendants must be Darkness to Light certified. If you are willing to help, contact the church office or Deacon Ashlyn.

The worship service is broadcast on a television in the nursery so you won't miss a beat!
Summer Movie Night
July 7th
Make plans for you and your family to join us for a fun movie night at Holy Spirit! More details to come soon.
The Holy Spirit Chancel Choir is ALWAYS looking for new voices. It's never too late to join! We are especially in need of more tenors and basses to create a more balanced sound.

If you are interested in joining, contact Justin at
Thank you to EVERYONE who made Holy Week and Easter the most blessed season!
Did You Know...
The red wagon in the connector helps to keep our Blessing Box filled. The Blessing Box (located at the entrance of our church property) is visited daily by those in need from the local area. Your donations to this ministry mean so much to our local neighbors. Please keep our red wagon in mind when you shop for your family and consider blessing another family in need, too, with non-perishable food donations. 
Stay Connected With Holy Spirit!
Holy Spirit Connection Form
To stay connected with one another, please fill out this form each time you watch online, participate in person, or just need to reach the Pastor with any information, prayer requests or concerns. We also have hard copies of this form that you can fill out in person and place in the offering plate.

Connection forms are confidential and are seen only by the Pastor.

Find Us on YouTube
Did you know Holy Spirit has a YouTube Channel? Look for Holy Spirit Lutheran Church Charleston SC and click that subscribe button! This is a wonderful opportunity to view and share our online services and more!
Prayer List
Our book for prayer requests has been moved to the podium right next to the votive station in the back corner of our sanctuary.

If you connect with Holy Spirit online, you may also add your prayer request to the digital connection card.
Please notify the church office or the pastor if you have any spiritual needs or desire pastoral conversation.
Congregational Announcements
Sundays 9:45am

Sunday School for All Ages
Sundays 10:00-10:30am

History & Records Scrapbooking Workday
Mondays 9:00-11:30am

Organ Practice - No Sanctuary Access
Mondays 9:30-11:00am

Staff Meeting
Mondays 11:00am

Plantation Singers Rehearsal - Puppet Building
Mondays 5:30-7:30pm

Crafters' Workday
Tuesdays 2:30pm
Submissions for The Bees Ferry Buzz

Submissions for the Buzz are due to Justin by 9:00 a.m. each Friday for inclusion in the coming week's Monday newsletter.

Email or put your written announcement in Justin's mailbox.

The Bees Ferry Buzz is looking for digital photos of the church buildings and grounds, past activities and gatherings, and photos of YOU for inclusion in this newsletter. Please drop off a jump drive to the church office, upload them to our Shutterfly account, or email them to Justin at
Holy Spirit Evangelical Lutheran Church
3075 Bees Ferry Road
Charleston, SC 29414