Letter from the President


Welcome to the 2022-2023 soccer season. We hope you are all excited for our new teams and a fresh start as we enter into the Fall season!

We had great turnout for tryouts and are very excited by our overall numbers. This was even more evident in our younger age groups. We had enough U8-U10 players try out that we are able to have a U8 boys team for the first time.

We also have very strong number is our U9-U10 age groups. This year there will be 2 U9 girls teams, 3 U9 boys team and 3 teams for both the U10 boys and girls. This is amazing and will keep our program strong as these athletes grow and develop.

As we enter the new season, let's remember the Sideline Project that many of us took in April. We continue to have a shortage of coaches and referees and much of this continues to be due to parent and player behavior. As parents, let's continue to reflect on how we can promote a culture of positivity to our athletes, our coaches who spend countless hours with our kids, our opponents, and the referees who officiate our games. Not to be too redundant from my last newsletter but this continues to be so important.

A positive sideline culture will keep more players playing.

A positive sideline culture will keep more coaches coaching.

A positive sideline culture will keep more referees refereeing.

While on the topic of referees, we continue to have a significant shortage. I encourage anyone who is interested, to take the required coursework and become a soccer referee. The age limit is 13 years of age or older. If anyone has questions about becoming a soccer official you can reach out to our referee coordinator, Wes Schaller, [email protected].

Wishing everyone a fun and successful fall season! Again, if anyone has questions, concerns or suggestions on how to continue to improve our member’s experience, please do not hesitate to reach out.


Jim Cavallaro
President, Prior Lake Soccer Club


Meet our first ever U8 Boys team!

We are super excited for our Fall Season to begin. We have 331 players competing this Fall. In addition to our record numbers of U9 – U10 players, we also have our first ever U8 Boys team competing in the TSCL 5’s league. They will be practicing and participating in three jamboree events this fall hosted by Twin Cities Soccer League. WOWZA – we are excited about our FUTURE!!

We will miss you Coach Bleick!

We will miss Coach Max Bleick this Fall coaching our U13 Boys but we are excited for Max to be spending a semester in Spain! This will be Max’s third year coaching for PLSC and he has done a fantastic job with the U13’s. We look forward to hearing about all of his adventures and him getting back on the field with the boys when he returns.

Where are you going this semester?

Toledo Spain

What are most looking forward to while in Spain?

I’m looking forward to meeting new people and learning about Spanish culture.

Will you be attending any soccer games? 

I would love to see Real Madrid play in the Santiago Bernabéu stadium but have not made any plans yet.

Why Spain? 

I chose Spain because I want to learn Spanish and have been listening to my parents and sisters talk about their amazing trips to Spain for many years.

What are you majoring in? 

Supply Chain and Operations Management

What is your graduation date? 

Spring 2024

Dream job? 

My dream job would be coaching an MLS team.

What do you like most about coaching the u13 boys? 

The u13 boys are a joy to coach because they want to get better and love to laugh.

What will you miss most about your team? 

I will miss seeing their growth day in and day out.

We will miss you Coach Bleick!


One of the greatest assets we have as a soccer club is our brand and logo. 


Why? Because it is a visual representation of what sets us apart from other clubs and it is what makes us recognizable to our members, our staff, our families, our community and communities abroad.  


Typically, a brand has a logo and set of guidelines that define its purpose, vision, mission and values as well as its personality and tone. The guidelines also include appropriate usage of the logo, color palette, typeface, size, spacing, etc. An important objective when creating a brand is to be consistent with its usage when communicating across multiple audiences. 


We may not always talk about it, but our Board and staff place a high priority and put a lot of thought into how our logo is being used and applied across all of our communications, banners, uniforms, swag, etc. It is important for us to be seen as a professional organization and to create a strong impression that consistently communicates who we are with all of our constituents. 


Today, we ask everyone in our PLSC community to consider the work we are doing to build a professional image for our club and to help us remain consistent with developing our brand. We truly embrace PLSC pride and everyone's desire to promote the club. Moving forward however, we would like to remind everyone that logo usage and application requires permission prior to using it. For example, applying the logo to apparel like t-shirts and hoodies, on mugs, banners, bags, team gear, etc. requires a review and approval from our Board and staff. As we move forward, we encourage everyone to always be thinking about being consistent with our brand and we are open to your ideas for other branded items not currently being offered. 


Any questions or ideas regarding logo usage, please contact [email protected]


Summer Training Camp Fun!


Winter Training

Winter Training information will be posted soon and registration will open September 9th!

See you on the fields!

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