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UU Church West E-News

Sunday, November 26, 2023 - 10:00 AM CT

"When Charity is Toxic"


Rev. Julie Stoneberg

Just like a Thanksgiving turkey isn't always done perfectly, our best attempts to do things 'right' can be misguided, and even cause harm. How is it that our desire to be generous sometimes goes off the rails? What 'best practices' can guide our generosity?

Due to the holiday weekend, there will be no regular Religious Education classes. Group RE will be offered for grades 4K - 8 but youth are always welcome to stay in the Sanctuary during service.



COVID Has Not Gone Away 

Thanksgiving and group gatherings are upon us. Don't forget about testing and practicing care. In fact...

A couple who were present at our service on Nov 19th and interacted with a lot of people have notified us that they have covid. It's likely they were contagious on Sunday, so please take the necessary precautions. 

In Memorium

Oliver Dane


Feb. 5, 1999 - Nov. 15, 2023

Please join us as we honor the memory of Oliver, son of UUCW member Nicole Grandstrand and Lee Carmichael.

Visitation will be held on Saturday, December 2nd at Unitarian Universalist Church-West from 1:00 pm until the start of service at 3:00 pm. 


You can help provide support (both financially and for meals) to the family during this difficult time.


Volunteers are needed to bring food for the visitation, greet guests, and help assist in clean up after the service.


Thanksgiving is a time when families and friends come together to celebrate the blessings of the past year.

The National Day of Mourning, which takes place on the same day, is a time to remember the true history of Thanksgiving and honor the Indigenous Peoples of this land. It serves as a reminder of the devastating impact of colonization on Indigenous Peoples, and the ongoing struggles they face for sovereignty, self-determination, and cultural survival.

As we gather with loved ones this Thanksgiving, let us reflect on the true history of this holiday and the ongoing struggles of Indigenous Peoples.

Join the Solstice Singers!

Dec. 21 - Winter Solstice service

at 7 pm

You’ve seen this small group of singers leading chants and special music at our EarthSpirit services. Give it a try for this year’s Winter Solstice service.

There will be two rehearsals prior to the service: Tuesday, December 12 and Tuesday, December 19, both at 7 pm.

If interested, please contact Ruben Piirainen.

Multigenerational Christmas Choir

Dec. 24 Christmas Eve at 10 am

We’re putting together a festive all-ages group of voices for our morning Christmas Eve service.

You do not need to know how to read music to be in this choir! Bring your kids or your grandkids or your neighbors or just yourselves! There is a place for everyone in this choir. There will be two rehearsals prior to the service: Tuesday, December 12, and Tuesday, December 19, both at 6 pm.

If interested, contact Ruben Piirainen.

EarthSpirit Meeting

Join the Earth Spirit Team as they plan the upcoming Winter Solstice Celebration. The meeting will be held at 11:30 am on Sunday, November 26th and will last about one hour.

Please send me any readings, poems, ritual actions, etc. that you'd like to explore for this service. All are welcome! Contact Melissa Musante if you have any questions.

You're invited to a

Reflection Salon (wait? what?)

Wednesday, Dec 6, 5-6:30 pm

Got some big feelings about UUCW that need an outlet? Join Rev. Julie for a wine and cheese 'salon'... a time of sharing personal reflections on the ways in which UUCW is important...what it means to you and how it inspires you to live. Signing up to share your feelings with the community (spoken or written) is optional; this time together is simply a way to gather our brain/heart murmurings through conversation.

Location will be shared with those who RSVP to Rev. Julie.

Why We Cannot Turn Away 

December 9th, 9:30am – 12:30pm

This event has been re-scheduled from its original Nov. 18 date. A potluck lunch will follow for any wishing to continue the conversation informally.

Let's gather to watch an excellent webinar created by the help us deepen our understanding in truth and possibility. This event is for those who want to take a deep dive, and who are willing/able to take the time to reflect and to dialogue. This is not a public event.


Earth Ministry Team Reccommends Another

Planet-Friendly Gift Option

As the holiday season approaches, many of us start thinking about gift-giving. However, Karen Zimmerman from the Earth Ministry Team, reminds us that our consumerist culture can have a significant impact on the environment. This is where alternative gift-giving comes in. By choosing alternative gifts, we can reduce waste and minimize our carbon footprint.


Join the Welcome Team!

You can bring joy to folks just by making and serving coffee! COFFEE SIGN-UP

You can help make our church a welcoming place. GREETER SIGN-UP

Ushers are a core element of our in-person worship. USHER SIGN-UP

Greet and answer questions for our visitors. NEWCOMER TABLE SIGN-UP

If you or someone you know needs Pastoral Care, contact Rev. Julie or the Lay Pastoral Care Team.

Enter your Joy or Concern with the link below and choose whether you'd like them shared in the e-news or shared privately with Rev. Julie.



December Donation Rotation:

Holiday Decorations and Gifts

After Service on December 3rd

Earth Ministry offers you a place to recycle unused gifts or holiday decorations such as ribbons, wrapping paper, tinsel, candles, nutcrackers, bells, Santas, angels, Menorahs, and Christmas cards after the service.

Browse and find a Holiday treasure for your home, office, or schoolroom. You do not need to bring anything to take something. Please, do not bring items to church before Dec. 3rd.

Our Split the Plate Partner is

Healing Intergenerational Roots

HIR is a survivor and women-led matriarchal organization providing the next generation of care to victims of crime and violence. 


UUCW Supports the

Kinship Community Food Center for November and December

Kinship Community Center engages volunteers and community residents to end hunger, isolation, and poverty.



Gr. 7-9 OWL: Coming Soon!

UUCW invites you to register eligible youth for Our Whole Lives, the UUA’s comprehensive sexuality education program. Facilitators from UUCW and LCUUC will lead weekly Sunday classes from 5:30-8 pm at United UU Congregation in Waukesha beginning Feb. 14. Prior to that, please note the following:

Jan. 14, 1:30 pm: Parent Orientation

Feb. 3, 6 pm: Student “Kick-off”, with games & pizza


From Age-ing to Sage-ing

1-3pm every other Monday

starting Jan. 8

Those interested in deepening their understanding of aging and spiritual elderhood are invited to sign up for this eight-session Adult Religious Education program, to be held in person at UUCW.

Participants will explore their life journeys and elder consciousness through discussions of various chapters of rabbi Schachter-Shalomi’s book From Age-ing to Sage-ing.


Reconsidering Resurrection

for Today

All are welcome to the first presentation and discussion in Topics in Liberal Christian Thought to be held at UUCW on Thursday, December 14th at 10:30 am in Room UL5. The topic for this discussion is Reconsidering Resurrection for Today. Join us as we look at spiritual understandings of The Resurrection in light of more current scholarship.


It's Time for Holiday Decorating!

Friday, December 1

10 am - 12 pm

Help decorate the church foyer and Sanctuary for the upcoming holidays!

Guidance and decorating supplies will be provided. We’ll have holiday cookies and festive music!

Come and stay for as long as you are able. Maybe stay for "Lunch with Rev. Julie" at noon. Contact Kelly Bognar, Communications and Marketing Specialist, if you have any questions.

Join "Afterthoughts,"

the small-group discussion

held after the service in UL4.

Grab a coffee and head to UL4. to reflect on the morning service with others. Discussion prompts are posted on the room's bulletin board.

CommUUnity Connections provides a helping hand to support members of the church community in times of need.

Mary Wierman is the CommUUnity Connections coordinator for November.


Beyond UU Church West

Click below for community events and resources from outside our church that align with our UU values and may be of interest to members and friends.



Last Sunday, the children in our Primary Soul Matters religious education class prepared for the upcoming Thanksgiving holiday with games and activities. Happy Thanksgiving to all!

Next Sunday, December 3, 2023 - 10:00 AM CT

"The Mystery and Magic of Community Effervescence"

Rev. Julie Stoneberg

Coming together in community is like a magnificent science experiment! We bring our ingredients, combine them, give them a little shake, and how this can result in joy and meaning remains a beautiful mystery. Let’s keep the grand experiment going!

Our theme for December is “The Gift of Mystery.”

Ruben Piirainen will provide us with beautiful music. 

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Grounded in love, UUCW is a joyful community

committed to spiritual growth, inclusion, and justice.