A Message from Our President, Diane McGeoch
PRAYING OUR GOODBYES AUGUST 2024 PRESIDENT’S LETTER Praying Our Goodbyes is the title of a book by Joyce Rupp focusing on the spiritual aspect of saying goodbye. I read this book several years ago during some major changes in my life. I am reading it again, as it applies to many aspects of my life and ministry now. In a sense, we are all saying goodbye to someone or something throughout our lives and ministries. My friend Tami is moving out of state soon, to be closer to her daughter. My nephew started a new job recently, he loves his work, but hates the longer commute. My neighbor is moving away, we’ve come to know each other through many conversations over the fence in our adjacent back yards. We could all think of situations in our lives and relationships where our loved ones are leaving something behind and moving on. It is time to say goodbye to the Christian Education Network of the ELCA. We will finalize our relationship with the Association of Partners in Christian Educators in September. We are leaving something behind and at the same time creating something new. We will not exist as the CE Network in the same way, but our work of supporting faith formation leaders will continue in new ways with new relationships. Goodbyes are difficult, but they are also teachable moments. They help us focus on important questions. There is loss in letting go, but there can also be excitement in a new beginning. We’ve spent the last year in the CE Network asking important questions about our mission, and letting go of the past as we enter a new future. We ask God to be with us as we acknowledge the ending and prepare for the new beginning. Please join us in a zoom celebration of the Christian Education Network, on Monday, September 30, at 7 pm Eastern. As we say goodbye, we will also say hello to new ways of being in community and supporting each other.
Diane McGeoch
Christian Education Network of the ELCA