A Message from Our President, Diane McGeoch
“Get yourself a nice leather journal, a cheap composition notebook, or a pad of Post-It notes to act as a depository for your bits of astonishment - your little seeds of goodness. Hone in on three things during the last 24 hours that were remarkable and write them down. Write down three things for which you are grateful.” Joanna Macy and Molly Young Brown, Coming Back to Life Gabriola Island, New Society Publishers, 2014
I’ve never been good at keeping a regular journal. My efforts have been sporadic at best, but I am good at the practice of writing things down. I often save a thought or idea on my phone, put a note to myself on my desk, or use a scrap of paper to remember something. During the pandemic, I redesigned my office and purchased a new desk and bookshelves. This meant I had to clean out and organize the old desk, and I found piles of these notes to myself and scraps of paper. They are now in my new desk.
Every scrap of paper or note represents an invitation; a moment to be grateful, an idea I wanted to turn into a project, a book or quote I wanted to record. All these invitations together create a movement of sorts in one’s life. I treat these scraps of paper with great value because they help me see the world in a new way or give me a new perspective. The Holy Spirit is acting through each piece of paper to invite me into a new way of being