Our Mission: Supporting lifelong faith formation in the home and congregation
Heavenly Father,
Thank you for making all things new! As another new year begins, help us live each day for you. May we continually have a new song in our hearts, no matter what comes our way. We know that your mercies are new every morning, and nothing ahead of us will take you by surprise.
A Message from Our President, Diane McGeoch
We often select star words at this time of year, as part of our Epiphany celebrations. This word guides and influences us throughout the year to come. One word that has been on my mind and heart recently is faithfulness. There are so many dimensions to this word. We are faithful because others are faithful. Our faithfulness looks and feels different depending on our gifts, ministry, setting, background, personality, and so many other factors.
I wrote in my December 2022 letter, "We’ve been faithful people, being the church in new ways.” This faithfulness has enabled us to create, design and implement new ways of faith formation across the church. I am continually amazed at the many ministries and programs I hear and read about, in just about every kind of setting. There are as many new ways of doing things as there are gifts and creativity. We learned during the pandemic, and continue to learn, how our church is much more than a building. Our gifts and creativity are being released into the lives and communities of those we serve In countless ways.
The Gift of LOVE Endowment Campaign
For next four weeks, we are focusing on THE GIFT OF LOVE Endowment Campaign. Our four themes are Leadership, Outreach, Vision and Encouragement. These themes express what our Network is all about! Our goal is to raise $9000, which will be matched, thanks to a generous donor for a total of $18,000! The interest on these monies will be used to support education and training across our Network. Each week, a Christian educator will reflect on a theme.
Look for the first email tomorrow morning!
It is Well with My Soul
Self-Care and Sabbath Resources
This article from Building Faith by Ardelle Walters describes her journey into more intentional ways of self-care, and includes simple practices and rituals that can be incorporated into a daily routine. These practices can be affirming and life-giving for leaders who are often called to care for others.
Come Away My Beloved is a Tending the Soul Retreat offered in person and online by the Christos Center on March 18. The invitation is to consider whose we are and who we are, during a quiet time with guided reflections. The facilitator is Mariann Stangeland, a spiritual director. Christos Center for Spiritual Formation is a community of individuals who practice and teach contemplative spirituality. There are many online and in person offerings throughout the year..
Practical Resources for Churches has a list of recorded webinars with a wide variety of topics and offerings. Relationships are Key in a Post Pandemic Church is a webinar that emphasizes connections and community, and includes creating space for oneself, and strengthening relationships with neighbors and partners. Other webinars in this catalog are useful for exploring balance in ministry, and engaging in spiritual practices.
Book Review
Title: 12 Tiny Things: Simple Ways to Live a More Intentional Life
Authors: Heidi Barr and Ellie Roscher
Reviewed by: Diane McGeoch, President, CENetwork of the ELCA
This book spoke to me in profound ways as I was recovering from foot surgery and living into new ways of self-care. Anytime you experience an illness or surgery it can raise questions about routine, schedule, involvements, and aspects of self-care that may need attention. My life slowed down dramatically for several weeks. I could not put weight on my right foot, was wearing a boot, and using a knee scooter to get around.
I was much more mindful of my movement during this time. I could not do anything quickly because of my foot, so I needed to pay attention to every part of my routine. Reaching for a book on a shelf, bending down to pet one of my cats, opening a kitchen cupboard all became very intentional, deliberate movements. This book invites us to live into an intentional life by taking simple actions that can be incorporated into our routines, rituals, and practices.
Christian Education Network of the ELCA
Check out our Facebook group and
join the conversations!
Building a community which equips, encourages and empowers those engaged in lifelong faith formation in a changing world, the CENetwork will:
- Identify and evaluate resources and educational opportunities
- Facilitate communication and conversations
- Offer guidance, networking and mutual support
- Nurture spiritual growth online and face-to-face
How You Can Support the Christian Education Network
You can become a member or make a one-time donation via PayPal on our website; or, you can purchase from AmazonSmile and designate The Christian Education Network as your charity. We receive a percentage of the proceeds!
Contact Us
CENetwork of the ELCA
PO Box 250009
Holly Hill, FL 32125