July 2019
July Birthdays
Laura Booth (7/2)
William Suehs (7/17)
Dana Brower (7/26)
Andrea Cobert (7/2) David Seng (7/19) Nelson Keller (7/26)
Sheva Myers (7/10)
Tara Storm (7/21)
Carl Bradley (7/14)
Merone Tennant (7/22)

Summer Vacation Bible Camp continues!
sontreasure_vbs logo
During the month of July, we will be using lessons from SonTreasure Island VBS. Each Sunday children will discover the rich treasure of God's love through the truths found in 1 Corinthians 13. They will learn how Jesus' life illustrates key truths about God's love as described in this treasured passage of Scripture. Each Sunday will have the following themes:
  • July 7 - God's Love is Giving
  • July 14 - God's Love Is Kind
  • July 21 - God's Love Is Caring
  • July 28 - God's Love Is Forgiving
Workers are needed. Contact Faye if you can help
Join In!
Durham Bulls!
WoolEBull and kids
Hey HillSong, your church family is going to a baseball game and would love for you to come. Join your HillSong friends on Sat, July 13th to watch the Durham Bulls play the Norfolk Tides. Opening pitch is 6:35pm. Come and be part of the fun. James Hollingsworth  and Tabitha Storm 
have more information, but they need to hear from you TODAY if you want to go.
Gardeners Wanted
Are you someone who doesn't mind working with your hands outside? Some of our garden areas need weeding, pruning and thinning.  Contact Dina  for more information.
Your Help Needed
        Churches are both shrinking and aging as more young people disengage. Churches will need to adjust to this shift and employ a strategy to involve and retain young people. To this end, HillSong is participating in "Growing Young", a project of the Fuller Youth Institute based on groundbreaking research with over 250 of the nation's leading congregations.
        Help us assess where we are as a church by taking the Growing Young Assessment. We would like everyone to fill this out by Sunday, July 14th. You can take it online here.
        If you are unable to take the survey online or would prefer a paper survey, we can provide one upon request. Contact Nooshin if you have any questions.
May Numbers
The May financial snapshot was unavailable to include in this month's News2Use. For current information regarding church finances, see the May 2019 Financial Statement. Copies are available at the back of the Worship Center on the Information Table.
On the Road with Young Disciples  - from Pastor Rob
windy road
        As I write, I am in a rented minivan, me with 5 others. We are a pastor, a youth pastor, two 11th graders, a 10th grader, and a 6th grader. We are a small church youth group on our way to our summer youth mission trip.
       We've already played the license plate game, the alphabet game, and other car games. We had a few laughs and then settled into silence that was only interrupted by the question "when (on this 5-hour drive) are we stopping for lunch?"
        It is a privilege to be with our church's teenagers on this trip. Our church has sent kids on this type of trip every year for 13 years. I have been on 3 of these trips and supported all the others with my prayers. For me and for the entire church, this is part of our work in forming these kids in the image of Christ. This is discipleship.
        So, pray for our teens as they are on mission in South Carolina. Pray for safety and fun, yes, but even more than that, pray that in all they do this week, they will see Christ. And in seeing Christ, pray that they would be drawn to Him. This is part of our calling as the church, as the body of Christ. And as we see each of them grow in faith, it is our joy.