
January 2024

Special Business Meeting - Sunday, January 7

servant's towel

The Elders are pleased to announce that Tom Ross and Vickie Pashion are the nominees to join the Deacon Board for the 2024-2026 term. We will have a special election on January 7 following the worship service to confirm the nomination. Thank you to Todd Baker and Greg Myers who are rotating off the board.



Diane Asbill (01/02)

Brenda Stiles (01/03)

Henry Tennant (01/29)

Hong Zhou (1/30)

Follow Jesus, Love Others, Share Hope

"Resolve to be Kind" From Pastor Rob

Helping Hand

      It is included in one of Paul’s so-called “virtue lists” (2 Corinthians 6:6). It is the way God will give grace when are gathered to him in his eternal kingdom (Ephesians 2:7). It is fruit produced in us when the Holy Spirit fills us, works in our lives, and through our lives (Galatians 5:22).

      Kindness. The United States of America desperately needs a tsunami of kindness to overwhelm us.

      The United States is beginning a presidential election year. Our politics have always been contentious, but the divisions of the past decade rival any from the most bellicose times in our nation’s history. Many of your neighbors are apolitical, but those who have political feelings hold them stridently and in the extreme. And if you are among the masses who would rather avoid politics, you will inevitably be pushed into political conversations by your aggressively partisan neighbors. It’s never a nuanced discussion respecting those who hold different perspectives. It’s always a vicious fight. READ MORE

Next Food Distributions - January 6 & 20 from 11am to 12pm

Our next Food Distributions will be January 6 & 20 at our usual time from 11am to 12pm.


  • Volunteer for one or more of the drive-through food distributions. Many opportunities are available.
  • Donate groceries, we are collecting dry and canned goods. Go to the church website for a more detailed list. Please check the ’sell by’ dates when donating. There is a collection shed outside the church entryway where you can leave your donations.


To volunteer, please use our online Community Sign Up Genius Form. If you have any questions, please contact Candy or Diane.

Rooftop Solar Panels

Solar Energy Update -From John Roberts

Hillside Church has now had the solar energy system providing clean electricity for 1 year. Over the course of a year, the church has reduced its electricity use by 65%. The church's total carbon footprint has been reduced by 38%. We have applied for and should receive a Green Medallion Cool Congregation certificate from the national Interfaith Power & Light for a 30% reduction in carbon footprint. This would be in addition to the 10% reduction in carbon that the church achieved with the lighting change. Hillside Church is the only house of worship in North Carolina that has earned a Cool Congregation certificate.

November Numbers

More detail on the amounts in the Financial Snapshot are in the November 2023 Financial Statement. Hard copies are on the back table in the Worship Center.

tithes & offerings
Your tithes and offerings can be dropped off, mailed, or given electronically. Use the button below or go to our website. 
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