This Week

  • Morning Prayer- Thursday at 8:30 AM in the Church

  • Mass of the Lord's Supper- Thursday at 7 PM in the Church

  • Eucharistic Adoration- Thursday from 8 PM to Midnight

  • Scripture Study- Thursday at 9:30 AM in Parish Center room 5/6

  • Morning Prayer- Friday at 8:30 AM in the Church

  • Office Closed- Friday

  • Confessions- Friday from 12 to 12:30 PM

  • Private Prayer- Friday, Church open from 12 PM-3PM

  • Liturgy of the Lord's Passion- Friday at 3 PM in the Church

  • Stations of the Cross- Friday 7 PM

  • Morning Prayer- Saturday at 8:30 AM in the Church

  • Blessing of the Baskets- Saturday at 12 PM in the Church

  • Easter Vigil Mass- Saturday at 8 PM

  • No Mass Monday- Office closed

  • No meeting Monday- Quilters or Catechism Discussion

  • Holy Hour for Vocations- Tuesday at 7 PM in the Chapel

  • That Man Is You!- Wednesday at 7 AM in room 3/4

  • Divine Mercy Cenacle- Wednesday at 9:15 in room 3/4

  • Quilters- Wednesday at 9:30 AM in Parish Center room 1

  • Holy Hour for Peace- Thursday at 7 PM in the Chapel

Church Information

Easter Mass Times

-Saturday Vigil 8 PM

-Sunday at 7, 9, and 11 AM in the Church, and 9 and 11 AM in the Parish Center

Live Stream- 9 AM Easter Sunday Mass click HERE

Daily Mass Times

-6:30 and 8:30 AM Mass Monday through Saturday

Adoration Schedule for Holy Week 

 -Monday & Tuesday in Holy Week - Adoration 9AM to 8PM.

 -Wednesday & Good Friday in Holy Week - No Adoration

 -Holy Thursday - Adoration from 8PM to Midnight

 -Easter Monday - No Adoration

The rosary is prayed in Adoration from 9:00 to 9:30 AM and the Chaplet of Divine Mercy at 3 PM.

Adorers needed for the following hours to serve weekly:

-Monday- 5 PM and 7 PM

-Tuesday- 6 PM

-Wednesday- 7 PM

-Thursday - 10 AM, 1 PM, and 5 PM

-Friday - 7 PM and First Fridays at 12AM

Email if you can commit to an hour or to join the sub list. Thank you!


-Friday from 7:45-8:15 AM

-Saturday from 9:00-9:30 AM and 4:00-4:45 PM

-By appointment call the Parish Office 610-395-2876


-After 8:30 daily Mass Monday through Saturday in the Chapel

Prayer Requests- Click HERE

-To join our Prayer Team, click HERE

A Few Notes

As it states on the USCCB website, "The summit of the Liturgical Year is the Easter Triduum- from the evening of Holy Thursday to the evening of Easter Sunday. Though chronologically three days, they are liturgically one day unfolding for us the unity of Christ's Paschal Mystery." What is this Paschal Mystery? It refers to the four ideas about the process that Jesus went through to save humanity from sin. These are his life, death, resurrection, and finally, his ascension. Over the course of the next few days, we hope you will take advantage of the opportunities in church to enter into this Paschal Mystery and enrich your sacred journey toward intimacy with our Lord, Jesus Christ.

There's one last chance to truly heal your relationship with Jesus in the Sacrament of Confession on Good Friday from 12-12:30 PM. If you do nothing else this season, make things right with Him. Jesus already knows what you did or didn't do...He loves you and is just waiting for you to admit it! Never underestimate the power of God's grace poured out in the confessional to help us overcome our sins. Our Lord has everything that we need, thanks be to God!

The Divine Mercy Novena begins on Good Friday. You can pray along with us HERE.

Have you ever wondered about the part of our Creed where Jesus descends into hell? This ancient homily which is found in the Liturgy of the Hours on Holy Saturday is thought to be written by one of the early Greek Church Fathers around 300 AD, and it speaks to His descent. You can read it HERE on the Vatican website.

Preparations have already begun for our Flea Market. The following supplies are now being collected. Please place your donations in the bin in the vestibule. Thank you for making our Flea Market a success!

Black sharpie markers, dry erase markers, pens (blue or black), rubber bands, safety pins, masking tape, blue painter's tape, tissues, Dawn dish soap, Goo Gone or Goof Off, Super Glue, Ziplock baggies (all sizes), bags, tissue paper, moving paper, bubble wrap, silver polish, vinegar, Windex, empty spray bottles, heavy duty string/rope, Q-Tips, Brillo pads and Post-It Notes.

Helping Hands Schedule Update


There will be NO GIFT CARD SALES

Good Friday at the Parish Office and

NO SALES before/after all Masses on Easter Weekend


Sales will resume

Tues. April 11th 11-1 in the Parish Office


Feel free to drop any preorders in the collection

baskets, or the white mailbox outside the

Parish Office doors.


Helping Hands would like to wish all of our Parish

Families a wonderful, Blessed Easter!


Save the Date

-Divine Mercy Sunday- 4/16 at 2 PM

-Parish Breakfast- 4/16

-Senior Meeting- 4/18

-Young Adult Meeting- 4/22 (ages 21-35)

-Folk, Celtic, and Blues- Live Music Performance 4/25 at 2 PM

-STJW Men's Retreat at Malvern- 4/28-30 register HERE

Prayer for Our Parish

Dear God,

I believe that you have the ability to convert everyone at St. Joseph the Worker Church and I beg you to perform miracles in our lives that we will come to love you and never want to offend you.

I beg you to let us see our sins and run to the confessional, that the lines will be out the door.

Set the hearts of our priests on fire so that they burn with the desire for the conversion of every soul in the parish.

I implore you to make St. Joseph's a beacon in our diocese, that souls will be drawn by the holiness they find here.

I ask that you blind Satan to every parishioner, that they might have the space to know and love you without temptation.

I offer myself to you completely at whatever the cost.


Bulletin Submissions- Please submit your bulletin submissions to Gina Medvedz at by Monday morning at 9 AM prior to weekend edition.

E-News Submissions- due by Thursday for Friday's issue.

Visit Our Church

The Parish Office is open from 9 AM-4:30 PM, Monday through Friday (closed Good Friday and Easter Monday). If you have a question, email our secretary, Anne, at 

or call the office at 610-395-2876.

If you are interested in registering with the parish, please contact Gina at You must be a registered member for at least three months to be a godparent, Confirmation sponsor, marry, or baptize your child at St. Joseph the Worker. Please register, and remind your adult children to register in a parish near them.

Helping Hands are available for sale Tuesday-Friday, 11 AM-1:00 PM in the Parish Office, or before and after every weekend Mass.

Thank you for continuing to support our parish. You may mail offertory envelopes to the parish office, drop them in the lock-box hanging to the left of the office entrance, or bring them inside during office hours.

We also offer an online system where you have control over how much you donate each week. Click HERE to sign up!

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