This Week

  • Men's Group- Saturday at 9 AM in Parish Center room 3/4
  • Vocations Committee- Monday at 9:30 AM in the Parish Office
  • Labor of Love Crafters- Tuesday at 1 PM in room 3/4
  • OCIA- Tuesday at 7 PM in the Board Room
  • Holy Hour for Vocations- Tuesday at 7 PM in the Chapel
  • Quilters- Wednesday at 9 AM in the Rectory Basement
  • Divine Mercy Cenacle- Wednesday at 9:15 AM in room 3/4
  • Bible Study- Thursday at 9 AM in Parish Center room 5/6
  • Holy Hour for Peace- Thursday at 7 PM in the Chapel

Church Information

Live Stream- 9 AM Mass, click HERE

Daily Mass Times

6:30 and 8:30 AM, Monday through Friday

Weekend Mass Times

-Saturday Vigil at 4 PM

-Sunday Masses at 7, 9 and 11 AM

Adoration Schedule

-Adoration is from 9 AM to 8 PM on weekdays.

-The Rosary is prayed in the Chapel from 9:00 to 9:30 AM after daily Mass and the Chaplet of Divine Mercy at 3 PM when adoration is open.

Adorers needed for the following hours to serve weekly:

-Tuesday- 1 PM

-Wednesday- 10 AM

-Thursday - 1 PM, 3 PM

-Friday - 1 PM, 4 PM

Email if you can commit to an hour or to join the sub list. Thank you!


-Friday 7:45-8:15 AM

-Saturday 9:00-9:30 AM, 3-3:45 PM

-By appointment call the Parish Office 610-395-2876

Prayer Requests- Click HERE

-To join our Prayer Team, click HERE

Capital Campaign donation link HERE

A Few Notes

Join thousands of Catholics nationwide in the annual Respect Life novena, 9 Days for Life, Thursday, January 16 – Friday, January 24. Get daily intentions, brief reflections, and more by signing up at Also, the Knights of Columbus invite you to accompany a group of parishioners in the chapel this Monday through Friday at 6:30 PM to pray the novena together! Praying for those who will be marching is so important, and this novena supports that effort, whether you do it from home or with us.

Get your bus seats now for the March for Life on January 24th in Washington D.C. See below for info on buses that leave from Holy Ghost in Bethlehem or St. Jane's in Easton.

Monday is the last day to register your 8th-12th grader for the Steubenville Youth Conference from June 27th-29th. Register HERE. The form says January 10th, but the final day will be Monday, January 13th.

Altar Flowers are needed for January 19th and 26th. If you would like to remember or honor your loved one on an anniversary or special occasion, please contact Anne in the Parish Office HERE or at 610-395-2876.

Vocations Committee

The Vocations Committee invites all those who pray for priestly vocations to attend our next meeting on Monday, January 13th at 9:30 in the Parish Office Conference Room. We are looking to create a two person leadership and an active membership. Please join us!

All are invited to attend the Holy Hour for Vocations on Tuesday nights at 7 PM in the Chapel.

Trivia at Hops at the Paddock

This is social event (ages 35ish-55ish). Join us for a night out playing team trivia and having some food and drink on January 14th from 7-9 PM. Please RSVP so we can reserve enough seats HERE.

March for Life Buses

St. Jane's in Easton- departing at 7:30 AM and returning around 8:30 PM. Donation of $20. For more info or to reserve a seat contact Andrew HERE or (484)259-7740.

Holy Ghost in Bethlehem- departing at 7 AM. Cost is $30. Returning at 9 PM with a stop for dinner on the return trip at the cost of the traveler. Contact Mary HERE.

Girl Scout troop #654 will be selling cookies after all the Masses next weekend, January 18/19. Cookies are $5 per box, and $6 for gluten-free.

Family Promise will be hosting our homeless families in need, along with Jordan Lutheran Church, during the week of January 12th.  There are still opportunities to help. If you have any questions or want more information about Family Promise at St. Joseph’s please email Fran HERE or call Ruth 484-809-2044. To learn more about Family Promise of the Lehigh Valley click HERE.


Sign up to volunteer HERE.

Cantors Needed

We are in need of more cantors to lead liturgies where the choir is not present. A pleasant singing voice and good public speaking skills are required for this special ministry. Please contact Mark O’Hearn HERE for more information if you are interested.

Choir Rehearsals

Weekly Choir Rehearsals will resume on Thursday January 30th in room 1 of the Parish Center beginning at 7 PM. New members are always welcome. The choir rotates between the 9 and 11 am Sunday liturgies October-late May. For more information please contact Mark O’Hearn HERE.

January is the perfect time to start a new year FRESH and make plans for things you want to accomplish!

Being closer to family is an excellent goal. The Catholic Grandparents Association can help you achieve your goal. Our mission is to help grandparent in their vocation of Passing on the Faith. We can be very helpful to you.

We will be meeting on January 18th at 9:15 AM in the Parish Center.

This year we will continue the chapter review of the book RETURN. Come to our next meeting and see what this is all about. We meet once a month. All grandparents are welcome. Come alone or bring a friend with you to share your traditions with others and learn about theirs.

The Women's Guild is Back!

Save the date, and please join us on Tuesday, February 4, at 6:30 PM, in the Parish Center for an informal gathering with desserts and beverages. It’s time to renew acquaintances and meet new friends. All women of the parish are invited to attend whether you’re 18 or 80+ we look forward to seeing you!

Save the Date

-Family Promise Hosting Week- January 12. Click HERE

-Vocations Committee Meeting- January 13 at 9:30 AM

-M.A.S.S Group (age 35-55)- January 14 at 7 PM & January 29 at 6

-Novena for Life- January 16-24

-Catholic Grandparents Assoc.- January 18 at 9:15 AM

-Girl Scout Cookie Sale- January 18/19 after all Masses

-March for Life- January 24

-Women's Guild- February 4

Pray for Our Parish

Dear God,

I believe that you have the ability to convert everyone at St. Joseph the Worker Church and I beg you to perform miracles in our lives that we will come to love you and never want to offend you.

I beg you to let us see our sins and run to the confessional, that the lines will be out the door.

Set the hearts of our priests on fire so that they burn with the desire for the conversion of every soul in the parish.

I implore you to make St. Joseph's a beacon in our diocese, that souls will be drawn by the holiness they find here.

I ask that you blind Satan to every parishioner, that they might have the space to know and love you without temptation.

I offer myself to you completely at whatever the cost.


Bulletin Submissions- Please submit your bulletin submissions to Gina Medvedz at by Monday morning at 9 AM prior to weekend edition.

E-News Submissions- due by Thursday for Friday's issue.

Visit Our Church

The Parish Office is open from 9 AM-4:30 PM, Monday through Friday. If you have a question, email our secretary, Anne, at 

or call the office at 610-395-2876.

If you are interested in registering with the parish, please contact Gina at You must be a registered member for at least three months to be a godparent, Confirmation sponsor, marry, or baptize your child at St. Joseph the Worker. Please register, and remind your adult children to register in a parish near them.

Helping Hands are available for sale Tuesday-Friday, 11 AM-1:00 PM in the Parish Office, or before and after every weekend Mass.

Thank you for continuing to support our parish. You may mail offertory envelopes to the parish office, drop them in the lock-box hanging to the left of the office entrance, or bring them inside during office hours.

We also offer an online system where you have control over how much you donate each week. Click HERE to sign up!

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