This Week

  • Men's Group- Saturday at 9 AM in Parish Center room 3/4
  • Children's Choir- Sunday at 6 PM in the Church
  • Holy Hour for Vocations- Tuesday at 7 PM in the Chapel
  • OCIA- Tuesday at 7 PM in the Parish Center Board Room
  • TMIY!- Wednesday at 7 AM in room 3/4
  • Quilters- Wednesday at 9 AM in the Rectory Basement
  • Divine Mercy Cenacle- Wednesday at 9:15 AM in rooom 3/4
  • Bible Study- Thursday at 9:30 AM in room 5/6
  • Choir Rehearsal- Thursday 6 PM Contemporary, 7 PM Chancel
  • Holy Hour for Peace- Thursday at 7 PM in the Chapel

Church Information

Live Stream- Cancelled this weekend due to renovations

Daily Mass Times

-Monday through Wednesday at 6:30 AM and 8:30 AM in the Chapel and Saturday at 8:30 AM

Weekend Mass Times

-Saturday Vigil at 4 PM

-Sunday Masses at 7, 9 and 11 AM

Adoration Schedule- Closed Thursday and Friday

-Adoration is from 9 AM to 8 PM on weekdays.

-The Rosary is prayed in the Chapel from 9:00 to 9:30 AM after daily Mass and the Chaplet of Divine Mercy at 3 PM when adoration is open.

Adorers needed for the following hours to serve weekly:

-Tuesday- 1 PM

-Wednesday- 10 AM

-Thursday - 1 PM, 3 PM

-Friday - 1 PM, 4 PM

Email if you can commit to an hour or to join the sub list. Thank you!


-Saturday 9:00-9:30 AM, 3-3:45 PM in the Sacristy

-By appointment call the Parish Office 610-395-2876

Prayer Requests- Click HERE

-To join our Prayer Team, click HERE

Capital Campaign donation link HERE

A Few Notes

Happy Thanksgiving! Mass will be held on Thanksgiving day at 9 AM. We hope to see you there. There will not be any Masses held on Friday.

Once again, Confessions will be held in the sacristy off of the vestibule.

There are Blue Advent Books in a basket in the vestibule. Help yourself while supplies last. There will also be Oplatky available on the same table for $3 per pack of four. You can place your cash or check in the envelope in the basket or get them in the Parish Office during the week.

Lectors: Your 2025 Missels are in the Sacristy for pick-up, labeled with your name. These missels are also available for $5 in the Office for anyone.

The Seven Sisters Apostolate is still looking for one woman interested in committing to a holy hour on Saturdays (at any time) specifically to pray for Monsignor Finelli. Please contact Gina Medvedz HERE if the Holy Spirit is calling you, or for more information. is offering a daily Advent reflection. It's called Rooted, and you can watch a trailer and sign up to receive the daily videos HERE. If you haven't yet signed up for your account, do sign up through our Parish and you will receive it for free! Formed has great movies, books, podcasts and children's programming all for Catholics looking to grow in faith.

Monsignor Finelli is back again this week! Check it out:

December 14 from 5:00 – 7:30 PM

St. Joseph the Worker School Cafeteria

Appetizers @ 5:00 PM; Dinner @ 5:45 PM

We cordially invite you to our Parish Family

Christmas Party. This event is open to all. New to the parish and looking to connect – come on out! Not in the spirit yet – we’ll help you get there! The council will provide main course. Please bring an appetizer, side dish, or dessert. Please make your selection by clicking HERE. If your children are attending, please bring a small wrapped gift (optional). A special guest will be there to hand out. Please R.S.V.P by December 8th to John Fitzpatrick HERE or 610-530-7728.

The following items are needed in our Food Pantry this week. Items should be placed in the basket in the vestibule on the weekend or brought to the Parish Office during the week.

Crackers, Syrup, Pancake Mix, Frosting, Applesauce, Pasta Sauce

Please check expiration dates. We can not use expired food. Thank you!

Youth Conference

There will be an informational meeting on December 4 from 6-8 PM in the School Multi-Purpose room for youth or adults interested in attending the 2025 Steubenville Youth Conference, where high schoolers encounter Jesus Christ and leave as transformed disciples. This can ignite your prayer life, strengthen your faith, and empower you to live on mission long after the conference ends. Questions? Contact our Youth Minister, Annaleigh Gidosh, HERE.

Save the Date

-Giving Tree- November 23-December 15

-Steubenville Youth Conference Meeting- December 4

-Moms & Minis- December 4th

-Little Knight Storytime- December 6

-Immaculate Conception Holy Day- December 9

-Eucharistic Procession- December 11

-Women's Advent Retreat- December 14

-Advent Confessions- December 16

-Give Blood- Now through December 16, schedule HERE

-Monsignor Smith's Birthday- November 20

-Wawa Shorti Coupons- Email Mike HERE, $5 each.

Pray for Our Parish

Dear God,

I believe that you have the ability to convert everyone at St. Joseph the Worker Church and I beg you to perform miracles in our lives that we will come to love you and never want to offend you.

I beg you to let us see our sins and run to the confessional, that the lines will be out the door.

Set the hearts of our priests on fire so that they burn with the desire for the conversion of every soul in the parish.

I implore you to make St. Joseph's a beacon in our diocese, that souls will be drawn by the holiness they find here.

I ask that you blind Satan to every parishioner, that they might have the space to know and love you without temptation.

I offer myself to you completely at whatever the cost.


Bulletin Submissions- Please submit your bulletin submissions to Gina Medvedz at by Monday morning at 9 AM prior to weekend edition.

E-News Submissions- due by Thursday for Friday's issue.

Visit Our Church

The Parish Office is open from 9 AM-4:30 PM, Monday through Friday. If you have a question, email our secretary, Anne, at 

or call the office at 610-395-2876.

If you are interested in registering with the parish, please contact Gina at You must be a registered member for at least three months to be a godparent, Confirmation sponsor, marry, or baptize your child at St. Joseph the Worker. Please register, and remind your adult children to register in a parish near them.

Helping Hands are available for sale Tuesday-Friday, 11 AM-1:00 PM in the Parish Office, or before and after every weekend Mass.

Thank you for continuing to support our parish. You may mail offertory envelopes to the parish office, drop them in the lock-box hanging to the left of the office entrance, or bring them inside during office hours.

We also offer an online system where you have control over how much you donate each week. Click HERE to sign up!

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