Many Notes
Throats will be blessed after all the Masses this weekend in honor of St. Blaise. Here's to your health! Find out more about this tradition HERE.
In response to the request for kneelers for Communion, the first pew of the section in front of the Baptismal font has been removed. If you wish to receive on your knees, proceed down the aisle as usual, enter the row, kneel and wait for the Priest. It may help to sit toward the back of the section, as the Priest will approach the row at the end of distribution. This practice is approved by the Church and always has been. Please do not sit in this row.
As we continue to celebrate Catholic Schools Week, we invite all of our parishioners to stop in at the Open House on Sunday from 12-2 PM. Teens for Life will be there to take family portraits and you can cast a vote for your favorite door in our Door Decorating Contest.
We are asking for your support of our students in the Diocese-wide contest/fundraiser, Make A Joyful Noise. You may have heard our Principal speak of this video last week after Mass. Please cast as many votes as you can. All donations are directed to our school. We are currently in 12th place, so please help! Thank you in advance for your support. Watch the video and vote HERE.
The Knights of Columbus Free Throw Championship is tonight from 4:30-6:30 PM. It's not too late! See below.
As always, we encourage all men to participate in That Man Is You!, which begins this Wednesday (see below). This could be the most important thing you do for your spiritual health, your family, your parish and the community!
Note: The Flower donation is listed incorrectly in the bulletin this weekend. The flowers are in memory of Mike Milot.
There will be no adoration this Monday and Tuesday. Daily Mass will be held as usual.
The Youth Group is meeting this weekend on Sunday, see below.
Finally, please take a few minutes to watch these messages from Msgr. Finelli and Fr. Brelinsky: