This Week

  • Free Throw Championship- Tonight at 4:30 PM in the School
  • Men's Group- Saturday at 9 AM in Parish Center room 3/4
  • Blessing of the Throats- After all Masses this weekend
  • School Open House- Sunday 12-2 PM in the School
  • Bereavement Gathering- Sunday at 12:15 in room 3/4
  • Youth Group- Sunday from 5-7 PM in the School
  • OCIA- Tuesday at 7 PM in the Parish Center Board Room
  • Holy Hour for Vocations- Tuesday at 7 PM in the Chapel
  • That Man Is You!- Wednesday at 7 AM in room 3/4
  • Quilters- Wednesday at 9 AM in the Rectory Basement
  • Divine Mercy Cenacle- Wednesday at 9:15 AM in room 3/4
  • Moms & Minis- Wednesday at 10 AM in room 5/6
  • Bible Study- Thursday at 9 AM in Parish Center room 5/6
  • Choir Practice- Thursday at 7 PM in Parish Center room 1

Church Information

Live Stream- 9 AM Mass, click HERE

Daily Mass Times

6:30 and 8:30 AM, Monday through Friday

Weekend Mass Times

-Saturday Vigil at 4 PM

-Sunday Masses at 7, 9 and 11 AM

Adoration Schedule

-Adoration is from 9 AM to 8 PM on weekdays.

Note: There will be NO ADORATION this Monday and Tuesday due to carpet installation.

-The Rosary is prayed in the Chapel from 9:00 to 9:30 AM after daily Mass and the Chaplet of Divine Mercy at 3 PM when adoration is open.

Adorers needed for the following hours to serve weekly:

-Wednesday- 10 AM

-Thursday - 1 PM, 3 PM

-Friday - 1 PM, 4 PM

Email if you can commit to an hour or to join the sub list. Thank you!


-Friday 7:45-8:15 AM

-Saturday 9:00-9:30 AM, 3-3:45 PM

-By appointment call the Parish Office 610-395-2876

Prayer Requests- Click HERE

-To join our Prayer Team, click HERE

Capital Campaign donation link HERE

Many Notes

Throats will be blessed after all the Masses this weekend in honor of St. Blaise. Here's to your health! Find out more about this tradition HERE.

In response to the request for kneelers for Communion, the first pew of the section in front of the Baptismal font has been removed. If you wish to receive on your knees, proceed down the aisle as usual, enter the row, kneel and wait for the Priest. It may help to sit toward the back of the section, as the Priest will approach the row at the end of distribution. This practice is approved by the Church and always has been. Please do not sit in this row. 


As we continue to celebrate Catholic Schools Week, we invite all of our parishioners to stop in at the Open House on Sunday from 12-2 PM. Teens for Life will be there to take family portraits and you can cast a vote for your favorite door in our Door Decorating Contest.

We are asking for your support of our students in the Diocese-wide contest/fundraiser, Make A Joyful Noise. You may have heard our Principal speak of this video last week after Mass. Please cast as many votes as you can. All donations are directed to our school. We are currently in 12th place, so please help! Thank you in advance for your support. Watch the video and vote HERE.

The Knights of Columbus Free Throw Championship is tonight from 4:30-6:30 PM. It's not too late! See below.

As always, we encourage all men to participate in That Man Is You!, which begins this Wednesday (see below). This could be the most important thing you do for your spiritual health, your family, your parish and the community!

Note: The Flower donation is listed incorrectly in the bulletin this weekend. The flowers are in memory of Mike Milot.

There will be no adoration this Monday and Tuesday. Daily Mass will be held as usual.

The Youth Group is meeting this weekend on Sunday, see below.

Finally, please take a few minutes to watch these messages from Msgr. Finelli and Fr. Brelinsky:

A Bereavement Gathering will be held this Sunday February 2nd, after the 11:00am Mass at 12:15 pm. Join us in the Parish Center room 3/4 at St. Joseph the Worker. Healing takes time and patience. Through sharing with others your spirits will be supported and comforted.

The Youth Group is meeting again this Sunday from 5-7 PM at the school. If this is your first time attending, be sure to bring along a signed participation form which you can find HERE.

Weekly Choir Rehearsals resume this Thursday, February 6th in room 1 of the Parish Center beginning at 7 PM. New members are always welcome. The choir rotates between the 9 and 11 am Sunday liturgies October-late May. For more information please contact Mark O’Hearn HERE.

Lenten Program

This Lent, our parish will be presenting 33 Days to Divine Mercy by Matthew Kelly. You can participate on Zoom on Tuesday evenings at 7 PM beginning on March 11, or in person on Wednesday mornings at 9:30 AM beginning on March 12. There are 6 weekly sessions. To register for a session and order your book, please contact Nancy Clee HERE. The deadline to order is February 9th. After that you can still participate, but you will have to obtain a copy of the book on your own.

The Diocese of Allentown is sponsoring an event for Young Adults based on C.S. Lewis' Fourfold Love. Fr. Keaton Eidle will present and there will be food and beverages included. Join us on Thursday, February 13 from 7-9 PM at St. Elizabeth's in Whitehall. Register HERE

Attention WAWA coupon holders. WAWA has discontinued their Shorti Coupon program. However, all WAWA Shorti Hoagie coupons are valid through 12/31/25. The Knights still have some available for purchase at $5 each. Contact Mike Godorov HERE.

Our Food Pantry is in need of the following:

Sauce, Jelly, Crackers, Peanut Butter

Please check expiration dates and drop your donations in the basket in the vestibule or at the Parish Office during the week between 9-4:30..

Please vote for our School's video in the Make a Joyful Noise competition! Every vote is a donation that goes directly to our school. Thank you for your support! You can vote HERE. We hope to see you at our Open House this weekend.

Save the Date

-Bereavement Gathering- February 2

-That Man Is You!- February 5

-Moms & Minis- February 5

-Men's Discernment Group- February 6 at Cathedral

-Girl Scout Cookies- February 8/9

-Youth Group- February 9

-Diocesan Young Adult Event- February 13

-Vocations Crucifix & St. Mary Statue sign-ups- February 22/23

-Family Promise- Weeks of February 23 and March 2. Sign up HERE

-Night at the Races- March 1

-Men's Lenten Reflection Retreat- March 1

-Lenten Program- beginning March 11 on Zoom at 7 PM

-Lenten Program- beginning March 12 at 9:30 AM

-40 Hours- March 16-18

Pray for Our Parish

Dear God,

I believe that you have the ability to convert everyone at St. Joseph the Worker Church and I beg you to perform miracles in our lives that we will come to love you and never want to offend you.

I beg you to let us see our sins and run to the confessional, that the lines will be out the door.

Set the hearts of our priests on fire so that they burn with the desire for the conversion of every soul in the parish.

I implore you to make St. Joseph's a beacon in our diocese, that souls will be drawn by the holiness they find here.

I ask that you blind Satan to every parishioner, that they might have the space to know and love you without temptation.

I offer myself to you completely at whatever the cost.


Bulletin Submissions- Please submit your bulletin submissions to Gina Medvedz at by Monday morning at 9 AM prior to weekend edition.

E-News Submissions- due by Thursday for Friday's issue

Visit Our Church

The Parish Office is open from 9 AM-4:30 PM, Monday through Friday. If you have a question, email our secretary, Anne, at 

or call the office at 610-395-2876.

If you are interested in registering with the parish, please contact Gina at You must be a registered member for at least three months to be a godparent, Confirmation sponsor, marry, or baptize your child at St. Joseph the Worker. Please register, and remind your adult children to register in a parish near them.

Helping Hands are available for sale Tuesday-Friday, 11 AM-1:00 PM in the Parish Office, or before and after every weekend Mass.

Thank you for continuing to support our parish. You may mail offertory envelopes to the parish office, drop them in the lock-box hanging to the left of the office entrance, or bring them inside during office hours.

We also offer an online system where you have control over how much you donate each week. Click HERE to sign up!

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