Some exciting news to share: local information about a property’s neighborhood is available in Pinergy’s Full Report, Public Report, Public Report-Brief, Data View, and your Contacts’ automatic Pinergy property matches!
Local Details provides information related to Transport, Amenities, Character, Education, and more. Map grocery stores, coffee shops, public transportation, schools, and parks; then easily calculate walking or driving commutes. Local Demographics covers Income, Population, Housing, Education, and more. Note: demographic insights are NOT town-wide—they’re specific to the property’s immediate area, giving a better sense of the neighborhood to help identify the perfect place for your clients’ big move.
Local information is ready now, and we think you’re going to love it! Simply scroll down a listing’s details to see what’s available.
Local information is optional. Select or unselect “Local Info” in your report options, and choose Yes or No for “Display Local Info” in your Contact Defaults (in Options & Settings).
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