In this issue: 

Virtual WICT Leadership Conference
  • Best-selling author & renowned TED speaker Angela Duckworth to deliver keynote on Tuesday, October 6
  • Enjoy LIVE networking roundtables and executive coaching sessions
  • Apply today for conference Fellowships

Additional Online Learning Opportunities
  • Upcoming Webinar, Wednesday, August 12: Mapping a Courageous Leadership Journey as the U.S. prepares to celebrate 100 years of women's right to vote
  • New to the WICT Online Learning Library: Overcoming Impostor Syndrome with Leigh Woisard, SVP, Corporate Public Affairs, Cox Communications

Reimagined WICT Signature Luncheon
  • Coming later this summer: An inspirational video showcasing the exemplary diversity efforts of the PAR Top Companies for Women to Work

@WICTHQ on Social Media
  • Connect with us on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and Twitter
  • Stay up-to-date on the latest WICT news, and learn more about the business case for gender diversity, equity and inclusion
Virtual Learning Opportunities
New York Times Best-Selling Author and Renowned TED Speaker, Angela Duckworth, Among Headliners to Deliver Keynote at October WICT Leadership Conference

This October 5-6, WICT’s highly-acclaimed Leadership Conference returns as a virtual program where WICT will explore The Power of Resilience. And few people personify this theme better than Angela Duckworth. Her best-selling book, Grit: The Power and Passion of Perseverance, serves as a roadmap to understanding and building resilience. Duckworth joins us for a live-streamed Super Tuesday keynote session on October 6.

Drawing on her own powerful journey as the daughter of a scientist who frequently commented on Angela’s lack of “genius,” Duckworth is now a celebrated researcher and professor. She describes her early, eye-opening stints in teaching, business consulting and neuroscience as the catalyst to her theory that what actually drives success is not “genius,” but a unique combination of passion and long-term perseverance she came to call “grit.”

According to Angela, grit is the hallmark of high achievers in every domain. She also found compelling scientific evidence that grit can be learned and nurtured, regardless of IQ or personal circumstances. We invite you to join us for this personal, insightful, and transformative conversation about what happens psychologically when an individual falters and how perseverance — especially when faced with challenging conditions — determines one’s level of success.
About Angela Duckworth
Angela Duckworth is the founder and CEO of Character Lab, whose mission is to advance scientific insights that help children thrive. She is also the Rosa Lee and Egbert Chang Professor at the University of Pennsylvania, faculty co-director of the Penn-Wharton Behavior Change For Good Initiative, and faculty co-director of Wharton People Analytics.

Angela's TED talk is among the most-viewed of all time. Her book Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance is a #1 New York Times best seller. She is also co-host, with Stephen Dubner, of the podcast No Stupid Questions.

You can receive her Tip of the Week email newsletter by signing up here
Take a glance at the preliminary agenda for the WICT Leadership Conference and stay tuned for future updates, including speaker announcements and details about how to access the program online.

Why attend our virtual conference?

  • Engage with presenters and fellow attendees through live chat. Speakers will be on hand to answer your questions throughout keynotes and panel discussions. Take advantage of this extraordinary opportunity to interact in a way unique to our virtual platform.
  • No travel required. In the comfort and safety of your own setting, save time and money by tuning in to the conference remotely. And don't worry if you miss something – the recordings will be available to you for later review.
  • Save over 50% off the regular registration fee. Members have access to the full conference, including special activities like streamed workouts, virtual networking roundtables and one-on-one coaching, for $699. The nonmember rate is just $899 and includes an annual WICT membership for those who are eligible. The fee also includes access to all program materials, as well as the ability to watch recorded sessions at your convenience.
Best of all, you will be able to take advantage of our live networking and coaching opportunities. Always a crowd favorite, the speed networking and coaching sessions offered at the conference fill up within days. Even though the program will be virtual this year, we are building in live sessions to emulate what you've come to love most about the WICT Leadership Conference experience – the ability to meet with your friends and colleagues face-to-face.
Click the button below to sign up today!
WICT Leadership Conference Fellowship Opportunities Now Available

WICT is committed to supporting its members at every stage of their careers and is proud to offer three fellowships to participate in the 2020 Virtual WICT Leadership Conference, October 5-6. Our largest event of the year, the Leadership Conference is among the most sought-after executive education programs for industry professionals.

Through inspiring keynote sessions, innovative breakout workshops, and one-on-one coaching exercises, attendees are immersed in leadership activities designed to help impact their career and their company's bottom line.

The Cheryl Greene, Lucille Larkin, Laurel Lawson and June Travis Fellowships were created to provide opportunities for deserving candidates to experience all that the WICT Leadership Conference has to offer while alleviating the burden of registration expenses. To be considered, interested individuals must meet specific criteria and complete the online application(s) by 5:00 pm (Eastern), Monday, August 31, 2020.

Click here to learn more about each of the fellowships and submit the online application(s).
WICT gratefully acknowledges the sponsors of the
2020 Leadership Conference
Mapping a Courageous Leadership Journey

Wednesday, August 12, 2020 | 1:00 – 2:30 pm (Eastern)

Executive Level Distance Learning Series

On August 18, the U.S. will celebrate the 100th anniversary of women attaining the right to vote via the 19th Amendment to the Constitution. Click here to learn more about the history of this important milestone and ways you can participate in the celebration.

As we prepare to mark this milestone and honor the courage of those who fought for this achievement, WICT is partnering with She Should Run® to explore women's roles in decision making, from the grassroots level to the highest echelons of government.

Join us on Wednesday, August 12 for a webinar on Mapping A Courageous Leadership Journey, the next presentation in our virtual Executive Level Distance Learning Series.

Impostor syndrome is real. Many successful people feel, or have felt, that terror that someone is going to discover that they’re a fraud. Most of us who experience this phenomenon equate it with the workplace, but it is just as likely to be a factor in other realms of life.

We can’t expect to achieve the best policies when nearly half the population has a limited voice in determining policy. And we won’t reach equal representation in our lifetime unless a pipeline of women begin to see participation in legislation as a possibility within reach.

In this offering, participants will learn strategies to help overcome impostor syndrome and will leave better able to:

  • Understand the value of gender parity in leadership for business and politics.
  • Recognize social and personal barriers to leadership.
  • Advocate for and support gender parity in leadership and political representation.
  • Invite and support women to pursue leadership opportunities.
  • Determine their individual path to civic engagement.

Find out what role you play in strengthening our democracy and what steps you can
take to solve gender inequality.

This webinar is open to all WICT members and will be recorded for later review.

Meet the speakers
Jarinete Santos serves as the Political Pipeline Director for She Should Run. She oversees programs that reach thousands of women to improve their leadership potential and inspire them to run for office. She is passionate about normalizing female leadership for the rising generation. Additionally, Jarinete has varied experience ranging between community engagement, diversity and inclusion training, and working on Capitol Hill.
Michelle Love-Day has been an educator for 18 years. She is passionate about schools being student focused, equitable, and a place where all students feel that they are welcomed and have an adult they can believe in. In her business “Love-Day Educational Consulting,” she shares information and ways parents can work with schools and advocate for their children. Recently, she ran as candidate for Bluffdale (UT) City Council.
About She Should Run
She Should Run is a nonpartisan nonprofit working to dramatically increase the number of women considering a run for public office. We motivate women from all walks of life to explore the possibility of public office by identifying and tackling the barriers to elected office.

WICT gratefully acknowledges the Walter Kaitz Foundation
as the Exclusive Sponsor of the
Executive Level Distance Learning Series
New to the WICT Online Learning Library:

Overcoming Impostor Syndrome

Many high-achieving and successful women report experiencing impostor syndrome. In this new addition to WICT's Online Learning Library, Leigh Woisard, SVP, Corporate Public Affairs, Cox Communications and Chair, Industry Relations Committee, WICT Global Board of Directors, describes a situation she found herself in as a young professional and shares how she learned to overcome it.

For instance, while you can't control what happens to you externally, you can control what goes on in your own mind. Learn to wrestle that inner voice of doubt to the ground and put it aside. Train yourself to use positive thoughts, power poses and visualization to build your confidence.

Click the image below for more advice from Leigh, and visit our Online Learning Library for even more virtual opportunities, including recordings of the 2020 Tech It Out series and other resources from WICT and our network of chapters.
Reimagined WICT Signature Luncheon
We are excited to share with you our plans for the reimagined Signature Luncheon, which will take the form of an inspirational video showcasing the diversity efforts of the PAR Top Companies for Women to Work.

Later this summer, we will present a vibrant and powerful video that highlights the exemplary work the PAR Top Companies practice to promote strong diversity and inclusion (D&I) within their workforces and the industry at large.

Tune in as we recognize the following PAR Top Companies for Women to Work:
2019 PAR Top Companies Graphic List
ViacomCBS representation is based solely on CBS workforce data submitted prior to the merger and subsequent creation of ViacomCBS.

WICT gratefully acknowledges the sponsors of the
2020 PAR Top Company Recognition Video Presentation
Connect with @WICTHQ on Social Media
Join WICT on our social media platforms (our handle is @WICTHQ on LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook and Instagram) for the latest news on gender diversity in the workplace, leadership development and productivity tips, programming updates and diversity, equity and inclusion data.

Below are some sample posts from LinkedIn (left) and Twitter (right). Make sure to follow us online for more valuable tips and updates.

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