AOASCC News & Notes
Spotlight on Volunteers
How do I choose which RSVP volunteer to write about?

Do I talk about the friendly visitor volunteers like Tony who still connects with clients, even after they have moved away?

Maybe I share the phone call with Anne. She’s been following up with Ella to make sure she gets her shot. “You know,” she says, “we are friends, really good friends.”

Or Mahmut, a vaccine buddy volunteer emailing me excitably about the fact that he was able to get his client an appointment and, since it’s short notice for transportation, he will drive him.

Then there are the Veteran Pen Pals that are excited to have a zoom with their student Pen Pals, like Reggie who writes, “I will finally get to meet Bianca!”

I receive calls from volunteers just to let me know that they are able to help if needed, volunteers like, Pat, Susan, Marion, or Anne.

Or I could talk about the text from Mariano just to let me know that Frank is doing ok or the one from Scott letting me know that he didn’t have the heart to tell Stephen he really only needs to come 1 time a month, because he knows his visits are important.

Could the story be about John, who apologizes for not being able to keep his schedule because of medical needs or about Gordon who calls so excited that he has found a way for our Vaccine Buddies to work with MyChart.

With close to 100 active volunteers, it is very difficult to write just about one volunteer or program. I am overwhelmed by the kindness of all our volunteers supporting their clients with money issues, loneliness and isolation, food scarcity and vaccine support.

Just ask any of them and they will tell you that the reward for a little time and kindness is always more then you anticipated. 
Mark your calendar!
Every year the nation celebrates Older Americans Month in May, recognizing the contributions of older adults in our communities. We take part in this celebration by hosting an art exhibit, displaying paintings and photography by adults aged 60 years and older. Plan to be part of this year's virtual exhibition! Watch our Facebook page and website - details will be released in early March.
Caregiver Corner National Caregiver Day

The pandemic has raged on for more than a year and for family caregivers, it’s been a long time trying to keep loved ones engaged and comfortable without much support from outside the home. The need to keep socially distant has reduced the number of family, friends and paid helpers who are coming into our homes. This has added stress to what was already a challenging situation for many caregivers.

There are approximately 53 million unpaid caregivers in the U.S. That means 1 in 5 Americans have provided care to an adult or child with special needs at some point over the last year. WOW! Thank you for all you do.

To honor family caregivers National Caregiver Day was established. It is an opportunity to thank caregivers for all they do, at great personal expense. Their commitment benefits all of us. The holiday will be observed on the third Friday of every February. Happy Caregivers Day!
Did You Know?

  • The number of family caregivers has increased from 43.5 to 53 million in the last five years.
  • Nearly one in five (19%) are providing unpaid care to an adult with health or functional needs.
  • More Americans (24%) are caring for more than one person.
  • More family caregivers (26%) have difficulty coordinating care.
  • More Americans (26%) are caring for someone with Alzheimer’s disease or dementia.
  • More Americans (23%) say caregiving has made their own health worse.
  • Family caregiving spans across all generations, including Boomers, Gen-X, Gen-Z, Millennials, and Silent.
  • 61% of family caregivers are also working.
  • 45% of caregivers have had at least some financial impact.

Scams Continue to Proliferate

There is a concern that scammers could be acquiring empty/used COVID-19 vaccine vials to fraudulently offer fake or counterfeit vaccines. In response, the Department of Defense released a recommendation to vaccine administration sites to take appropriate steps to dispose of wasted COVID-19 vaccines and to destroy empty vaccine vials and product packaging.

Remember, Medicare will cover the administration of the COVID-19 vaccines; therefore, beneficiaries should not face out of pocket charges when they receive the vaccine.
Get the facts.

If you believe you have been scammed, contact your local Senior Medicare Patrol by calling 1-800-994-9422.
Eat Right - even when money is tight

Did you know that over 4 million older Americans use the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) to buy healthy food? If you apply for SNAP, you’ll get a special debit card that you can use to buy nutritious foods at over 250,000 grocery stores nationwide!

Visit our website for more information or see how to apply for at NCOA Benefits CheckUP
The CHOICES program can provide you with individualized, and unbiased Medigap options counseling. You can reach a counselor at 800-994-9422. 

CHOICES is the state health insurance program where certified counselors are available to provide accurate, impartial information about Medicare.