Diamondhead Community Church is united by the grace of God and our faith in Jesus Christ.
Our mission is to glorify God and share the good news of the Gospel with those around us and the world and to welcome all to His church, worshiping and praying together, loving and serving one another as His disciples.
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Tomorrow (Saturday November 2, 2024): | |
WHAT WE BELIEVE, Reformed Theology Made Simple
Seminar on Saturday November 2, 2024,
from 10:00 am - 2:00 pm
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This Sunday November 3, 2024: | |
Sunday School (Christian Education) Classes
Sunday mornings at 9:00 am for ALL ages
Everyone is welcome and encouraged to attend! We will have coffee for the adults and snacks for the younger children's class.
Adult Classes: start at 9am. DCC has two great adult class options available. One class meets in the Fellowship Hall Annex with Bob Bradley, where they are currently studying the book of Jude. The second adult class meets in the library with Bill Hudson, and they are studying from the Answers in Genesis Curriculum.
Children's and Youth Classes: (Children's Classes meet from 9am- 9:40 am)
There is a Sunday School class for younger children (kindergarten age and up) that meets in the conference room with teachers Rebecca Boyer and Sharon Hudson, Kathryn McAlpin (assistant) and a class for the older children and youth in the room next door to the conference room with Brock Boyer as the teacher. The nursery is available for children 5 years and under during Sunday School and the Worship Service at 10:00 am
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Adult Sunday School Class Recordings: | |
Worship Service at 10:00 am | |
"Wired" Sundays 5:00- 6:30 p.m.
Our theme this year is “Under Construction” (our key verse):
For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them. Ephesians 2:10.
Sundays at 5 p.m., this year's theme, "Under Construction," will be introduced through music, games, food, and activities. Each Sunday night from 5 to 6:30, the kids will engage in small group activities (age-graded) and then a combined group where scripture, music notation, and singing skills are taught. If you want your children, grandchildren, or even kids in the neighborhood to learn about Jesus and worship, contact Music Director Lisa Whipps and bring them to Sunday nights at DCC!
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Children's and Youth Ministry
Meetings on Wednesdays 5:30- 7:00pm
CYM hosts meetings for children and youth in grades K-12th. Come to enjoy fun, fellowship, food and Bible study! Adults--If you are interested in providing a simple meal on a Wednesday night, there is a sign-up sheet
in the Fellowship Hall.
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Tuesdays at 2:00pm
If you would like to join our GriefShare group, please contact the church office at 228-255-5556. If you have any questions, please see Jon O’Regan. There is also more information available by clicking on the link below.
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Upcoming and Ongoing Events at DCC: | |
DCC Library News
The Diamondhead Community Church Library maintains a collection of media for all ages that provides the opportunity for studying, learning, and teaching. It is a resource supporting personal and congregational growth in our Christian faith and living so the members and friends of Diamondhead Community Church continue to foster an environment that “seeks to meet the needs of each other.”
Called the “queen of autumn flowers,” Chrysanthemums are often the centerpiece of our fall displays. A member of the Compositae family, which also includes the common field daisy, they were first cultivated in China, and most ancient Chinese pottery depicts Chrysanthemums in the same basic form. Most likely, Japan imported them from China, where they became the symbol of royalty and the “Queen of the East.”
Linnaeus, the founder of plant classification and identification, applied the Greek words chrysos, meaning gold, and ANTHEMON, meaning flower, to a small yellow species in 1783. Still, the name Chrysanthemum was quickly adopted by all members of the species, no matter what color. Robert Fortune, a 19th-century botanist and plant hunter, brought a collection of Chrysanthemums in several different forms to England. English gardeners were not thrilled by the new arrivals, but French gardeners adopted them and propagated the pompom mum. When it is time to remove the mums from your fall display, do not throw your potted mums away. Select an area of your garden that receives at least 6 hours of sunlight daily with a pH of six (6) ideally. Add some well-rotted organic material to a planting hole that will accommodate the mum who has had the faded blooms removed. Do not add fertilizer. In spring, as new shoots appear, side-dress the original plant with 5-10-5 fertilizer or divide it into individual plants using three shoots per plant following the same planting instructions. Mums are one of the easiest plants to propagate, and you will have a beautiful fall display!
THANK YOU to everyone who contributed books for the BOOK EVENT. The response is overwhelming. See you there!
The 2024 BOOK EVENT begins Sunday, November 24, and continues until Sunday, December 22. Shopping hours are Sunday morning before and after the 10:00 AM Church Service, and any day the Church Office is open.
There are current copies of Start HEALTHY Magazine in the library. Start HEALTHY Magazine is filled with wellness and fitness articles and great recipes.
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You're Invited!
DCC''s Second Annual Alpaca Party (Shoebox Packing Party)
Saturday, November 9, 2024, at 5:00 PM.
The Party will be a fun time of fellowship, food, and
Christ-centered missional work! Please sign-up in the Fellowship Hall, we hope everyone can attend! We will continue to collect donations until the party to fill the boxes with a goal of 300 boxes from
DCC in 2024!
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OCC National Collections Week of November 18 - 25th!
In just over two short weeks our church will again be the
Regional Collection Site for Operation Christmas Child for all the Shoeboxes in our area.
Staffed Regional Collection times at DCC November 18-25th:
Monday 6-8pm, Tuesday 6-8pm, Wednesday 10-12pm,
Thursday 4-6pm, Friday 10-12pm, Saturday 1-3pm, Sunday 3-5pm
and Monday 8-10am.
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Shop Online from the comfort of your home: Help prepare for the Alpaca Party on November 9 by shopping our
Amazon Wish List. Your purchases will help
fill the shoeboxes at
DCC’s Second Annual Alpaca Party!
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Use the link below to shop DCC’s Amazon Wishlist: | |
Give a Shoebox: A gift that could change a life! Donate $25 for a shoebox in honor or memory of a loved one, friend, fellow church member or neighbor. This could be a heartwarming birthday, anniversary, thank you or early Christmas gift! A card will be sent to let them know a shoebox was donated in their honor, and the shoebox donation will also be acknowledged in the bulletin and weekly email. *Please use the OCC envelopes in the pews and fill out the accompanying information card. *
Contact Rebecca Boyer, OCC Project Leader at rehboyer@gmail.com or Kathryn McAlpin at 228-731-8338 or dhcommunitychurchinfo@gmail.com with questions or for more information about OCC or these special opportunities for giving!
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You are invited to Thanksgiving at DCC
join our church family for a delicious Thanksgiving meal on Thanksgiving Day,
Thursday, November 28, at 11:00 a.m.
Bring your family, friends or neighbors, just please sign up with a number attending ASAP!
*There will be NO Bring-A-Dish meal on the third Sunday of November, this special Thanksgiving meal will serve as our monthly fellowship meal. Please be sure to sign up by clicking on the link below or in Fellowship Hall if you are interested in attending so additional planning can take place.
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Men of the Church Breakfast
November 16, 2024, at 8:30 a.m.
You are invited to join us for breakfast Saturday, November 16 for our monthly Men of the Church Breakfast. Also, we encourage you to bring a friend to join us as we engage in a time of fellowship. You can sign-up by clicking on the link below or in the Fellowship Hall.
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COMING SOON! New Members Class
Is the Lord calling you to make Diamondhead Community Church your home? We are here to help! A class will be provided soon to guide you and your family in becoming members of our church. Pat Whipps, Bill Hudson, and Bob Bradley will lead a new members class very soon. A sign-up sheet is available in the Fellowship Hall to gather information from those interested in participating in a class at a convenient time before the holiday season. If you want to know more, please see Pat Whipps, Bill Hudson, Bob Bradley, Rebecca Boyer, or Joshua Lindsey.
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Important Links and Sign-Ups
Listed Below:
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Saturday November 2, 2024
"What We Believe" Reformed Theology Seminar
10am- 2pm
Sunday November 3, 2024
9:00 a.m. Sunday School
10:00 a.m. Worship
10:00 a.m. Children's Church
5:00 p.m. "Wired" Children's Choir
Tuesday November 5, 2024
2:00 p.m. Grief Share
6:30 p.m. Coast Chorale
Wednesday, November 6, 2024
7:00 a.m. Men’s Prayer Group
4:00 p.m. Women's Prayer Group
5:30 p.m. Choir Rehearsal
5:30 p.m. CYM
Thursday November 7. 2024
7:00 p.m. AA Meeting. Conference Room
Saturday November 9, 2024
Christmas Choir Rehearsal 2pm-4:30pm
Alpaca Party (OCC Shoebox Packing Party) 5pm
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Explore the exciting new changes and ongoing updates to our
Diamondhead Community Church website by clicking the link below!
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Follow DCC on Facebook and Instagram! | | | | |