JUNE 2021

Here at Curry Mansion, we have a very special place in our hearts for the Key Lime Festival. As our kitchen is the fabled birthplace of Aunt Sally's Key Lime Pie, we get a warm & fuzzy feeling when July rolls around and our city fills with throngs of Key Lime lovers!

We are pleased as punch to kick off the weekend of fun with "The Key West Key Lime Pie Cookbook" champagne reception and signing. Tickets include cookbook, bubbles and a self guided tour, or just bubbles and the tour, you pick - Click HERE for tickets.

We've said it before, but the event we wouldn't miss (besides our own) is the Key Lime Pie Drop from the Lighthouse - pies are dropped from atop the 73' tower and the pie to hit the target with the least damage wins! This is a great local event and brings the fiercest of competitors to try their luck - it's windier at the top of the Lighthouse than you think!

"Key Lime All the Time" is how we think of the Festival - stop by Key West First Legal Rum Distillery for free Key Lime rum samples (7/2, 12 - 5 pm), enjoy the Sip 'n Stroll (7/3, 1:30 - 4:30 pm) and choose which bite is best at the Key Lime Pie Hop (7/4, varying tour times).

Of course, the Festival won't be complete without a repeat performance by "Cute as Pie" Beth Ann dressed as a sweet slice of Key Lime Pie - be sure to check out the "Meet Curry Mansion" section below to learn all about our costumed cutie!
It's big, it's bold, it's bright - it's PRIDE month in Key West!

I'm starting to feel like a broken record, but it really is busy down here! There couldn't be a better time for things to get back to normal - summer is here, the weather is great and June PRIDE covers the city in rainbows and smiles. Every day there's something else to do and we're all really happy to have fun back on the calendar: birthday parties, dinners with friends, beach days at Ft. Zach, we love it all!

To kick off the Key Lime Festival this week, we're hosting the signing and champagne reception for David Sloan's "The Key West Key Lime Pie Cookbook". In honor of that, I'm going to give you my very best dad joke:

Who helped the lemon rob a bank?
His partner in lime!

Okay, okay - that was lame, I know! Even Rusty didn't like it; bad lime jokes make him a sour puss! Hey, that one wasn't even a joke - it was a one limer! LOL - look at me, Mr. Funny Guy! I'll be here all week, try the veal!

Sending my best from Key West,
Our #1 Key West native's spot to share her tales and extensive knowledge of the Southernmost City's history!

The soaring Widow’s Walk is a variation of the Italiante cupola popular during the height of the Age of Sail and became synonymous with the profession of wrecking. The name is said to come from the wives of mariners, who would watch for their husbands’ return, often in vain as the sea took their lives, leaving the women widows.

Experience the rare opportunity to climb 78 steps to the top of the house and take in the spectacular 360 degree view of the island. Snap a selfie, post it on the Curry Mansion Facebook page, and be sure to stop by the Front Desk for your “I Went All the Way!” sticker, it’s #4 and #94, respectively on David L. Sloan’s – Key West Bucket List and The Florida Keys Bucket List – 100 Offbeat Adventures from Key Largo to Key West, both are available in our gift shop.

Climb up the Widow's Walk, take in the view, enjoy a sunset, and get your sticker!
Done and done! Now you can check off #4 and #94 in David Sloan's "Bucket List" books!
Little did Beth Ann know when she booked her Munich Oktoberfest trip in 2001 that she'd wind up finding a new home in Key West instead! After 9/11, Munich didn't happen, but Key West did and, after years of return visits due to that vicious "Keys Disease", she wound up moving down for good!

Formerly a CPA, Beth Ann and her other half, Steve, live like they're on vacation down here: walks on the beach, riding bikes around town - Beth Ann has a fancy fat tire bike named "Crusher", spending every possible minute on the water boating and paddle boarding. Never one to miss out on a chance to dress up, you may recognize BA as our "Cute as Pie" slice of Key Lime Pie from the Wearable Art Fashion Show for Wesley House back in April!

BA loves helping Curry Mansion guests get the most of their vacation (extra points if you're a Cubs fan) and she's your go to for all things Rusty: she's the photog who manages his Instagram page! Be sure to say hi next time you're staying with us!
JUST FOR FUN POLL: The Key Lime Festival event you'll see me at is...
Key Lime Pie Eating Championship - nom, nom, nom!!!
Key Lime Pie Drop - love to see pies falling from the sky!
Book signing & champagne reception at Curry Mansion, duh!
Key Lime Scavenger Hunt - where are all those limes hidin'?!