eNewsletter of Multiple District 4 California Lions

   2016-2017 Volume 1                                                                                                 August 2016
Message from 
Council Chair David Radtke

Greetings, Brother & Sister California Lions  

It is truly an honor to be able to serve the more than 20,000 Lions in 700 plus communities  in our great S tate of California, alongside the 2016-17 Centennial Class of District Governors.  

It is important to remember  that we ALL are a p art of the Multiple District 4- California Lions Family.  Sure, we have our own local clubs and districts, but we are all a sub-part of the great State of California Lions.  When any part of the Lions of California are successful, we all share in their successes.  Likewise, if any part of our California family is struggling we share it that as well, and need to be committed to helping as needed.  

We are each blessed to be associated with an amazing group of volunteers and we are richer for our service. 

"The only way that we can live, is if we grow. The only way that we can grow is if we change. The only way that we can change is if we learn. The only way we can learn is if we are exposed. And the only way that we can become exposed is if we throw ourselves out into the open. Do it. Throw yourself."  
The Membership in our multiple took a little bit of a hit this past Lions year, We finished the year with a negative net growth.  As we roll out our plans for our Centennial C elebration , it is a golden opportunity to attract new members to our associat ion.   We are  seeing an  unprecedented  level of support  from  LCI in the form of  publicity  and  PR campaigns, it sees that everywhere you look, the Lions are being spotlighted.  With all of this focus, there is no way we should again be "considered the best kept secret" anywhere. 

Remember, we are looking to attract new members to allow us to accomplish more service.  I have been told that every new volunteer servant touches the lives of 50 people annually.  IPDG Craig Cooper is famous for saying that more membership and growth leads  to    " More Paws in the Dirt!"  Let's all do our part and work with our DG teams to accomplish the membership goals and growth that they are shooting for.  

The California Lions Foundation is moving along swiftly and we should be fully operational by late fall 2016.  Much more information and literature will be coming out to the Lions of California shortly.  Please be sure to follow the Foundation on  our social media platform:  Facebook  at   CALionsFoundation  and on  Instagram   @ CALionsFoundation .    With our Centennial celebration, we are loo king to make a visible impact in  our communities through Legacy projects and the Service campaigns. 
In This Issue
Multiple District 4
David Radtke,  Council Chair
4-C1 Jamie Hart
4-C2 Audrey Wottrich
4-C3 Jan Valtr
4-C4 Rod Mercado
4-C5 Kumar Kalagara 
4-C6 Barbara Chamberlain
4-A1 Marylin Richardson 
4-A2 Allen Kroell
4-A3 Jose Nichols
4-L1 Grace Joe  
4-L2 Manuel Sanchez
4-L3 Carol Ann Wright Emmitt
4-L4 Bob Susaeta  
4-L5 Rob Manning
4-L6 Dave Roberts 

Wouldn't it be great if we can also close out an open  commitment that we made to the City of Hope this year?  Complete our commitment of one million dollars for the Family Living Center at the City of Hope?   For decades, Lions Clubs' volunteer leadership   has played a key role in the development of City of Hope's internationally recognized   medical and scientific programs. At virtually every turn on the City of Hope campus, there is ready evidence of Lions' generous support.  
The latest evidence of Lions' support on the campus - Lions Clubs International Family Center at City of Hope - is close to becoming a reality. This home away from home keeps patients and their families close to each other and within easy access to the care and resources they need.  City of Hope believes that families are essential allies in providing the best physical and psychosocial care for their loved ones receiving treatment.  We are closing in enough that we can finish it this year.  We need to make it a priority and I am sure that California will make it happen. 

Life's most persistent and urgent question is, 'What are you doing for others?'  
~Martin Luther King, Jr.  

We The Lions of California, each have our own wonderful answers to this question.  Be proud, be Humble and be Great in your service to those in need. 

On behalf of those we serve, I appreciate all you do for your communities, your Clubs, your Districts and our great Association. 

David A Radtke 
2016-17 MD4 Council Chair 
Message from ID Howard Hudson

Welcome home to  the  newly elected District Governors.  At the recent International Convention held in Fukuoka Japan,  the  new District Governors attended classes for three days and all were sworn in as DG's by the new International President, Chancellor Bob Corlew of Tennessee.  

Every International President chooses a theme for their year.  And President Corlew's theme for this coming year is New Mountains to Climb - a very appropriate theme for the beginning of the second century of our association.    

Serve 200,000,000 people in 2017
As we are entering the year, we continue to work toward the Centennial Service Challenge of serving 100,000,000 people by the time we gather for the International Convention in Chicago in June 2017.  Because Lions throughout the world have responded so enthusiastically, the count of people served through this past June is now up to 95,000,000.  With this response, the goal has now been raised to serving 200,000,000 people by the time we gather again in Chicago.  And because Lions are always up for accepting challenges, we are confident that this is an attainable goal.  
Looking ahead to the coming year and thinking about the Centennial celebration, every district should be working toward identifying activities that will promote Lions and Lions service projects.  Every district in MD4 is entitled to up to a $1,500 grant though the maximum allowable for all of MD4 is $15,000.  So, if every district applies for this grant, the maximum for each district will then be $1,000.  This must be matched with a 20% contribution from sources within the district.  So all District Governors and their Cabinets are being encouraged to submit applications for these grants.  

Centennial Legacy Project
Also, during the Centennial Celebration, every club is encouraged to come up with a Centennial Legacy Project.  This is something that will have a lasting impact on the community that can be identified with the Lions Club.  These projects can be anything from donating a park bench to sponsoring a clinic, school or equipping an area of a hospital.  So, please encourage every club in your district to identify what they can do.  And after they have completed the project, please report it on the Monthly Membership Report so that Lions Clubs International can report the impact we have had on our communities during our centennial year.  

Involve a Veteran Program
At the International Board Meeting held in Fukuoka, the  Involve a Veteran Program was extended through June 30, 2018.  This is a program aimed at encouraging veterans of all the armed forces to stay involved with the community.  These are people who have developed practical and leadership skills with a strong sense of dedication and commitment.  For any veteran who joins our clubs, the initiation fee is waived upon submission of the U.S. Veteran Program Certification Program.  These are people who can be valuable members of our clubs.    

We have a world of opportunity to serve.  Take advantage of these opportunities.  Encourage your members to take part in District and Multiple District Leadership Institutes.  Look for ways that your club can get involved with Centennial Service Activities.  And most importantly, as we work to strengthen our clubs and districts, don't forget to  ASK ONE!  

by PDG Linda Griffin, MD4 GMT Coordinator

Are you ready to meet the challenges that we are going to be facing in the upcoming year? Are you ready to join the effort of "New Mountains to Climb"?   
But what is membership? Membership is defined as "belonging to a group or an organization." That is easy, but is not being a Lion more than just belonging to a group? Does not being a LION mean that "WE SERVE"?   

More than Just a Number 
If we only looked at numbers, we excel in "membership". But as a Lion we are more than just a number. Lions are actively engaged in service projects --   making  the world a better place to live. With the Centennial Challenge, Lions are engaged in four (4) major areas of youth, hunger, environment and vision. But if we are really serving our communities, why do we continue to lose members or should I say just numbers?   

Look Outside the Box
It is time for all of us to evaluate, communicate, plan and implements projects that relate to our members. Lions, we must be more flexible in the way we conduct our meetings; we must look outside the box and find new projects that include all members and their interests. Not everyone has the same idea of how to serve but everyone has the goal of serving and working with and for our communities.  
We currently have 730 clubs in Multiple District Four and a membership of 20136 Lions but we have a long way to go to reach the summit of membership and service to our communities. Communities that extend around the world not just our back yard.  
Are we meeting the needs of members?
With the use of the New Club Extension teams, we continue to add clubs; however, are we really meeting the needs of our new members. Are we listening to both our established members and our new members? Are we engaging them in our projects? Are we engaging them in our discussions and project planning? Are we listening to their thoughts, concerns or ideas?    
Are you using any or all of the tools that are available to your membership team? One of the first steps would be to utilize the "How Are Your Ratings?" A survey of what is not only right but your club, but what needs attention. Do you want to bring someone into the club if you know there are problems or areas for improvements?  
Lions, membership is the responsibility of ALL. Not just your  District or Club Membership Chair. Do you as a  Governors Team, communicate your goals, your success, you shortcomings? Have you shared your goals with your cabinet, your clubs?  Do your district members know what your goals for membership growth are? If not, why not? In order to be successful and grow membership, one must communicate and evaluate your plans and ideas. You must be willing to change, to be flexible, listen to your members and more importantly work as a team.  
This is the year that as Lions we must continue to work for our achievement of our Centennial Service goal of serving 100 million plus people of the world. However, we need to start in our own communities. We must start by strengthening our existing clubs and chartering new clubs with quality members.  
International President Chancellor Bob Corlew has four areas of strategic focus so that as Lions we are best known volunteers and organization in the world. His four areas are:    
  • Reshape the public opinion and improve awareness of who we are and what we do  
  • Enhance service impact and focus  
  • Improve membership value and reach new markets  
  • Pursue club, district and organizational excellence    
Talk the Talk and Walk the Walk
With the success in these areas, Lions will be more vibrant; will increase our membership and keep our members engaged; will find more areas and methods of service; and increase the awareness of Lions and what we do. We all hear the saying "Where there is a need; there is a Lion!" Now is the time to put action into those words. Now is the time to talk the talk and walk the walk. Lions we must unite and show our communities that we are there to work with them.  
The membership goal for Lions Clubs International is a 5 percent increase in membership which relates to 138,000 new members. How will that impact the people? It means that as Lions we will be able to reach 4.1 million people through our many service projects. Again, I cannot state often enough that just adding members and clubs is not the way to achieve the goals of service. Rather, we must ask, maintain and engage our members. We must make Lionism relevant to the needs of our members.    
This year the Global Membership Team wants Multiple District Four to continue climbing to the top of the mountain, enjoy the view and then begin the journey to the next mountain. Set your sights on serving more people with more Lions working side by side. Set your sights on more quality members and clubs with the vision to serve.   
We will be providing you with tools; however, they are only as good as the one who is using them. Do not put the package aside and say "Thank you, I will get to it later." Invite us into the district, zone or region to promote and work with you on the many programs available. We are here  to work with you and  your  membership growth teams.  
The time has come for all of us together to work on "Maintaining, Engaging and Strengthening" our clubs and our members. We have "New Mountains to Climb."

Message from Global Leadership Team
by PDG Steve Robson, MD4 GLT Coordinator

Steve Robeson
The Global Leadership (GLT)  Team of MD 4 is comprised of the 15 District GLT Coordinators, the 3 "Governor Members" (DG Rod Mercado,  1VDG Nick  McNicholas , and 2VDG Dave Hubbard), and the Area Coordinators (PDG Ken Ibarra, PCC Liz Crooke, and PDG Chris Ohrmund) and myself.  

Be a Leader
The dawning of this new Lions year 2016-2017 is an opportunity for the readers of "The Leader" to re-dedicate themselves to taking advantage of the structure of our Lions Clubs, Districts, and the Multiple to learn, to do, and to be something even more special.  Those of us who have been Lions a few years often want to share how we/they have grown as persons due to our membership in Lions Clubs International.   

It is common  for Lions leaders  to say we have grown especially in the area of  service leadership.  It was not only the opportunity to step up to the challenge of a new position, but also receiving the proper help in obtaining, or enhancing our knowledge and our skills that allowed us to excel in that service leadership!    

Our GLT staff at every level is there to help you and us to be that excellent leader!  We can serve your club, your district, the MD, and also the LCI levels of skill enhancement.  It's all for the betterment of you and your Lions Club!  

What's RLLI, ELLI, ALLI and FDI?
So ask about the MD 4 Leadership Institutes, also called the RLLI (two per year), The ELLI, the ALLI, and the FDI.  What do all these initials mean?  Ask your District GLT Coordinator, your District Governor Team, a PDG, or someone from your club who has reached out to Lions training!!  Or, look up any and all of these up on  www.lionsclubs.org  and search for them in the search engine.  There's a lot of information waiting for you there.  

Go and learn.....stay thirsty, my friends!  

MD4 Meets, Surpasses Giving Goals  
by PCC Roger Powell, MD4 LCIF Coordinator

 "Giving Is Good!"  

The final r eports for Multiple District 4-California giving to our Lions Clubs International Foundation  are in, and we've got success stories  to tell!  

Your LCIF District Coordinators and I set the goal for total giving for our Multiple at $400,000  for this year . We have surpassed that goal by reaching the level of $453,797.81! Our team also renewed the goal of increasing California's club participation in supporting our charity to 50% overall statewide. We reached that goal, too, ending the year at 50.48%, a 14.58% improvement over the previous year! Giving is indeed good among MD4 Lions.  

Coordinator Efforts, Club Participation Are Keys to Success  
So how did we do this? The efforts of LCIF District Coordinators throughout the state have been a major factor in our successes as they have visited clubs, made presentations at district meetings, assisted clubs and districts with grant proposals and explained the Contributing Member and 100% club opportunities. Especially remarkable are the se  gains in participation over the end of last year:  4-C1  (District Coordinator PDG Maggie Robeson) up 26.09%, 4-L5 (DC PDG Bill Windham) up 22.18% and 4-C4 (DC PDG Esther Lee) up 21.87%! This is awesome progress in these districts! And of course,  the primary thanks must go to all those Lions who responded to the Coordinators' messages and made those contributions.  

Int'l President's "New Mountains to Climb" Theme Fits Our Goals 
At the convention in Japan, Int'l President Bob Corlew said this:  "Climbing a mountain is used as a metaphor for many daily situations people confront. It represents something that is difficult and arduous and that takes a maximum effort to scale. But it is only by climbing those mountains that we ever excel to our fullest. Each mountain represents a new challenge-a new opportunity.... Lions must continue to climb upward, finding new ways to serve. Every mountain represents a new opportunity for Lions, and scaling each mountain provides each of us a chance to make the world better for another person."  

Your LCIF team has its eyes on which mountains to tackle next.  

Finishing Funding of the Measles Initiative Is One Goal 
One mountain still to be conquered is a result of the announcement at the Hamburg convention of   the Measles Initiative and its theme "One Shot, One Life." LCIF and Lions  promised to rais $30  million by 2017 in support of measles vaccination s  around the world. 

Each vaccination costs only $1 and protects an individual for life. When t he fun ds raised by  Lions  reach $30 million, the amount  will be matched by the UK's  GAVI Alliance  and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foun dation, bringing the total to  $60 million.  This partnership  will help to protect tens of millions of children in the world's poorest countries against measles, a highly infectious disease that kills an  estimated 430 people every day. We've exceeded the $20 million mark so far. Now we just need to go over the top. We are asking Lions to consider designating the measles campaign as the recipient of their donations when they complete the contribution forms. These contributions do count toward Melvin Jones Fellowships.  

Setting Sights on Other Peaks 
Our multiple district is now completing its fourth year of outperforming all other multiples in LCI Constitutional Area 1 (U.S. and its territories, Bermuda and the Bahamas)! We've climbed that peak repeatedly and can take a few moments to revel in those successes. But then we need to look for ne w targets for our efforts. We Californians have  actually come close in total  giving to the amounts from two entire countries with membership and club numbers comparable to ours: Australia at $527, 744,61 and Sweden at $471,0331.81. As we once again stand atop the Constitutional Area I, let's look out at those two mountains that we can aim to climb next. We've shown we can do it, so let's get to it!

Individual Assistance Is Available 
Your District coordinators and I are there to help you with questions and concerns. You can contact me at kpow@charter.net. I'll be happy to hear from you and assist as best I can! 

Message from Candidate PCC Derek Ledda


Hello Fellow California Lions,

Whe n International Director Howard Hudson successfully completed his first year in office at the Lions International Convention in Fukuoka, Japan, I was excited to finally be allowed to begin my campaign in Multiple District 4 and share with you my enthusiasm in running again to be your next representative on the Board of Lions Clubs International.
  • I'm running to be International Director because so many of you encouraged me to run again because you know I will bring passion, experience, innovation, fun and fellowship to all I do in working together with our Lions and clubs to achieve our goals for helping others.
  • I'm running to be able to use the position of International Director and later as Past International Director to make sure our Lions and clubs know about and are able to take full advantage of all the resources that Lions Clubs International has to offer to more successfully serve their communities. 
  • I'm running because our California Lions do so many great things that Lions everywhere would benefit from knowing about.
  • I'm running because since the last campaign, I have continued to grow as a Lion and to improve on my skills and experience that will help me to be even more effective in serving you as an International Director.
  • I'm running because with the knowledge and experience I already have at the international level, I am well prepared to effectively carry out the responsibilities of an International Director for serving our international organization and all of our Lions.
  • I'm running because with each new position of higher leadership I've reached, I've been able to do even more in service and to empower other Lions to also do more.
  • I'm running again because I love serving and spending time with our Lion family and look forward to being able to work in partnership with you.
I am proud to be a Lion and am committed to our common mission "to empower volunteers to serve their communities, meet humanitarian needs, encourage peace and promote international understanding through Lions clubs." 

I am proud that our Lions practice and respect all faiths, represent every ethnicity, value the involvement of men and women, encourage the participation of people of all ages and welcome new members from every social and economic background. It would be my joy and special privilege to better serve the community, serve you and serve Lions Clubs International as your next International Director.

I ask that you join us on the "Road to Redding" where I will need your support for us to take the important first step in making miracles possible in our Lion service.

Thanks for all the good that you do,

Lion PCC Derek Ledda
Candidate for International Director
"Service is a Labor of Love"

For more information about the campaign, please check our website at www.derekledda4id.com and our Facebook page at 'Derek Ledda' or contact my campaign co-coordinators: PDG Larry Hidalgo at utopiapl@att.net and (415) 990-9349 and PDG Andy Anderson at andersj@frontiernet.net and (916) 955-3882.

Message from Candidate PDG Chuck Cassy


Dear Lions of MD4,

I'm PDG Chuck Cassy and I am a candidate for International Director.
I've been asked many times since starting my campaign, "Why do you want to be an International Director?" The simple answer is, I see it as a tremendous opportunity for relationship building and growth for all Lions. One of the most valuable aspects of our careers as Lions are the lifelong friendships we build.

The relationships I've built span the length of our state from Crescent City to National City. I have been a guest in every district in our Multiple. I've enjoyed the camaraderie and tremendous Lions spirit that makes up the great state of California. As an International Director, I will have the opportunity to expand those relationships to a worldwide level.

I believe that because of the connections we have with each other, we do our best work as Lions. Since I've been traveling and campaigning, I've seen something unprecedented. The exemplary group of Centennial District Governors are showing me that together we are stronger, together we make a greater impact on our communities, together we support each other's goals, and together we grow the spirit of Lionism statewide. Their cohesiveness has set a new standard of spirit and cooperation among the Council of Governors.

Now is the time to follow the example of our leaders. Now is the time to start working together and supporting other clubs and districts because together, we can accomplish so much more.

My own club, the 93 year old Ventura Downtown Lions, recently reached out to collaborate with other clubs in District 4-A3 to help fund a Lions Eye Clinic at the Ventura County Medical Center. Through the joint efforts of eight clubs, including one Leos club, we have funded over $66,000 of the clinic's needs and allowed it to offer services not previously available to serve the Tri-County area. This cooperation on project development is a new approach in our District. Working together, we quickly learned that together, we are stronger. We are now working to expand our collaboration even further by reaching out to our closest District neighbor, 4-L3, to create a connection that will serve more people.

By seeking the office of International Director, I will be able to support and collaborate with all Lions to touch more lives in need while serving the needs of our great organization. Together, our greatest successes are yet to be.

In service and friendship,
PDG Chuck Cassy

Worldwide Week of Service for Youth (August 8-14)

Join Lions around the world for a special Worldwide Week
 of Service dedicated to mentoring, empowering and engaging youth through community service. This international event is designed to inspire the next generation of volunteers and help us reach our Centennial Service Challenge goal of serving 100+ million people.

Message from Cass Cara, Executive Administrator

Dear MD-4 Lions,

Your headquarters office is looking good. We've been making more upgrades; a new AC/Fur nace (the old furnace was over 25 years old) and the old carpet has been replaced with long lasting solid strand bamboo (on sale of course)...It should last another 75 years or more. Additionally, the rotting fence in the back has been replaced. Other security issues are being looked at as well.

The District and Multiple combined dues invoice billings are being created and mailed as well as emailed to the club treasurers as soon as we get back from the COG and have all the treasurers' names updated in the system. Please make sure all treasurers' names are input through LCI, which is where I retrieve them from. Zone Chairpersons can check this and help the clubs if necessary.

The MD-4 Directories will be mailed in August to the MD-4 officers and one to Club Presidents, so please share. It will be on the MD-4 website, password protected. 

Student Speakers Contest
Student Speakers Contest Packets can be ordered online NOW; the deadline is October 1. The material will be online as soon as available and full instructions will be in the packets. Remember, clubs need to be in good standing to receive a packet at no charge... late requests will accrue a $25 fee.

Peace Poster and Peace Essay Contest
District Peace Poster and Peace Essay finalists need to reach the MD-4 Office by December 4, 2016.

MD-4 Excellence Award
Do you know of a Lion who has shown great leadership ability and demonstrated that through thought and deed? Has this person taken initiative with projects from their club and district?  Is this person dedicated to the Lions organization and serves as a role model for all Lions, well then, they may be the next recipient of MD-4 Excellence Award. This is a lifetime achievement award; nominees must be sent to your District Governor by October 31, 2016.

If you call the office and Tina answers, please say hello, she is your new part time helper. I will be on vacation in September.

Remember, you are all MD-4 Lions and together, united, you make a big impact on California. Reaching unified goals together will be enriching and rewarding for all.

Respectfully yours,

Cass Cara, Executive Administrator
MD-4, California, Lions Clubs International
129 Los Aguajes Avenue, Santa Barbara, CA 93101
admin@md4office.org  www.md4lions.org
(805) 963-6681  (800) 546-6634  Fax: (805) 963-8254

Go to  www.md4lions.org for more information.

MD-4 Calendar
August 2016

Membership Focus: Students and Leo Lions
Engaging Our Youth Centennial Service Challenge

August 4: MD4 GLT training for 2VDG
August 5-7: MD4 Organizational COG, 4-C3 Concord/Walnut Creek; Scrapbooks Judged
August 6: MD4 Scrapbook Contest @ prior COG

August 8-14: Worldwide Week of Service for Youth
August 12-14: LCIF Board of Trustees Meeting (Oak Brook, Illinois, USA)
August 15: Executive Committee Meeting (Oak Brook, Illinois, USA)
August 15: Leo Club Program Advisory Panel nominations due
August 15: Leo Club Excellence Award applications due
August 31: Deadline for the Club and District Team Excellence Awards

September 2016

Membership Focus: Students and Leo Lions

September 8: International Literacy Day
September 15-17: USA/Canada Forum (Omaha, Nebraska, USA)
Marketing Communications and Information Committee

Committee members are:
  • PDG Lita Guidotti, Chair
  • Lion Amy Fink
  • Lion David Williamson
  • Lion Kitty Kramer
  • DG Kumar Kalagara, 4-C5
  • 1st VDG Norm McDaniel, 4-A3 
  • 2nd VDG Cindy Smith, 4-C4  
  • Editor, Lion Linda Pugliese
Welcome to this electronic edition of The Leader.  Please send your articles and items for future newsletters to  Linda Pugliese, MD-4 Newsletter Editor, at ljpugliese@hotmail.com.  
You may unsubscribe at any time if you no longer wish to be on the mailing list. 
Linda Pugliese, Newsletter Editor
(408) 406-8509 Cell