The Leaflet

~ January 2025 ~

First of all, I’d like to repeat a big ‘thank you’ to our outgoing officers. They have passed to us a wealth of well-organized information and have done the hard work in terms of fine-tuning information chains and record keeping.

My kids asked me if becoming president of RCMGA was a power trip. I showed them the photo of nine Master Gardeners gleefully brandishing hori hori at our Christmas party. Lead is a subjective term here. We are fortunate to have a large and growing group of people who are excited to share their knowledge and hard work in our community.

I’m looking forward to continuing to provide a framework for us to get together, use our expertise, and enrich the area by promoting all the great resources we have here.

Beth Hannabass, President



January 23, 2025

7:00 p.m.

(Social time:

6:30-7:00 p.m.)

Highland Rim AgResearch and EduCenter



Tori Abernathy of Cedar Hill Apothecary


Regional Plant Medicine


 The Robertson County Master Gardener Association meets the fourth Thursday of every month

Installation of Officers

RCMGA would like to thank the outgoing officers for their service and leadership. As an organization, we have experienced much growth over the past couple years as a result of their hard work.

We would like to recognize our incoming officers and wish them well as they lead RCMGA forward over the next two years.

Beth Hannabass will be replacing Shawn Herman as President

Alison Spackman will be replacing Nola Hastings as Vice President

Rachel Ragland will be replacing Holly Brooks as Secretary

Amy Burnette will be replacing Sandy Williams as Treasurer

Congratulations to our new board!

It's time to renew your membership!

We will be collecting $20 membership dues at the January meeting. Please bring a check or exact change if paying with cash.

Thank you!

New year, new landscape? Maybe you're ready for a change or just need some fresh ideas. Take advantage of these cold, short days and begin planning for the warmer days ahead with this guide to Leveraging Your Landscape from UTIA.

Profiles in Gardening...

Stephanie McMurry

I became a Master Gardener for three reasons: I love to garden; I enjoy volunteer work, and I am a lifelong learner.

I am most interested in native plants of Tennessee. I love plant propagation and sharing seeds. To me, sharing beautiful plants with friends and family is a priceless gift. Plants are living things to care for and treasure. We have planted several trees on our property in memoriam of loved ones.

My favorite plants are marigolds and bearded iris.

My favorite thing about the Master Gardener program so far is enjoying the gardens at Highland Rim Research Station as well as the community gardens throughout Robertson County. The early morning or late evening are the most enjoyable times-cooler temperatures and serenity.

My other hobbies are knitting, putting together 1,000-piece jigsaw puzzles, and traveling.

I was born and raised in Northeast Ohio. I have lived in Tennessee, Kentucky, Germany, Arkansas, Oklahoma, New York, and Alabama.

I have always been interested in flower gardening as my grandmother raised beautiful flowers. It always impressed me how she knew the proper names for each flower.

In my lifetime, I have moved over thirty times. My husband is retired from the Army, and we have lived overseas and in many parts of the US.

Master Gardener training begins January 28, 2025! Contact to enroll.

Mark your calendar for Tennessee Tree Day 2025 on Saturday, March 15, 2025. The available species list has been released. You can place your order now to avoid your favorites selling out.

Upcoming Events

January 25 - March 2: Orchids at Cheekwood

January 28: Master Gardener Training

March 15: TN Tree Day

March 22: Nashville Native Plant Symposium


Contact Us



Beth Hannabass

(615) 943-2078


Vice President:

Alison Spackman

(530) 906-3463



Rachel Ragland

(469) 865-0182



Amy Burnette

(615) 351-1215

Master Gardener Coordinator:

Bob Ary

(615) 384-7936


Kathy Doss

(615) 636-5410


Facebook Administrator:

Shawn Herman

(615) 948-4376


The Leaflet Editor:

Stacey Haag

(615) 389-4663

Robertson County Master Gardener Association
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