The Leaflet

~ March 2024 ~

The last few days have been sunny and warm, and I am ready to start planting. Too bad we aren’t past our last frost date. I’ll have to settle for looking at my seedlings every few minutes to see if they have grown any, lol.

On to the outside of my house where I am preparing to add mulch to the beds around my house. I was surprised to see all of the new growth on my bee balm. I planted it just last year (purchased at our plant sale), and now there are shoots coming up about a foot or so around the plant. The bees should be very happy with all of the new flowers this year.

If you are looking for new plants, be sure to come to our annual plant sale. It will be May 11 at the UT Extension Office in downtown Springfield. The Master Gardeners are working hard to get a vast collection of plants ready for the sale. Watch for more information in The Leaflet. I hope to see everyone there!

There is always thyme for gardening!

Shawn Herman, President



March 28, 2024

7:00 p.m.

(Social time:

6:30-7:00 p.m.)

Highland Rim AgResearch and EduCenter





Kathy Doss


 The Robertson County Master Gardener Association meets the fourth Thursday of every month

From the Vault

The following article first appeared in the May 2022 issue of The Leaflet...

A Delightful Amish and Mennonite Shopping Day

by Claudelle Lyall

I can recommend a lovely day for my fellow Master Gardeners, which combines beautiful drives, great plant shopping opportunities, yummy food, and a historic soda shop.

Start the day at Sunshine Gardens in Oak Grove, KY at 2938 Miller’s Mill Road. It’s located in the middle of Amish country, and most often there is a horse and buggy parked there. Across the road, they still plow the fields with draft horses. The prices are good, plants healthy, and so many creative floral gift ideas. I love it there!

Save room in the car for more plants because we’re not nearly finished shopping. Next, have lunch at an amazing Mennonite deli, Dutch Kuntry at 223 Vaughns Grove Fairview Road in Pembroke, KY. I always pick up some extra lunchmeats and other groceries while waiting for my sandwich to be created. They load it with meat and extras!

After lunching, continue east on Hwy 68 to The Country Barn Garden and Farm Market at 112 Britmart Road in Elkton. It’s near the huge monument for Jefferson Davis, which would also be interesting to visit. This is a must-see nursery, store, and pizzeria. It is very large and has so much variety. I bought some adorable plants for my fairy garden there as well and a house plant. They also have garden art and many plant gift ideas.

Next, my favorite and most authentic Mennonite nursery, Wood Corner Greenhouse at 199 David Hightower N Road in Elkton. This is a family-run nursery right on their farm. The kids wait on you and carry your purchases to your vehicle. The boys always wear overalls and hats (sometimes barefooted) and the girls are willing to jump in and help. Usually laundry is hanging on the line. It’s just like being invited to the farm! Lloyd is the owner and I believe they also raise miniature horses. We get our large planters there every year. This year, they have gone up to $42.00, but they are huge and full of plants. In the fall they sell lots of mums.

The grand finale for your adventure is to head on into downtown Elkton. Cross Hwy 68 from Wood Corner Greenhouse and take Main to the square. On the Public Square, around the courthouse, is L & R Soda Bar, next to the pharmacy. A historic soda fountain, you feel like you are eating in the 1960s. Their chili is delicious and service is friendly and fun. Make sure to get a milkshake made the old fashioned way!

Head back home on the beautiful backroads through Guthrie and Adams. This is such a fun getaway day that I hope all of you will try sometime.

Tree Day 2024


Upcoming Events

March 9 - April 14: Cheekwood in Bloom

Cheekwood Estate & Gardens

April 13: The Herb Society of Nashville's Plant Sale

Nashville Fairgrounds, Expo 3

April 20: RCMGA Spring Seminar

Highland Rim AgResearch & EduCenter

May 11: RCMGA Annual Plant Sale

Robertson County UT Extension Office


Contact Us



Shawn Herman

(615) 948-4376

[email protected]


Vice President:

Nola Hastings

(714) 296-2740

[email protected]



Holly Brooks

(760) 861-4833

[email protected]



Sandy Williams

(615) 969-7656

[email protected]


Master Gardener Coordinator:

Bob Ary

(615) 384-7936

[email protected]

Instagram Administrator:

Kathy Doss

(615) 636-5410

[email protected]



Kathy Doss

(615) 636-5410

[email protected]


Facebook Administrator:

Shawn Herman

(615) 948-4376

[email protected]


The Leaflet Editor:

Stacey Haag

(615) 389-4663

[email protected]

Robertson County Master Gardener Association
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