Our annual Plant Sale was a huge success, selling close to $4,000 in plants! Thank you to Project Lead Becky Juanes and the dozens of volunteers who worked so hard over the last few months to make our annual fundraiser the biggest and best yet. We welcomed hundreds of shoppers and sold even more plants. Start thinking now about the plants you want to bring to next year's sale at its new home, Highland Rim AgResearch and Education Center!
Becky would like to thank all who spent hours watering, repotting, rearranging, and nursing all the seedlings in the greenhouse. With the sale moving to HR next year, even more possibilities come to mind. She would like our membership to think about a few things going forward and will be asking for your feedback shortly.
What went well?
What could be improved?
How could we get better / more widespread, public notice?
What type of plants would you like to see offered?
Would you be interested in being part of the planning committee next year?
Thanks again for everyone making this year remarkable!