The Leaflet

~ November 2022 ~

Gardeners Know All the Dirt

What a wonderful time of the year! The heat and humidity are gone and now we get to hunker down with our seed catalogs and start dreaming of next year. Hopefully one of our monthly programs piqued your interest to try something new! Based on the enthusiastic response to Rich Latane’s grow your own mushrooms, I’d guess it’s a safe bet that some of you are giving that a whirl.

As the year is winding down we still have new things happening. Our annual Christmas party is fast approaching. Be on the lookout for a fantastic garden related gift to play Dirty Santa. And bring your favorite side dish or dessert. Personally, I’m looking forward to Miss Dorothy’s coconut cake! Also, interns, get your hours logged. Your official RCMGA polos have been ordered and we’re looking forward to honoring you for all the hard work you’ve put in this year. We hope you’ve enjoyed it as much as we’ve enjoyed having you.

A really big new thing is the addition of Bob Ary to the Springfield UT Extension office. His new role will include being the Master Gardener Coordinator for Robertson County. Part of his duties will include coordinating the Master Gardener classes. If you’re reading this and have expressed an interest in becoming a Master Gardener, be on the lookout for an email from Bob. We are looking forward to you joining our association.

Hope you and yours have a Happy Thanksgiving!

May all your weeds be wildflowers,

Karen House, President



No regular November meeting.

Happy Thanksgiving!


See you at the Christmas party!


 The Robertson County Master Gardener Association meets the fourth Thursday of every month

A Red Wave... of Poinsettias!

by Stacey Haag

Several Robertson County Master Gardeners attended South Central Growers’ Annual Poinsettia Open House on Saturday, November 12. It's the only day each year that SCG opens its doors to the public. To many, it's a bit like entering Willy Wonka's chocolate factory; however, no golden ticket is needed here. SCG welcomes visitors warmly with refreshments, visits with Santa, photos next to the constructed poinsettia tree, facility tours, and special sales. Each visitor also leaves with a free poinsettia as a gift.

This year, visitors were also encouraged to view about a dozen trial poinsettia varieties and cast their votes. They were all beautiful, but Trial #9 named Poker Dark Glitter was voted as the crowd favorite.

Although their wholesale plants are not usually available for purchase at their location, a selection of poinsettias and arrangements are made available for one day during this annual event. These plants are sold at cost, and 100% of the proceeds are donated to a local charity. This year’s proceeds were donated to The Master's Table, a safe place where food insecure and unhoused individuals and families can find a warm meal and caring hearts. A different nonprofit is selected as the beneficiary each year.

South Central Growers is a Dutch wholesale grower in Springfield, TN that provides ornamentals, mums, and poinsettias to retailers such as Lowe’s and Sam’s Club. They have more than 1 million square feet of indoor greenhouse space, plus 16 acres of outdoor space. With a special commitment to sustainability, they only use rainwater for their plants, capturing and recapturing, using ponds for storage. Custom floors allow the recycled water to be pumped in, flooding the greenhouses while watering plants from the roots as they sit on the floor. After watering, floor drains open, allowing the water to be drained from the greenhouses and pumped back to the ponds for storage until the next watering.

Be sure to mark your calendar for next year’s event! 

November Meeting at the Arboretum

by Karen House

RCMGA had a casual November meeting at the Ridgetop Arboretum. Arborist Robert Bruce came to talk to us about trees. We had a nice walk around the arboretum, and Shawn showed us the impressive arboretum map that he made. You can view it online here. We also had a mini session around a nice stand of fig trees, thanks to Rich. Refreshments were wedding themed to honor Bill and Laura, two interns, who are getting married later this month in Ohio. RCMGA would like to congratulate the happy couple and wish them a blessed marriage!

If you read the September issue of The Leaflet, I'm sure you'll remember Kathy Doss's article entitled I Soiled My Undies! Well, the results are in. Kathy dug up her undies in late October to find that they had, in fact, been broken down by the soil. All that remained was an elastic band! Congrats on the healthy soil, Kathy! 

If you missed Kathy's amusing and educational article, you can read it here.

Please welcome Bob Ary as the new Master Gardener Coordinator for Robertson County!

The election of officers for the 2023 year is fast approaching. If you are interested in serving as an officer next year or nominating a current member, please submit your nomination to one of our current officers.

Don't forget... to log your volunteer and educational hours at Attending a regular monthly meeting earns 1 volunteer hour plus 1 CEU for the presented program. Online classes and videos also count as educational hours.

The Robertson County Master Gardeners wish you and yours a very Happy Thanksgiving!

Upcoming Events

December 10: Member's Christmas Party

President Karen House's Home

Contact Us
Karen House
(615) 419-5249
Vice President:
Shawn Herman
(615) 948-4376
Claudelle Lyall
(615) 760-6955
Larry Lee
Extension Agent:
Jeff Smith
(615) 384-7936

Instagram Administrator:

Jeannie Moll

(615) 752-6746

[email protected]



Julee Orr

(615) 838-5772

[email protected]


Facebook Administrators:

Shawn Herman

(615) 948-4376

[email protected]


The Leaflet Editor:

Stacey Haag

(615) 389-4663

[email protected]

Robertson County Master Gardener Association
Facebook  Instagram