Since 1953  the Miramichi Salmon Association (MSA) has worked toward the preservation and enhancement of the wild Atlantic salmon. MSA continues to look to build its membership strength, so we encourage you, if not already a member, to please join our ranks.  Join us Now
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Vol. 23 September 2018
MSA Field Update
It has been a busy September for our field crew. Field technicians Bruce MacCallum and Cody Gibbs were helping DFO electrofish for juvenile abundance at their baseline sites. These historic sites are monitored on an annual basis to assess Atlantic salmon juvenile abundance on the Miramichi River system. Broodstock collection has kicked off already with collections from the Northwest river and the Cains river. Salmon are collected with either a beach sein net or a fyke net and then transported back to the Miramichi Salmon Conservation Center where they are held until spawning occurs (mid-October), and are then released back into the river system. With many more collections to be done we are always looking for volunteers to lend a hand. If you or someone you know would like to volunteer, please contact MSA Biologist Kelsey McGee at [email protected]
MSA Fall Events
17 th Annual ‘Autumn Run’ Saint John Dinner – Join us on October 17, 2018 for the 17 th Annual Saint John MSA/ASF Dinner being held at the Delta Brunswick.. This year’s special guest speaker will be the Honourable David Adams Richards, an acclaimed Canadian novelist, essayist, screenwriter and poet, whose commitment to the Miramichi River Valley, his province, and the country is reflected in his body of work. Senator Richards will join us for an evening of fishing tales and fellowship! Get your tickets today by CLICKING HERE!
(Photo: Senator David Adams Richards)

The 5th Annual Carleton County Conservation Dinner – Always a popular event, this year’s 5 th Annual Carleton County MSA Dinner will be held on November 8 th at the Covered Bridge County Club. This year’s Dinner will honour long time conservationist and MSA member Dwight Perkins and will include an entertaining live auction, silent auction and fun raffles. Tickets are only $40/person and can be purchased by contacting Butch Dalton at 506-457-2233 or  [email protected] .
Fredericton Dinner
The 23nd Annual Fredericton Conservation Dinner took place at the Fredericton Inn on Tuesday September 18 th , with 275 enthusiastic salmon conservationist in attendance. The MSA took the opportunity to formally acknowledge and recognize Dr. Rick Cunjak for his long standing dedication to the conservation of wild Atlantic salmon and his ongoing support for the Miramichi Salmon Association. The live auction, which contained 31 items donated by local artists and companies, fishing camps, and various other MSA supporters, brought in over $50,000 towards salmon conservation. If you missed the event you most certainly missed out! The Fredericton MSA Dinner Committee would like to thank all those who attended, donated, and purchased at the 23nd Annual Dinner. (Photo: Honouree Rick Cunjak, MSA Chairman Kevin Harris and MSA President Mark Hambrook).

Burnt Land Brook Project Completed
In mid-September, the MSA completed a major cold-water enhancement project at the confluence of Burnt Land Brook and the SW Miramichi, located in Boiestown, NB. 

The enhancement work included installing a significant rock toe to enhance the Brook’s cold-water flow and contributions out into the river and the salmon holding located there.

The project was jointly funded by the MSA, the Atlantic Salmon Conservation Fund (ASCF) and the New Brunswick Wildlife Trust Fund. For a more detailed explanation of the project, CLICK HERE

Upcoming MSA Events You Don't Want to Miss
Still not a member of the Miramichi Salmon Association?
  Membership in the MSA is the perfect way to express your passion and support for the Miramichi River, for the Atlantic salmon who make it their home, and for the vital work being done by the MSA to protect and conserve both for today and tomorrow!
Miramichi Salmon Association | 506-622-4000 | |