Still need your help expect surveys out around the end of April.
This is what I said last month...
The LGMI Board of Directors has a number of initiatives under way.
One very important activity is deciding what standards and design practices we are going to work on first. This is where you come in... the many ideas we have are being sorted into groups. We will be sending out surveys from this sort, asking you what is of priority to you.
This will determine where we start on this very important activity.
So, I ask you when receive these survey(s), please respond!
Not sure what software we will use for this just yet, so please watch out for emails that have "LGMI" in the subject line.
Your thoughts? Send me a note at
Jim Thompson
Of special note...
In a few months, we will be moving this column to the Light Green Machine Institute website. There is not much there right now, but you might as well get signed up and start thinking about moving over there. It is at