Modern Gothic no longer conjures up images of
the dark, the drafty, and the dreary.
It seems not only are homeowners and interior designers
embracing the decorative elements of a bygone era, but doing so with
a modern twist... they are mixing different textures and natural elements
throughout like deep tonal woods and raw dark metal into rooms full of light.
The history and heritage of old gothic-style homes and their original interiors
has gained "historic-sensitive" respect... even adding a new dimension
to the environmentally friendly and sustainable movement.
Crown molding, layered baseboards, raised-panel wainscoting are no
longer viewed as relics but as striking design elements especially when
given a coat of bright color. As shown below, marrying in iron beds,
deep colored woods and furniture, brings a fresh new perspective
which harkens to the gothic period.
World-renowned architect Phillippe Starck refers to the blending
of old and new as a "habitable, surreal and poetic work of art".
Renovating or updating rooms while maintaining the original charm
and character can bring harmonious elegance and creates a lasting home.