The Lily Pond
Summer 2019 Newsletter
Cooler weather has already arrived - the summer months flew by so quickly! The warm, sunny days were anything but lazy here at the sanctuary. We've been busy building out a fourth stall in the barn and preparing the paddock for a run-in shed for the horses who are currently in foster care waiting to come home to The Lily Pond.
The fields have been hayed and the pond is full of pink waterlilies. A mother deer has been caring for her little spotted fawn in our fields - can you see him standing next to his mother in the below photo? Barn swallows built a nest in the rafters of the barn and swoop through the eaves feeding their family of chirping babies. The spiders weave intricate webs in every available corner, making a good living off the abundance of bugs. Wild turkeys traverse the fields, piquing the interest of the cats and sending the dogs into a barking frenzy.
Our Treeing Walker Coonhound, Dolly, keeps close watch on the raccoons that cavort at dusk in the trees bordering the dog yard. She bounds around the yard, barking the alert to all of Columbia County as well as several neighboring states. We suspect that the raccoons find it highly entertaining to tease our vocal and very dedicated hunter from the relative safety of the high branches beyond the fence.
The Arrival of Apache
If you happen to visit the sanctuary and see an adorable tri-colored pony wearing boots, be sure to say hello to Apache, the newest member of the herd! Apache is a 27-year old Paint gelding owned for many years by a local woman involved in animal welfare. She had rescued Apache when he was three years old from a farm where he had been living in horrible conditions. Now she is preparing to relocate from New York to Florida and deter-mined that it would be too difficult a trip for Apache due to his special needs. She wanted to find him a good home where his dietary and hoof requirements would be addressed. Her veterinarian recommended The Lily Pond and she drove up to see the sanctuary and meet with us. She generously offered to help support Apache's transition. We felt he would be a good fit with our herd agreed to provide this sweet senior with a forever home.
Apache arrived the afternoon of August 31st and unloaded from the trailer without any trouble. We put him in the front paddock while April, Sammir and Waverly were in their stalls to facilitate a safe introduction. Apache trotted up to each stall to make the acquaintance of our current residents - with wildly different results! Sammir whinnied at the newcomer and reached out to nuzzle the little pony. Satisfied that he had made a new friend, Apache moved on to April's stall. Our Palomino mare poked her head out, pinned her ears and blew a raspberry at the little guy before ducking back into her stall. Apache stood there looking slightly abashed, then wisely headed on to Waverly's stall. Our Thoroughbred was curious and stretched over the door of her stall to check out the newcomer. Apache must have met with approval, because Waverly also nuzzled him.
Apache greets Sammir and receives a friendly nuzzle from his new friend.
April throws a hissy fit and retreats back into her stall, refusing to interact.
Waverly eagerly greets Apache while Sammir looks on from his stall.
Apache adjusted quickly to his new life at the sanctuary, displaying good manners during his appointments with the veterinarian and farrier. Years ago, he had foundered in a field of lush grass, so now wears gel boots on his front hooves. Time has taken a toll on his teeth, which are worn down stubs. He is not allowed access to hay in order to prevent choking due to the fact that he can't properly chew it. He used to receive two mashes a day and we increased it to three. This little Paint has no problem letting us know that he's hungry, using his hooves to create a mighty racket by kicking the stall door until we dutifully serve his meal. If you happen to be in the paddock, you will find yourself walking around with a horse-shaped shadow. Apache loves attention and follows us around like a puppy, nuzzling and nickering for more pets and hugs.
Apache would love to have a sponsor or three to help support him in his new life. He still needs a winter blanket and rain sheet. He is on a special diet and requires extensive care of his hooves. His gel boots are expensive, but they keep him comfortable and fashionable! Will you consider supporting this sweet pony?

Sponsors can visit the sanctuary on Sponsor Sundays to spend time in beautiful surroundings with their four-legged friends. Your support is greatly appreciated!
In Loving Memory of Jeb
by Susan Bandy
JEB was a good boy. This is important to understand - that he was good; that he was sweet and brave; and that he maintained a great attitude right up until cancer took him away from us.
Sixteen-year-old Jeb first arrived at the sanctuary last September with his friends Brodie and Tig. They were from a neglect case; former working dogs at a local hunt club who had been left in a condemned house after their owners moved out due to a fire. They arrived covered in fleas with not much training but plenty of personality.

Jeb distinguished himself by being the loudest with a talent for knocking over the water bowl. He made a "woo-woo-wooo" sound that registered somewhere between a whine and a yodel. Jeb loved to be told that he was a good boy. If you said "I love you, love you, love you!" to him, he would show his delight by turning in circles while singing his "woo-woo-wooo" song.
In May, Jeb developed a limp that was diagnosed as bone cancer. He had a tumor in his left shoulder that grew at devastating speed. We kept him on daily medication to manage the pain. By July, his vitals were beginning to shut down until finally he could no longer stand and refused to eat or drink. We all hoped that his soul would peacefully pass while while he was asleep, but he continued to hang on against all odds. I like to think that he didn't want to leave his happy family. But his refusal to eat made it difficult to administer pain medication and we could see that he was suffering. We finally made the very difficult decision to call the veterinarian for an in-home euthanization.
The evening of July 22nd, caregiver Brenda Izzo and volunteer Ollie Westfall brought flowers to honor this beautiful dog and support his transition. Brenda cooked Jeb a steak dinner and hand-fed him small pieces, which he ate with enjoyment. Jeb received lots of hugs and cuddles. We played soothing music and sang to him as Dr. Danielle St. Pierre gently helped him depart his broken, pain-riddled body.
The phrase "dog days of summer" is a familiar expression for the hottest days of July and August in the Northern Hemisphere. The expression actually originated during Roman times as a reference to the heliacal rising of the star system Sirius, the Dog Star. It was during the ascension of the constellation Canis Major that Jeb crossed the Rainbow Bridge. I don't believe this was a coincidence. It was clearly an auspicious time for Jeb to make an important transition to the next phase of his soul's journey.

We all miss Jeb every day. I like to remember him during his carefree days here at The Lily Pond, chasing a ball and playing with his buddies. Perhaps some starry night I'll hear his "woo-woo-wooo" echo across the sky.

Jeb, we love you and thank you for the gift of your time with us. May your beautiful soul dance with the great Dog Star across the heavens. Jeb's a good boy. Always. ❤️🌈💫
Merlin Moves In
We're pleased to announce another set of whiskers at the cat house. Merlin is an affable, 18-year-old tuxedo who arrived at the sanctuary in July. He was rescued from a bad situation in a garage as a kitten and cared for by a local woman who provided a cat house for a group of stray cats in need. Merlin lived there happily for 18 years among his kitty friends. But over time, his comrades crossed the Rainbow Bridge one by one until finally he was the only remaining cat. He was lonely all by himself in the cat building. He would sit in the window watching for his caregiver, and yowl for someone to come keep him company.

Merlin's previous owner is focused on rescue and rehabilitation for several different animal species and was not planning to continue taking in stray cats. She
reached out to The Lily Pond to ask if we could accept him at our cat house, since he is happiest with other kitties. He arrived at the sanctuary and we put him in the cat tower, which is used to safely integrate new cats into the group.
Merlin's arrival created a stir among the current denizens and he found himself chatting with several of our more curious kitties, who came up to the cat tower to greet him. After two weeks, we opened the door of the cat tower. Merlin hopped out and promptly ran upstairs to hide in one of the cat cubbies. We brought food and water up to him, hoping that he would eventually make his way downstairs to the main room.

Every evening, all the animals get treats before we tuck them in for the night. Merlin took a keen interest in the chicken-flavored cat treats and this was the key to his becoming more comfortable in his new home. As soon as he heard the melodious sound of treats being sprinkled on the floor, he would make his way down the stairs and tentatively inquire as to his ration. His previous owner sent along his special cat brush, telling us that he enjoyed being brushed. She was right! We took the opportunity to pet and brush him and soon he was hanging out with all the others. While shy by nature, Merlin is clearly happy to back back among a family of kitties.

Once Merlin had settled in, his previous owner made the decision to close down her former cat house and donated a large number of cat trees to The Lily Pond. How lucky are we?? Ever curious, the kitties explored their new playground, giving the furniture a new set of scratches for good measure.

Welcome home Merlin! We're glad you're here.
Above: Merlin peering out the window of his former home hoping for some company.

Below: the kitties enjoying all the new cat trees that were donated upon Merlin's arrival.
All The Latest News
There's been a lot going on this summer with our four-legged family. Many people have asked about some of our animals who have been facing medical challenges, so we wanted to share the following updates.
Addie is one of our special needs kitties. Prior to coming to the sanctuary, she had been hit by a car, which shattered her pelvis and left her incontinent and tail-less. As a result of complications from her accident, Addie frequently has issues with elimination, which we monitor and treat.
However, Addie developed a very severe bladder infection and case of constipation. Dr. Patterson at Sheep Meadow Animal Hospital was able to treat her infection and clear her intestines, but Addie was slow to recover and would not initially eat on her own. Once she got her appetite back, we brought her home, only to rush her back to Sheep Meadow a few days later. The infection seemed resistant to treatment and Addie was not feeling well. Dr. Patterson took x-rays and discovered a stone in her
bladder. Addie is too underweight and compromised to perform surgery, so she is staying at Sheep Meadow for dietary treatment of the stone. She receives daily fluids and assistance with eliminating. Many thanks to Dr. Patterson and staff at Sheep Meadow for their loving care of Addie. We are hoping for improvement, but there has clearly been nerve deterioration from her injuries. Your kind thoughts are greatly appreciated.
Marta was diagnosed with liver disease several months ago. While this is a sad development, we can at least report that our sassy gal is still purring for people, swatting at other cats, and drinking from the tap, of course!

Our veterinarians drain the fluid from her belly when it gets large enough to put pressure on her diaphragm, making it difficult for her to breathe. We do our best to keep her comfortable. She routinely licks all the gravy off the et cat food when we are preparing meals, much to the chagrin of the other cats. So we started giving her bowls of chicken broth and little pre-packed bowls of soup for cats. This suits her just fine, and then she hops back into her favorite spot - the kitchen sink.
Tig arrived last September with his buddies Jeb and Brodie. Despite his 15 years, he has the energy of a youngster. He is often so excited to go outside that he launches himself in the air and for just a moment, he rather resembles a dog-shaped kite flying high at the end of a leash-shaped string.

Tig recently experienced some digestive issues and we also discovered a large lump that had developed near the top of his tail. Imagine our relief when the veterinarian determined that the lump is benign and proscribed a round of antibiotics to help his upset stomach. Tig is back to his usual frolicking in the yard, competing with Brodie in their daily game of fetch.
Betty is our senior gal, better known as the "Empress Dowager." At her medical check-up a year ago, Dr. Patterson noticed that her eyes were getting cloudy from age. About a month ago, we realized that she had finally lost her vision when she began bumping into walls.

Miss Betty doesn't let blindness stop her! She has her favorite spot by the window and knows how to navigate her way down the cat tree to the food and water bowls and to the litter boxes. She paws at the air until she finds her footholds and bravely makes her way to where she needs to go. When we're serving wet food, she hollers from her perch by the window for us to serve her breakfast and dinner in bed. Of course we are happy to oblige the senior lady of the house.
Our 29-year old Palomino mare April was diagnosed with Cushings in May. She had arrived last November very thin and underweight. We are proud of her progress - she gained over 200 lbs despite the cold winter months. Even though she had reached an ideal weight, her coat was still very itchy and she had a bad case of dandruff. An allergy test confirmed that she's allergic to wheat and oats, so we've modified her diet to reduce the grain. We bathed her with medicated shampoo and she began to shed when the weather got warmer to the point of having bald spots. Her coat has since grown back in and we were delighted to see that she now has beautiful dapples! Way to go April!! We want to thank her wonderful sponsor, Patricia Roberto, for supporting her success!
Elliot is a senior cat who we rescued from a shelter in December of 2017. He has always been a sturdy fellow, but we noticed that he had been steadily gaining a lot of weight. When we witnessed him laying - not standing - at the water bowl lapping up large quantities of water, we made an appointment with the veterinarian. We are sad to report that Elliot has been diagnosed with diabetes. He is currently on antibiotics and receives insulin shots twice a day. He's such a good sport about it!

Elliot continues to enjoy naps in his favorite chair and will chatter loudly and happily with anyone who stops to pet and cuddle him. His medication is expensive and he would greatly benefit from the support of a sponsor.
Won't you please consider sponsoring this sweet senior cat or making a one-time donation toward the cost of his insulin?
Not only will you receive a lifetime of good karma, but heaps of gratitude from Elliot and his caregivers as well! Thank you!
The Adventures of Mister Ed
It's been a wild ride since we rescued Mister Ed from a situation of neglect last May and placed him in foster care with Barn Manager Brenda Izzo. Ed had a bad case of heaves, a respiratory ailment caused by moldy hay. Our first priority was to improve his diet and treat the asthma. Ed is on Prednisone, which has helped his breathing, especially during the hot, humid days of summer. He no longer has white foam coming out of his nostrils!

Our next challenge was dealing with an abscess in Mister Ed's front right hoof. Due to his age, the soles of his hooves are very thin and the abscess was poking through the sole. The regular soaking and treatment were not working and he went down in his stall. Our equine veterinarian prescribed pain medication and our farrier, Peter Buckbee, was called to the scene to apply special clogs to relieve the pressure while the abscess healed. We were pleased when Ed seemed comfortable after the clogs were removed and replaced by a special shoe with a metal bar and leather toe pads.
Ed has become good friends with farrier Peter Buckbee. Photos courtesy of Brenda Izzo.
A check-up from the vet confirmed that Mister Ed's sole had grown from one millimeter to nine. The normal sole for a horse is 12-15 millimeters, but this was certainly an improvement. Ed was trotting comfortably around his paddock. We all breathed a sigh of relief.

Brenda had a few worry-free days until Mister Ed got in a tiff with his foster brother Silver. Silver was never very excited about Ed's arrival and we suspect that he objected to Ed flirting with Brenda's Thoroughbred mare Pretty Girl. Strong words were exchanged and Ed ended up getting his left hind leg stuck in the fence after trying to kick the daylights out of Silver. Thankfully, Brenda witnessed the exchange and ran out to help disentangle Ed from the fence. She asked him to quietly hold still while she worked to free his leg. He listened. The veterinarian was back out to examine his swollen leg and prescribed pain meds and cold-hosing twice a day. The swelling slowly went down and we all breathed a sigh of relief.
And then the rains began. Torrential downpours that flooded Ed's paddock and left it full of mud. Ed promptly developed a limp. Our good farrier, Peter Buckbee, was summoned back to examine Ed. He felt it was likely a sub-solar access and took his shoe off just to make sure nothing was trapped.

Brenda went to work removing as much mud as she could and hauled in 12 bags of mulch and a truckload of shavings to help dry out the paddock. Mister Ed stood by cheering her on and appeared quite satisfied with the results, walking quite comfortably around the paddock. We all breathed a sigh of relief.

A big round of applause for Ed's foster family Brenda Izzo and Morgan Izzo, for his amazing farrier Peter Buckbee, and for all the wonderful veterinarians at Oakencroft Equine Clinic. We are. so grateful for all you've done to care for the legendary Mister Ed!
🎉 Thank You!! 🎉

We did it! Thanks to the generosity of our donors, we were
able to meet our fundraising goal of $5,000 for the purchase
of a run-in shed to shelter Mister Ed.

The shed has been ordered and we have been busy preparing the paddock.
We look forward to welcoming Mister Ed home soon.

She's a Beauty
In March of this year, off-the-track Thoroughbred Waverly arrived at the sanctuary looking scruffy, thin, muddy, and covered with a viral infection (rain rot) across her back. She's a 10-year-old mare, so it didn't take long to get her weight up. We even worried that she might be getting a hay belly and moderated her diet. The rain rot was a bigger challenge, but consistent application of medicated lotion slowly cleared up her skin. Her coat is now clear and glossy. This gal is gorgeous and she knows it.

Waverly's short tenure at the sanctuary has not been without mishap. In April, a terrific wind storm assailed the property and the sound of the tree hitting the roof of the barn spooked the horses in the paddock. April and Sammir suddenly bolted. Waverly made to do the same, but her hooves got stuck in the mud, throwing
Dr. Safford from Oakencroft floating Waverly's teeth.
her off balance and causing her to crash right through the fence. She landed on her back with all four legs in the air and then rolled back up to a standing position on the front lawn. Sammir took the opportunity to sail right through the opening in the fence. Thinking quickly, Barn Manager Brenda Izzo was able to get hold of Sammir's halter and lead him back though the door of the barn, betting that Waverly would follow Sammir wherever he went. It worked, and soon all the horses were safely in their stalls. The veterinarian made an emergency visit to examine Waverly for an injuries. By some lucky miracle, Waverly thankfully did not have any broken bones or injuries. The poor girl was just sore for several days.
Waverly is doing well and her transformation has been quite dramatic in just a few short months. We've included some before and after photos below. Special thanks and gratitude to the Clifford Family for their generous sponsorship of Waverly! She couldn't have asked for a nicer family, who have loved and supported her every step of the way.
The above left photograph was taken in February 2019 at Waverly's previous home, prior to her arrival at The Lily Pond. The above right photograph was taken of Waverly in August 2019 in her paddock at The Lily Pond.

The below left photograph was taken in March 2019 a few days after Waverly's arrival at the sanctuary. She has a terrible case of rain rot. The below right photograph was taken in August 2019.
Local Artists Visit The Sanctuary
We were very fortunate to host a group of artists from the Columbia County Plein Air Painting group. After a brief tour, the artists set up their easels and set to work capturing the beauty of the sanctuary on canvas - with great success!
Painting of the hay bales in the field by Debbie Shaw
Artists Debbie Shaw and Eden Hart at work at The Lily Pond Sanctuary
Painting of the pond by Eden Hart
2019 Winner's Circle
A heartfelt THANK YOU to our generous donors, sponsors, and volunteers!
Marlene Vidibor stops to visit with Waverly during a tour of the sanctuary.
We are so grateful to the members of our 2019 Winner's Circle who have helped provide a forever home and quality care to animals in need.

The Lily Pond Sanctuary is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization.

Our EIN Number is 37-1932175. All donations are tax deductible.

Your support makes a BIG difference and is greatly appreciated!!
  • Anonymous (2)
  • Anonymous - in Loving Memory of Lupe
  • Brenda & Mark Bachand - in Loving Memory of Benjamin Moore
  • Susan Bandy
  • Gretchen Behr-Svendson
  • Jessica Bernstein - in Loving Memory of Milo
  • Diane Brackett - in Loving Memory of Kidi
  • Kristy Bonnivier
  • Peter Buckbee
  • Vinn Campese - in Loving Memory of Anna Castelluccio
  • Frank Castelluccio - in Loving Memory of Anna Castelluccio
  • Alexandra Cayot - in Loving Memory of Melody
  • Deirdre Clarke & Christa Rivelli - in Loving Memory of Paris
  • The Clifford Family
  • Barbara Clough
  • Faith Connolly
  • Catherine Davis - in Loving Memory of Anna Castelluccio
  • Angela Deleonibus - in Loving Memory of Anna Castelluccio
  • Deborah DeSorbo & Kathleen Keating - In Loving Memory of LaceyBug
  • Leslie Dornfeld - in Loving Memory of Chumley, beloved pet of the Cochrane-Schwartz Family
  • Earth Angels Veterinary Hospital - in Loving Memory of Lou
  • Denise & Cody Elmendorf - in Loving Memory of Ali
  • James Favicchio & Jessica Bidwell - in Loving Memory of Deuce
  • Elsie Fletcher - in Loving Memory of Charles and Hazel Maxwell
  • Gabrielle & Pippin - in Loving Memory of Blondie, Runty, and Tiny
  • Jason Garvey, Jhori, & Heather - in Loving Memory of Kreios
  • Fernanda Gomez - in Loving Memory of Mojo & Bruno Gomez
  • Jessica Handschuh - in Loving Memory of Peekachu
  • Michelle Harrington - in Loving Memory of Oliver
  • Douglas Hartman - in Loving Memory of Anna Castelluccio
  • Kelly Hartman - in Loving Memory of Anna Castelluccio
  • Amy & Matt Hausmann - in Loving Memory of Moose
  • Michael & LuAnn Hill - in Loving Memory of Fortunate
  • James & Blanca Hipple - in Loving Memory of Nero
  • The Hosier Family - in Loving Memory of Ginger
  • Brenda Izzo
  • Joseph Izzo
  • Morgan Izzo
  • Donna Johnson
  • Peter Kirker - in Loving Memory of Kitty
  • Judy Krumpus
  • Glenn Lindsay & Alexis - in Loving Memory of Boogie
  • Colosi Luce - In Loving Memory of Anna Castelluccio
  • Jenny & Billy Lysen - in Loving Memory of Bugga
  • Tammy Maddalla - in Loving Memory of Henry
  • Fran Martino - in Loving Memory of Loki
  • Lorna McMurray
  • Dr. Steve Naile, DVM
  • Dr. Carrie A. O'Hare - in Loving Memory of Kitten & Pudge
  • Amanda Reed - in Loving Memory of Mojo
  • Patricia Roberto
  • Peter Roberts - in Loving Memory of Whisky
  • Tracey Rostron
  • Amy Seeburger & Misha Korablin - in Loving Memory of Nora
  • Sienna Sky LLC
  • Andrea Small
  • Dan Sparks
  • Madaline Sparks & Wayne Greene
  • Jill Spero
  • Stephanie Stanton
  • Mina Stella - in Loving Memory of Anna Castelluccio
  • Jacob Stine & Heather McGrath - in Loving Memory of Mya & Maggie
  • Patnalin Sun - in Loving Memory of Anna Castelluccio
  • Richard Tracy & Kathleen Eldridge
  • Lorie & Bart Trotter
  • The Uhnak Family - in Loving Memory of Kali
  • Nancy Van Deren
  • Marlene Vidibor
  • Rose Vining - in Loving Memory of Rupert
  • Theresa Wasula
  • Kristine Waterman - In Loving Memory of Jeenie & Tope
  • Ollie Westfall
  • Kaitlin Williams
  • Kelley Williams
Mission Statement:
The Lily Pond is a 501(c)(3) animal sanctuary that brings people, animals, and nature together in healing partnership. The sanctuary provides a lifetime home and quality care to cats, dogs, horses, and parrots in need.
The Lily Pond Sanctuary, Inc. | (518) 392-3030 | [email protected]