Monthly News from Washington Park United Methodist Church
The time has come! Around us the world is coming back to life, the grass is growing greener, there are buds on the trees and the number of snowstorms (we pray!) are numbered. Rebirth and new life are in the air and with the change in season, comes the change in our liturgical season. We can feel the darker days of Lent fading into the brighter days of Easter. But what comes next? What comes after the great celebrations of light and new life all around us?
This is the question that sits on my heart at the end of every holy season that seems to begin in December and run well into April. The holy feels so close at hand during these five months of regular holidays and celebrations and spiritual practices, but what happens the other seven months of the year? Where can we find the holy and sacred among the ordinary times?
Join us as we discover where the sacred hides in our everyday lives through our coming sermon series, Ministry in Ordinary Places. Based on the book, “The Ministry of Ordinary Places” by Shannan Martin, we’ll be walking through the day to day practices of faith that sustain us through life’s journey and keep us connected to God, our neighbors, and ourselves. I pray you’ll join as we discover our purpose through all seasons of our lives. In the words of Shannan Martin,
“The details will look quiet and ordinary.
They will exhaust and exhilarate us.
But it will be the most worth-it adventure we will ever take.
Let’s go.”
May peace be with you,
Rev. Jamielee
Sunday services can be viewed live at 9:30am on Facebook AND YouTube, or afterwards with the links found on the website and weekly emails.
The Poetry of Lent: The Poet Thinks About the Donkey
Mark 11: 1-11
**Join us for our first in-person Palm Parade in two years!
April 17th – EASTER SUNDAY SERVICES at 9:30 & 11am
Easter Egg Hunt for children will be held between services
The Poetry of Lent: Morning Poem
Mark 16: 1-8
Our preschool Online Auction is open for bidding! Click below to view the awesome packages and items we have available to bid on! Thank you for supporting our preschool!
Clothing Drive for Spirit of Hope Clothing Closet Mission
From March 2nd through April 17th, WPUMC will be partnering with Spirit of Hope to fill their ‘Clothing Closet’. This mission provides warm outerwear and basic clothing needs to the homeless friends and neighbors in the tri city area of Littleton, Englewood, and Sheridan. This mission came from a working with the Severe Weather Coalition, Change the Trend and other organizations, working with the unhoused individuals. Every 2nd Saturday of the month, volunteers load up in a bus or several vehicles and find individuals on the street. The volunteers provide these individuals with clothes, a sack meal, personal items and food that will help them for a while. This effort specifically targets the individuals that did not get a voucher for the night to stay at a hotel through the Severe Weather Coalition.
Collection bins are located in the Narthex for drop-off. We are requesting the following items for donation:
New or used:
Jackets and Coats
Pants, specifically jeans
New Only:
Adult sizing is preferred, but all sizes are welcome
If you would like more information about volunteering with Spirit of Hope, please contact Rev. Jamielee at
FISH of Denver East
We are running a toiletries and food drive for FISH of Denver East. From 3/10-4/24, we will be collecting the following items for donation:
- hotel and small-medium retail size unopened shampoo
- hotel and small-medium retail size unopened conditioner
- hotel and small-medium retail size unopened lotion
- deodorant
- toothpaste and toothbrushes
- hotel and small-medium retail size unopened mouthwash
- hotel and small-medium retail size unopened body wash
- bar soap
- hearty soups and pasta sauces,
- variety canned beans (no black or refried)
- healthy snacks
- hot chocolate
- microwave popcorn packets.
Collection bins will be marked in the Narthex.
Meal Service at St. Francis Center – Warren Residences
There are opportunities to help cook dinner every two weeks at the St. Francis Center – Warren Residences. The event is located at the old Warren UMC in Cheesman Park and you will have the chance to prepare a meal with the residents and help build community. You are asked to volunteer for the 3-6 p.m. shift on Wednesdays. They also ask for a $25 donation to help cover the cost of ingredients for the meal. Warren Residences offers permanent housing for fifty (50) people.
The mission of St. Francis Center is to offer refuge and peace for our community members who experience homelessness, helping them meet their basic needs and transition out of homelessness.
St. Francis Center is a not-for-profit organization with its roots in the Episcopal Church. St. Francis Center’s focus has always been to offer a place of refuge for people who are homeless and to provide services with dignity and respect. We continue that tradition today, welcoming all who come whatever their religious or political affiliation.
For questions and available dates, please contact Ben Fiedler: or 303.399.6999 (please include your cell number when leaving messages).
There are three upcoming opportunities to support Habitat for Humanity of Metro Denver, which is one of the core organizations we support at WPUMC. This local non-profit builds and sells homes to hardworking people who need affordable and decent housing in the metro area.
Opportunity #1:
The first opportunity is the Breakfast for Humanity on Wednesday, April 27th at 8 AM. This one-hour event brings together donors, volunteers, partners and friends for an inspiring program, helping to raise funds in support of Habitat’s mission. This year you may attend the event in person or virtually. You are encouraged to make a donation during the breakfast (please designate your donation to our coalition of Loaves and Fishes), but it is certainly not required. Click here to register and for more information.
Opportunity #2:
It’s time to start building our next home! Our work will continue at Habitat’s Aria Denver site. According to the Habitat website, “Habitat for Humanity of Metro Denver is excited to be constructing 28 new homes in Aria Denver, a multigenerational, mixed-income community that supports simple, healthy living. Located eight minutes from downtown and one block from Regis University, these 2-, 3- and 4-bedroom homes are part of a 17.5-acre development featuring organic gardens, a playground and open spaces.”
More details and a link to volunteer will be available soon, but the following dates have already been reserved for us. Mark your calendars!!
o Sat., May 14
o Sat., June 4
o Sat., July 9
Opportunity #3:
The Habitat Production Shop is a great way to support Habitat in a climate-controlled setting. Volunteers help with painting or house framing inside a large warehouse. Later, these materials are taken to various Habitat worksites to make the work onsite more efficient. Again, more details will be made available soon, but mark your calendars for Sat., June 18 to work in the Production Shop.
If you would like to volunteer or want more information, contact Carol Nelson at 303.810.4635 or at I’d love to hear from you!!
Upcoming Events:
Monday April 4th - Vacation Bible School Registration opens
Sunday April 10th- Palm Sunday
*Join in for our Palm Parade during the Children’s Time,
Sunday School following.
Thursday April 14th- Maundy Thursday Service starting at 5:30.
*Childcare available for this service.
Easter Sunday April 17th- 9:30 and 11:00 services
*10:30 Easter Egg Hunt
*No Sunday School, but childcare is available for both services.
Easter Egg Hunt will begin at 10:30 AM. Please have children meet in the Sanctuary. I encourage them to bring their baskets from home but bags will be provided if needed. We ask the contents of their found eggs be emptied in their baskets or bags. Please return the empty eggs to the large plastic bins for reuse in the future.
We are looking for a few bags of individually wrapped, nut free candies to be donated. A basket will be in the Narthex. Please donate by April 13th. I already have filled eggs with non-food treats. We are also looking for some volunteers to help hide eggs during the 9:30 AM service and help clean up any items left behind after the 11:00 AM service. A few extra adults keeping a watchful eye is always helpful as well. Please email me if you are able to volunteer at
Vacation Bible School 2022
Adventure Island!
It’s time to think about Vacation Bible School and how you can be a part of this summer's fun….. Discovery on Adventure Island!
VBS will run for children 3years old and potty trained through completion of 6th grade, August 1st-5th, 9 -11:30 AM Mon-Thurs and 9-12:00 on Friday. Registration opens today, April 4th. The form will be on the church website and included in weekly church emails. Anyone interested in helping to support this event by spending some time with our attendees, decorating or donating, please reach out to me to find out how you can be a help to us. One way we could use some help right now is to spread the word, invite neighbors, friends, cousins, grandchildren, you get it, tell EVERYONE!
We will be using all safety protocols recommended by the CDC and state health department for schools and childcare facilities to help guide us to host a safe and healthy Vacation Bible School. We look forward to seeing returning faces and new faces. My email address is I would welcome your time, thoughts and ideas.
Sheri Salis
There are lots of ways that you can offer your gifts in service to our congregation – looking for a way to be more involved at WPUMC? Here are a few opportunities:
*Ushering – online or in-person! We schedule individuals for a specific Sunday a month for their ushering “shift”. Online ushering doesn’t require you to be in the building, but to engage with online worship participants. In-person ushering requires your presence, and includes greeting people and helping with offering and communion. Email Rev. Sandi at
*New Baby Meal Team - Volunteers Needed!
Wash Park United Methodist Church and Preschool are organizing a team of meal providers from our church and preschool communities that would be willing to offer meals to preschool families that are welcoming new babies into their home. All of you know that when a new baby arrives, life can get hectic. We'd like to make sure that all of our families with new babies feel supported and cared for with the delivery of a meal or two. If you are interested in joining this team to provide meals--please contact Rev. Sandi at
*Sunday Morning Liturgist! If you’d like to help offer a greeting to our worship participants, lead the call to worship and read the scripture, email Rev. Sandi at
There are lots of other ways to volunteer at WPUMC – if there is something specific you’d like to share, or if you are interested in a certain area of leadership, please contact Rev. Sandi at
April 01 Jim Dillon
April 01 Ben Jankowski
April 02 Judy Shaver
April 04 Lauren Burger
April 06 Deb Dowling-Canino
April 06 Ryan Hoskins
April 07 Tom Mann
April 08 Chris Mikesell
April 13 Luke Warren
April 14 Zach Casey
April 17 James Hunter
April 20 Misty Meade
April 20 Monica Smith-Acuna
April 24 Sandi Dillon
April 26 Jaime Bromley
April 26 Liam Poirier
April 27 Katie Daugherty
April 27 Emelia Winkler
April 29 William Pagels
April 30 Brett Casey
April 30 Winnie Quick
Altar Flowers 2022
If you’d like to sponsor Sunday morning altar flowers in honor of an occasion or in memory of someone, please sign up for a date below. The arrangements cost $45 ($35 for seniors) and you can take them home or give them away after service. We just ask that you return the vases to the Tea Kitchen so that we can reuse them. Make checks out to WPUMC and put altar flowers in the memo line or pay via Venmo @Michelle-Hoskins-17.
Please enter the occasion or person to be honored in the My Comment field after you click Sign Up.