“What is your honest hope this Advent season?”
This question is repeated each week in the Advent devotion book, Shadow & Light by Tsh Oxenreider, that a small group and I are using for our Advent study this year.
“What is your honest hope this Advent season?”
The wording of this simple question has captured my imagination. It gives permission for you to genuinely and candidly answer with your heart’s dreams. No answer is wrong as long as it’s honest.
Is your honest hope for world peace? Then it’s not silly or foolish . . . it’s the true desire of your heart.
Or maybe you want an evening at home without commitments or obligations? Then it’s not shallow or lazy . . . it is your honest hope.
Maybe you’re lonely and want company, or feel sad and want joy again, or feel overwhelmed and just are ready for it to all be over . . . when it’s an honest hope, you are given every permission to express it, hold it, cherish it. The funny thing about hope is that it’s not a wish that might come true, it’s something deeper and rooted in our spirit. God honors the hopes that we hold.
So, “What is your honest hope this Advent season?”
I pray your Advent season is filled with the blessings and promises of God: Hope, Love, Joy and Peace.