The Link: December 2022

Monthly News from Washington Park United Methodist Church
From Your Pastor

Hello Katie,

“What is your honest hope this Advent season?” 


This question is repeated each week in the Advent devotion book, Shadow & Light by Tsh Oxenreider, that a small group and I are using for our Advent study this year. 


“What is your honest hope this Advent season?”


The wording of this simple question has captured my imagination. It gives permission for you to genuinely and candidly answer with your heart’s dreams. No answer is wrong as long as it’s honest.


Is your honest hope for world peace? Then it’s not silly or foolish . . . it’s the true desire of your heart.


Or maybe you want an evening at home without commitments or obligations? Then it’s not shallow or lazy . . . it is your honest hope.


Maybe you’re lonely and want company, or feel sad and want joy again, or feel overwhelmed and just are ready for it to all be over . . . when it’s an honest hope, you are given every permission to express it, hold it, cherish it. The funny thing about hope is that it’s not a wish that might come true, it’s something deeper and rooted in our spirit. God honors the hopes that we hold.


So, “What is your honest hope this Advent season?” 


I pray your Advent season is filled with the blessings and promises of God: Hope, Love, Joy and Peace.

December Worship

Sunday services can be viewed live at 9:30am on Facebook AND YouTube, or afterwards with the links found on the website and weekly emails.

Click here to view service from December 4th.

December 11th   – ADVENT 3

           WPUMC Chancel Choir Presents “The Gift: A Christmas Cantata”


December 18th - ADVENT 4 & Communion

   Shadow & Light: Gratitude

 John 1: 1-5


December 24th – Candlelight Christmas Eve Services

                 4 & 6pm – Family Friendly (childcare available)

8pm - Reflective


December 25th – Christmas / Pajama Sunday

 Carols and Prayers 


Christmas Poinsettias for Sale!

We will be filling the Sanctuary with Poinsettias throughout the Advent Season. If you would like to purchase one or more poinsettia plants for $10.00, please fill out the form found on the button below and either send a check made out to WPUMC or pay via Venmo to Michelle-Hoskins-17 and put "poinsettia" in the memo line. 

The flowers will be available after Christmas Eve service for you to take home.

Purchase Here!

Fellowship Hall Renovation Survey

If you haven't had an opportunity to complete our Study Survey about a future Fellowship Hall Renovation please do so by December 16th. Click Here!


Music? Humor? Heartwarming lesson on the true meaning of Christmas? Bah Humbug!!! 

Whatever you do, please join the Empire Lyric Players as they bring the classic

Scrooge tale to life on our Fellowship Hall stage in a lively,

family-friendly, music event here at WPUMC on:

Friday,   Dec. 9 at 7PM

Saturday Dec.10 at 2PM & & 7PM

Sunday  Dec. 11 at 2PM

Get your tickets HERE!

Joan Martin

Empire Lyric Players


WPUMC Youth Christmas Party!

Mark your calendars for Sunday, December 11th for the Youth Christmas Party!

We'll have dinner, watch a Christmas movie, and do games and gifts.

 Look for emails from Rev. Loren with more info!

Children's Ministry

Thank you to all who participated in our Impromptu Christmas Program yesterday! It is always a joy to watch the children in such a special performance! A big THANK YOU goes our to Sheri Salis, our Children's Ministry Director, Rev. Sandi, and parent volunteers that helped coordinate costumes and kids. We are so grateful for your help making this Sunday a success!


WPUMC and Stigma will partner once again this season for Christmas in the Park.  This is an annual event organized by AfterHours and held on Christmas morning to serve as a free “store” for unhoused people and people experiencing financial struggles. We offer rolling suitcases and backpacks to our neighbors in need. They can be new or gently used, but in good working order. Last year we received a very large donation of messenger bags and backpacks. This year we would like to focus on rolling suitcases. Being able to keep items together as they move from place to place can have a significant positive impact on our recipients’ daily lives. If you have rolling suitcases that are unused, we would love to give them a use. Suitcases can be dropped off at the church by the sanctuary or on the front porch of the home of Matt and Sheri Salis. Their address is 285 S. Williams St, Denver. If you would like to give a monetary donation, please do so at  You will receive a tax deductible receipt for your monetary donation. Feel free to contact us with any questions at or


December 01 Emily Haemer

December 02 Mary Bea Halimeh

December 02 Libby Webster

December 04 Liz Bankhead

December 05 Doug Poirier

December 07 Barry Nance

December 10 Lily Griffin

December 13 Barb Gonzales

December 15 Mark Morgan

December 18 Julia Couch

December 18 Kelly Goering

December 20 Alex Halimeh

December 23 Carol Mrzlikar

December 23 Jaime Obleski

December 26 Noreen Marutle

December 27 Joseph Salis

December 28 Blair Goering

Altar Flowers 2022

If you’d like to sponsor Sunday morning altar flowers in honor of an occasion or in memory of someone, please sign up for a date below. The arrangements cost $45 ($35 for seniors) and you can take them home or give them away after service. We just ask that you return the vases to the Tea Kitchen so that we can reuse them. Make checks out to WPUMC and put altar flowers in the memo line or pay via Venmo @Michelle-Hoskins-17.
Please enter the occasion or person to be honored in the My Comment field after you click Sign Up.
Sign Up Here
(303) 777-3043
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