The Link: February 2023

Monthly News from Washington Park United Methodist Church
From Your Pastor

Hello Katie,

I’ve been feeling a little bit of the winter “blahs”. . . cold and grey days, cold and sunny days, COLD days. I know that the weather affects my mood, and it may affect yours, too. The World Health Organization defines mental wellness as “a state of well-being in which an individual realizes his or her own abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and is able to make a contribution to his or her community.”


Here are a few tips and tricks to address your mental well-being this winter:

1.     Pay attention to the physical signs of burnout.

Sometimes, if you’re not sleeping well, or are having lots of aches in your body (head, stomach), you may be experiencing burnout. Try to address, instead of ignore, your symptoms!

2.     Find joy in a workout.

Movement really helps! There are no rules around how you have to do it, so find a friend or crank the tunes, but move your body.

3.     Turn to the wilderness for healing.

In Colorado, we all know the benefits of being in nature—there’s such a thing as “ecotherapy”. Make sure to get out there!

4.     Figure out your wellness ‘non-negotiables’.

What are the things that you do every day that brings joy to your lives—it’s the “little rituals that keep us going.”

(for more information, visit

If you are struggling with your mental wellness, I encourage you to contact your doctor, a therapist. Rev. Loren and I are always here to help you as well.

Grace and peace as you tend to yourself-  Rev. Sandi

February Worship

Sunday services can be viewed live at 9:30am on Facebook AND YouTube, or afterwards with the links found on the website and weekly emails.

Click here to view service from January 29th.


Break Free: From Comparisons

 Matthew 5: 1-12

February 12th – Break Free: From Guilt

Micah 6: 1-8

February 19th – Say Something

Isaiah 58: 1-12


February 22nd

Pancake Dinner at 5:30pm

Ash Wednesday Service at 6:30pm


February 26th— LENT 1

Seek: Who will you listen to?

   Genesis 2: 15-17, 3: 1-7; Matthew 4: 1-1


The SPRC (Staff-Parish Relations Committee) is gauging interest in four new groups for engagement, learning and relationship building in our church community throughout the month of February! If you are interested in one or more, please use the sign up link below. Depending upon participation, each leader will schedule the quarterly event with the input of the interested group. We hope you'll join us for a time of connecting and fun!

Sign Up for Groups Here

Children's Ministry

Save the Date for VBS!

  Vacation Bible School will be held July 31-Aug 4, 9 AM-11:30 AM here at WPUMC.

 Online registration will open May 1st. Ages 3 and potty-trained through 6th grade.

Stay tuned for more exciting information!


We've set up a new number to better support group texting and

conversation with teens and parents. We will use this number

for group messages, check-ins with teens, and announcements.

Texts will be sent to numbers previously

provided for youth registrations.


Please let Rev. Loren know if you would like your youth to be

included if not previously registered.

The Youth Group needs volunteers and help for our Sunday after church gatherings. You can help in three ways:

  1. Group Leader/ Adult Volunteer
  2. Mission Project Help
  3. Provide lunch

Use this link or email with questions.

Sign Up Here to Volunteer


February 04 Richard Evans

February 06 Tina Heinert

February 14 Corinna Richmond

February 14 Charlotte Scarbrough

February 15 Andrew Salis

February 17 Bill Wieder

February 18 Maggie Eronimous

February 19 Colton Nance

February 20 MaryKay Casey

February 21 Destiny Nelson

February 21 Laurie Ross

February 25 Miles Justice

February 25 Braden Smith

Altar Flowers 2023

If you’d like to sponsor Sunday morning altar flowers in honor of an occasion or in memory of someone, please sign up for a date below. The arrangements cost $45 ($35 for seniors) and you can take them home or give them away after service. We just ask that you return the vases to the Tea Kitchen so that we can reuse them. Make checks out to WPUMC and put altar flowers in the memo line or pay via Venmo @Michelle-Hoskins-17.

Please enter the occasion or person to be honored in the My Comment field after you click Sign Up.

Sign Up Here
(303) 777-3043
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