At the start of ever new year, we typically take stock of our lives and the way we’ve lived the past 365 days. Often, this look at our lives leads us to proclaim outrageous— exercise more, save more money, be more disciplined, eat healthy more often . . .
All of these things are great, and it’s definitely a good thing to want to better ourselves. But these extreme resolutions often get dropped by February, leaving us feeling worse about ourselves instead of better.
So, what if this year, we explore the idea that we are enough? Just as we are? Even with those 10 “extra pounds” and small savings accounts and donuts for breakfast?
During our new year sermon series, Rev. Jamielee and I will consider what it would be like to Care Like Christ: Learning to Love God, Ourselves and Others. What if we looked at self-care in a way that starts from the foundational understanding that you are enough. You are beloved. And that it’s only from claiming that worth that real change can unfold in our lives.
Join us in January to consider self-care from the perspective of our creator, and let’s experience a more gentle inner voice this new year.
Rev. Sandi