Monthly News from Washington Park United Methodist Church
Sometimes, we just can’t do it on our own. Nothing has brought this lesson home to me more acutely than having an exuberant toddler in my life. If you’ve been around the church in the past few months, you may have seen little June at church. If you’ve seen her, then you know…she’s a daring little one. I think most toddlers are like this to some extent, but June likes to explore and discover, even if it means Mommy has heart palpitations a few times a day. I love her desire to go out and learn without fear, but it makes her hard to track and that can make public spaces feel more like an obstacle course than say…a mall or a doctor’s office.
Maybe that’s why so many families with young children love our community and our church? Because when you’re at church, you’re not alone. When we baptized June a few Sundays ago, I read with a new heart the congregational response “With your family, we promise to be your sisters and brothers, aunts and uncles, grandmothers and grandfathers in Christ; to surround you with God’s love.” I know that when she is in our church, with her church family, she is safe. She is safe to explore, safe to wonder, safe to grow. I could not be more grateful.
As we enter into a new season of gratitude, we’ll be diving into the story of Ruth, Naomi, and Boaz, a group of people so different, yet so in need of one another to survive. May we take this time and this story as a moment of grateful reflection—that we don’t have to do it alone.
May the peace & presence of the Lord be with you this season,
Rev. Jamielee
Sunday services can be viewed live at 9:30am on Facebook AND YouTube, or afterwards with the links found on the website and weekly emails.
November 7th - COMMUNION
Better Together: Ruth-- presented by Rev. Jamielee
Ruth 1: 15-18
*Join us for in-person First Sunday Prayer & Communion Service
(live stream worship will end prior to this portion of worship)
November 14th
Better Together: Naomi—presented by Rev. Sandi
Ruth 1: 19-22
November 21st
Better Together: Boaz –presented by Dana Carpenter
Ruth 2: 1-9
November 28th – First Sunday of Advent
The Heart of Christmas: The Most Wonderful Time of the Year . . .?
Jeremiah 33: 14-16
Washington Park UMC Preschool is kicking off their fundraiser to raise money for school expenses. The fundraiser will be running through 11/05/2021. To order, please contact any member of Washington Park UMC Preschool, or you can place an order online by clicking this link and selecting a seller or "Wash Park UMC P" Thank you for supporting Washington Park UMC Preschool!
Hanging of the Greens!
Join us after worship on Sunday, November 21st to decorate our sanctuary and building for Advent.
I know it’s only the beginning of November but it is not too early to talk about the Children's Christmas Program. We will host our program in person this year on December 5th during our service. We want to make you aware that this will be streamed live on our Facebook and YouTube platforms. I would love to hear from families interested in participating in our program this year. Just a quick email to would be lovely. I will also need some volunteers with our set beforehand, helping with costumes that morning, and keeping the “actors” in place until their time to “perform”. Also, plan on staying after the service for the Advent Festival.
The Children’s Ministry team are looking for some acolytes, Sunday School leaders, and church bell ringers. If you have any questions about or would like to fill a spot, please email Our Sunday School lessons for the month of November will be about Thankfulness. If you are interested in printing out these worksheets and doing them at home with the kids and sharing them with us, we’d love it! Showing and giving thanks to God for which all he provides is a lesson we hope to spread by showing the children about our food collection for the first couple of weeks of November. More details are available in the Mission section of the weekly emails from WPUMC.
-Sheri Salis, Director of Children's Ministry
Check out our biggest event for November, our annual Fall Lock-in! We will be gathering overnight from November 13th to 14th, beginning at 3 pm and ending after church on Sunday morning. This year we will be celebrating with Shrek, learning that just like ogres and onions, we have layers too.
We'll be gathering PROMPTLY at 3pm on the 13th with games and our devotional. We will be talking about processing difficult emotions through prayer and a scripturally led body-scan meditation.
We will be staying in for this year’s Fall Lock-in, but still serving our community! We will be making a meal together to be delivered to our friends at the Park Hill UMC Safe Outdoor Space.
We'll also be playing Shrek themed games (and our favorite--Sardines!) and watching Shrek on the big screen in the Sanctuary with our evening cookies and milk.
Stewardship: It’s Worth Talking About
Stewardship is a topic many churches shy away from as some fear the topic may make its members uncomfortable or cause added strain on the congregation. We take a different approach to stewardship at WPUMC – we embrace the message and rejoice the outcomes because of all the benefits it provides not only for our WPUMC family, but to our broader community. In last week’s sermon, Reverend Sandi highlighted the impact your dollars have on the church, the programs we have been able to support, and the lasting impact our outreach has on our community – check it out… I’ve always viewed my contribution as a ‘one-stop shop’ for many of my philanthropy objectives and we hope WPUMC’s mission fulfills yours too.
As we wrap up Stewardship month, I ask only one thing from you – please fill out your pledge card. Regardless on your contribution, it’s extremely important that we get 100% participation because this is the way in which we can accurately budget for next year. We need to have clear eyes going into our budgetary process, particularly as we work through the impact and volatility COVID has had on the church and preschool. Your pledge card can be filled out via a number of channels: 1. our website ( 2. text “GIVE” to (720)730-5151, 3.Venmo to the handle michelle-hoskins-17, 4. mail-in to Wash Park UMC or 5. through stock donations – see website for instructions.
We are fortunate to have a congregation that not only financially contributes to the church, but also in mind, body, and spirit. The financial contributions help with the execution of our mission; however, the active participation from our congregation is the catalyst to make it all happen. Thank you for all your contributions to the church and we look forward to working side-by-side with you as the church carries out its purpose – love, justice, mission and hope.
Best regards,
Mark Warren
WPUMC Finance Chairman
Food Bank
We are once again collecting monthly food bank donations for FISH of East Denver. Thank you to all who contributed to our collection in September! Collection bins will in the Narthex. Food will be collected through the first Sunday of the month and then delivered to FISH. At this time, donations should include the following items:
· Shampoo
· Conditioner
· Soap – Bar and Liquid
· Lotion
· Toothpaste
· Toothbrushes
· Hearty soups & stews
· Canned meats
· Canned fruit
· Canned beans
· Granola bars
· Oatmeal/cereal with individual serving packets
· Peanut butter
· Jelly
Coming Soon: We will have missions for both Thanksgiving and Christmas. Details will be included in upcoming weekly e-mails and future LiNK articles.
Would you like to help Wash Park UMC continue to enhance our approach to hybrid worship? Are you interested in serving as an ambassador to our online community? Does serving the church from the comfort of your own home, the pew of your choice or anywhere you might be on Sunday morning sound good to you? If you answered yes to any of these questions, we'd love to have you join us as an online usher!
Online ushering is a great way to get involved and it's easy too! Each Sunday you serve you'll simply get online from wherever you might be, welcome online participants to service, provide a few important links, watch for any technical difficulties and send participants off with a parting message of peace. We'll provide you with a quick guide which includes instructions, scripts and everything you need to get's that simple! We're currently looking for online ushers to serve 2nd, 3rd and 5th Sundays. If you're interested, please contact Gretchen Olson at
November 06 Amy Couch
November 08 Rob Couch
November 11 Brad Baker
November 13 Henry Baker
November 17 Beverly Krein
November 21 Leslie Morgan
November 21 Ros Warren
November 23 Evan Smith-Acuna
November 24 Dana Carpenter