Prayer Concerns
Have compassion on: Ten Gall, Vonda Temelkoff, Jim Weaver, Jane Schutrum, Ron Brooks, and all those who suffer from any grief or trouble.
For those who have died: Johnny Willoughby
Family & Friends: Kimberly Nugent (daughter of the Thorps) + Craig Kerner (Mandy Pelger’s father) + Grosschmidt family (friends of the Nadels) + Father Jon Conventry (Trinity Episcopal Church - Alliance) + Ingrid (friend of Sue Little) + Greg, Debbie, & Victoria Swinehart and Richard Flohr (family of Frances Swinehart) + Patti & Jack Freeder and Kim Milinkovich (former members of St. Marks) + Alison (friend of the Willoughbys) + Jane McBride (mother of Beth Crowl) + Tom (brother-in-law of AnJane McConville) + Gail & Jody Shumway (sister-in-law & co-worker friend of the Rand’s daughter) + Dr. Mallamaci (acquaintance of Bobbi Zollinger) + Kirk Schuring, Jolonda Mull & Pam Lagodich (sister-in-law & friend of the Mulls) + Earl Hoot (father of Joe Hoot) + Scott Jones, Val Hiner-Donlon, Rick Ciminelli, Harold Freedman, & Tim Swihart (cousin & friend of the Gordons) + Larry Aclaska & Judy Heisser-Turner (acquaintance & sister of Bert Heisser) + Lee, Theresa, & Chuck Boone (friends & cousin of the Hixons) + Clarice Lough (friend of the Watters) + Elaine Campbell (friend of the Turners) + Melanie & Trish (friends of Paulette Frech) + Pat Walter & family (friend of Barb Whitehouse) + Alycia Geis (Karen Violand’s friend’s daughter) + Don Siegfried, Janet Sheatzley-Morgan, & Erin Siegfried (husband, sister of Barb, & daughter-in-law) + Allison Cornell-Hood & Anne Higgins (daughter & friend of Diane Cornell) + Finnigan Savage (friend of Pam McCarthy) + Yanette Pysher (Vonda Temelkoff’s cousin) + Tony Donahue (friend of the Boyds) + David (acquaintance of the Nadels) + Those in the Armed Forces.
St. Mark's has a group of prayer warriors who pray for the specific needs of those on the prayer chain. If you would like to place yourself or a loved one on the prayer chain, please contact Bobbi Gordon at
Prayer requests may be placed on the private Prayer Chain or on the Prayer Concerns list appearing in The Lion's Pause and Sunday bulletin or in both places. Please let Bobbi know your preference. Unless otherwise instructed, names will be listed as we receive them. Please update Bobbi or Katie on the status of your friends or family members as to when they may be removed from the prayer lists.