The Lion's Pause


Rector's Ramblings

Today is the Commemoration of St. Nicholas of Myra. When you hear St. Nicholas perhaps you think of the song, Jolly Old St. Nicholas.  

Jolly Old Saint Nicholas,

Lean your ear this way!

Don't you tell a single soul

What I'm going to say;

Christmas Eve is coming soon;

Now you dear old man,

Whisper what you'll bring to me,

Tell me if you can.

The custom of St. Nicholas or Santa Claus bringing presents to children is based in part in an event from the life of Nicholas, Bishop of Myra. There were three sisters from a family that could not afford to pay a dowery for marriage. On three successive nights, Nicholas threw a bag of gold through their window, saving them from a life of slavery or worse.  

However, the real St. Nicholas was far from a jolly, dear old man. He suffered persecution as a Christian bishop under the Emperor Diocletian. He was exiled and imprisoned. It is said that the prisons under Diocletian were filled with so many Christian bishops, priests, and deacons that there was little room for thieves and murderers.  

Later, Nicholas attended the Council of Nicea in A.D. 325. Most of our pictures of St. Nicholas portray a happy looking gentle person. In some Byzantine Icons, Nicholas is shown slapping Arius at the council because Arius denied the divinity of Christ. It is doubtful that Nicholas struck Arius. However, having suffered persecution for the Christian faith, Nicholas was an ardent defender of the divinity of Christ.  

The Christian faith is a religion of love and peace. However, we must also recognize that it can be a faith that is dangerous to proclaim. It is a faith for which many have been, and still are persecuted. It is a faith that calls us to use our resources to alleviate the suffering of others. It is a faith that calls us to ask not so much, “What does it bring to me?” as, “What can I do for the world in the name of Christ. 

Fr. RJ+

Sunday, December 8:

Services at 8 a.m. and 10 a.m.



Live Stream

Monday, December 9:

Knitting, 1 p.m.

Book Club, 3 p.m.

Tuesday, December 10:

Yoga, 6:30 p.m.

Wednesday, December 11:

Evening Prayer, Zoom, 4 p.m.

Bulletin Zoom

View the St. Mark's calendar HERE.

Class Schedule

December 10,17 NO CLASSES December 24 & 31

6:30-7:30 PM in the undercroft

Cost is $10 per session.

Bring your own mat.

Yoga blocks & strap helpful but not necessary.

Text 330-705-4359 or email 

Book Club Update

What a great discussion we had in November with Tom Lake, by Ann Patchett. Multiple themes ran through this book - family, young love, married love, and lives of parents before children, to name a few. Janet led with a great list of questions, and provided the theme related chocolate covered cherries which were a big hit, along with yummy treats from MaryAnn. The group liked this author, so perhaps we need to read more of her in the future. 

The book for December is Wild Swans: The Three Daughters of China by Jung Chang, the true story of three generations of women living in 20th century China. Janet is planning on joining us from Columbus, and will lead the discussion.

Our meeting will be on Monday, December 9 at 3:00 in the Family Room.

Newsletter Additions

If you are adding something to the Lion's Pause, please submit it here by the Monday prior to Friday publication.

December Anniversaries

1 Beth and Pat Julian

13 Wayne and Sandy Paradis

27 Rick and Julie Werren

29 Barrie and Marilyn Thorp

December Birthdays

2 David Thorley

10 Kathy Wise

12 Al Korosi Pam McCarthy

14 Gary Mull

16 Patrick Watters

24 John Wise

25 Christy Thorley

27 Marilyn Thorp

29 Rebecca Watters

*Please note: Your birthday/anniversary will only show up if you've completed your profile on Instant Church Directory.

Need to log in? Go here.

Notable with Bob Morrison

At First Methodist in downtown Canton, the youth ministry was doing well under Augie Aamodt. He kept pestering me to get the youngsters involved in handbells, about which I knew nothing. So, in early 1955 I ordered 37 bells from Whitechapel in London with a two-year delay because of so many orders. I was happy about that delay since I needed time to learn about handbells. I went to a Choristers Guild workshop where one Nancy Poore Tufts was directing handbells. I could not have found a better person to learn from. This lady directed the Potomac Handbell Ringers, was an active DC church musician, led six handbell tours to England, and even was instrumental in making bamboo available for pandas! This Renaissance woman died at age 102, still active in musical circles.

Her method of conducting a handbell choir was by using charts, so naturally, I copied this idea. I remember being stretched out on the floor of my house with a Sharpie pen writing handbell arrangements until the choir gave me a drafting board which, as recently as last year I was still using to write arrangements. The advantage of a chart is that everyone knows exactly where the conductor is pointing. Nowadays, bell choirs are using regular printed scores.

Our 37 bells, after the two-year wait, arrived in the spring of 1957. Veterinarian L. Scott Papas (now a resident of Palm Desert CA) was a junior high boy at the time and remembers my telling the kids not to touch the metal parts for fear of tarnishing these ringing beauties as we unpacked the crates.

Easter was approaching and I planned nice anthems and special music for this festive service. What happened that day was something I could not have imagined.

Prayer Concerns

Have compassion on:  Ten Gall, Vonda Temelkoff, Jim Weaver, Jane Schutrum, Ron Brooks, and all those who suffer from any grief or trouble.

For those who have died:  Johnny Willoughby


Family & Friends:  The Willoughby Family + Linda Young (Marcia Kiesling’s mother) +  Kimberly Nugent (daughter of the Thorps) + Craig Kerner (Mandy Pelger’s father) +  Grosschmidt family (friends of the Nadels) + Father Jon Conventry (Trinity Episcopal Church - Alliance) + Ingrid (friend of Sue Little) + Greg, Debbie, & Victoria Swinehart and Richard Flohr (family of Frances Swinehart) + Patti & Jack Freeder and Kim Milinkovich (former members of St. Marks) + Alison (friend of the Willoughbys) + Jane McBride (mother of Beth Crowl)   +  Tom (brother-in-law of AnJane McConville)  +  Gail & Jody Shumway (sister-in-law & co-worker friend of the Rand’s daughter)  +  Dr. Mallamaci (acquaintance of Bobbi Zollinger)  +  Kirk Schuring, Jolonda Mull & Pam Lagodich (sister-in-law & friend of the Mulls)  +  Earl Hoot (father of Joe Hoot)  +  Scott Jones, Val Hiner-Donlon, Rick Ciminelli, Harold Freedman, & Tim Swihart (cousin & friend of the Gordons)  +  Larry Aclaska & Judy Heisser-Turner (acquaintance & sister of Bert Heisser)  +  Lee, Theresa, & Chuck Boone (friends & cousin of the Hixons)  +   Clarice Lough (friend of the Watters)  + Elaine Campbell (friend of the Turners)  +   Melanie & Trish (friends of Paulette Frech)  +  Pat Walter & family (friend of Barb Whitehouse)  +  Alycia Geis (Karen Violand’s friend’s daughter)  +  Don Siegfried, Janet Sheatzley-Morgan, & Erin Siegfried (husband, sister of Barb, & daughter-in-law)  +  Allison Cornell-Hood & Anne Higgins (daughter & friend of Diane Cornell)  +  Finnigan Savage (friend of Pam McCarthy)  +  Yanette Pysher (Vonda Temelkoff’s cousin)   +   Tony Donahue (friend of the Boyds)  +  David (acquaintance of the Nadels)  +  Those in the Armed Forces.


St. Mark's has a group of prayer warriors who pray for the specific needs of those on the prayer chain. If you would like to place yourself or a loved one on the prayer chain, please contact Bobbi Gordon at

ï»żPrayer requests may be placed on the private Prayer Chain or on the Prayer Concerns list appearing in The Lion's Pause and Sunday bulletin or in both places. Please let Bobbi know your preference. Unless otherwise instructed, names will be listed as we receive them. Please update Bobbi or Katie on the status of your friends or family members as to when they may be removed from the prayer lists.

Contact Us:

Fr. RJ



Ministry Leaders

Vestry Liaison Chart

515 48TH ST. NW CANTON, OH 44709



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