In this Issue:
Academics, Athletics, Activities and the Arts
PHYSICAL EDUCATION: Student's in Mrs. Reynold's P.E. classes have the opportunity to participate in Mindful Mondays Yoga! Students learn calming breathing techniques and mindful yoga poses.
Students in Mrs. Berthon's math classes sharpened their skills by using student created store SALE flyers. Students had to use the flyer to calculate actual discount sale price and tax.
SPOTLIGHT ON ENGINEERING: Students in Mr. Schiele's STEM 1 class were building their robots and learning to code and program movement of their designed robotic machines.
We are pleased to share that The Greater Anaheim SELPA will be offering a series of informative training videos that are designed to address the behavioral needs of our students who are accessing instruction using a distant learning or hybrid platform. This 3 part series was designed to build upon one another and assist parents in developing a toolbox to navigate the additional stressors and behaviors that can arise while receiving instruction remotely. The videos will be released monthly and can be accessed on The Greater Anaheim SELPA website under Parent Resources and Parent Workshops. We are excited to share that the first video was released today and can be click here
Monthly Topics:
How Technology organization and structure impact behavior. Ways to make small adjustments to current systems that can result in big changes.
As we have learned to navigate educational platforms such as google classroom and zoom lessons, our skill sets online are becoming more proficient. Although we have become more accustomed to log on and problem solve "technology" issues, we are left with other variables that impact our students ability to access the instruction. In this training, we will talk through what may be your current learning environment and offer suggestions for small changes that can have a positive impact on the stress level in your home.
Reinforcement, Motivation, and Contingencies. Ways to reduce problem behaviors using these systems in a practical and effective manner.
As the novelty of online instruction may have faded, we are continuing to try and keep our children at their desks and attentive to the instruction. While doing this, we are competing with the comforts of home, distractions all around, and the temptation to do anything but school work. We will discuss the process for building systems that increase "buy in" and grit to stay on track to assist with reducing problem behaviors that may arise from these circumstances.
When behaviors escalate. Strategies and practices that can help to reduce or assist in the de-escalation of problem behaviors when they occur.
Sometimes, we think we have everything in place...and then something goes wrong. We are suddenly faced with an escalating situation that needs to be addressed immediately. In this training, we will review processes that can help parents approach this situation effectively. They will learn de-escalation techniques to bring all parties back to baseline and minimize any potential crisis.
If you have any questions, please contact the Department of Special Education at (562) 799-4700 x 80420.
The Los Alamitos District Council PTA has a standing Special Education Committee. Oak's representative is Jackie Dominick who is a parent at Oak Middle School. Mrs. Dominic can be reached at
Please save the following dates;
CAC Honorary Service Award Nominations due to the SELPA Office - March 29th (see below for details and nomination form).
Honorary Service Awards
Please see the attached Community Advisory Committee (CAC) Recognition Form. This nomination recognizes outstanding contributors to the academic, social, and/or emotional growth of students with special needs.
If you would like to nominate someone, please complete the attached CAC Recognition Nomination form. Nominations are due back to the SELPA office by March 29, 2021. The SELPA contact and email address is included at the bottom of the nomination form. Selected nominees from each District will be publicly recognized in the Spring.
LAUSD PTA Special Education/504 Plan Parent Information Group (virtual) meeting- April 15th at 6pm via Zoom
Special Education (virtual) Coffee Chat with Mrs. Kominsky and Mrs. Delk, Director of Special Education - May 13th at 9am via Zoom
NEW TEE SHIRT DESIGN: Eighth grader, Emma Osborne has created a new design for our 2020-21 Oak Middle School Tee shirt design. Shirts will be available for $12.00 cash or check made payable to Oak Middle School. Sizes range from Youth XL, Adult S, M, L and XL. Larger sizes are available upon request. Shirts are available in the main office.
CHECK OUT OAK'S NEWSPAPER: Our journalism students, under the direction of Mrs. Siegmann, have created the very first student run newspaper for Oak. We are so excited about our student journalists. New issue here: Click here to read the Mane Page
OAK DRAMA PRESENTS: Dates: March 26 and 27, 7pm (two shows only)
There will be no charge to families for streaming.
People can use this link:
Stream passes will be available between 3/12, 8 am to 3/27 6 pm.
There will only be 200 stream passes per production. Families need only one pass for all to watch.
DID YOU KNOW... Oak's Olympic Spirit Days are here!
Monday, March 29- NEON DAY
- Activities- BINGO and Where in the world is Leo?
Tuesday, March 30- Jersey Day
- Activities- Hula Hoop Competition and Sports Kahoot
Wednesday, March 31- Wacky Socks Day
Thursday, April 1- PJ Day
- Rock, Paper, Scissors Competition
Friday, April 2- Wear Your Grade Level Color
6th - YELLOW
7th - BLUE
8th - BLACK
- Cash Prizes for Grades 6-8 and 9-12: 1st place = $500, 2nd place = $250, 3rd place = $125
- Projects are due by May 10, 2021
- Students can enter individually or in groups, but the prize will not be duplicated
- Check out video lessons on (1) how to develop your project idea; (2) how to do research, collect data and draw conclusions; (3) presenting your project/how to submit
- Science Experiments or Engineering Design projects will be accepted.
- Grade level groupings for judging/prizes: TK-2, 3-5, 6-8, 9-12
- The top 5 projects per group will present to a judges panel on the evening of Monday, May 24.
- Winners will be announced on May 28
LAEF is introducing an on-campus spring after-school Pickleball camp. This camp will occur on Wednesdays beginning April 21 and ending on May 26! Sign up now at
Pickleball – If you’ve never played Pickleball before, this is designed especially for you! Taught by experienced instructor Gary Rogers, this instructed course will cover the basics of Pickleball rules, terminology, primary skills, coordination, beginner court time, and more. These sessions help develop technique and strategy for social play. Plus, we provide paddles and balls – so come learn from a veteran instructor and get to know other new players! ($170) Class fee increases after April 13th for pickleball.
Multi-class discounts available – 10% off the 2nd class and 15% off any class thereafter. It is applied to a family or individual student. All registration information including class descriptions and instructor bios are presented at Call (562) 799-4700 x80424 or email
Did You Know...Web Leader Applications found here:
DID YOU KNOW.... OUR 21 DAY CHALLENGE IS HERE. CHECK OUT THIS VIDEO. Students and families are encouraged to join us for the...
Day TWENTY ONE: March 29- Reflection....Were you able to complete the 21 challenges? Why or why not? How do you feel? Are you fully charged?
We want to thank everyone for participating in the 21 Day Challenge. This weeks winners are:
6th grade: Hossegor H.
7th Grade: Amelia J.
8th Grade: Sofia L.
Please continue to participate and share on your grade level GC or Instagram. Use #oakisfullycharged
Participate and Win!
Complete your challenge
Post it on social media
Use hashtag
Or post on Grade level Classroom
One grade level winner every week!
DID YOU KNOW... Please Slow Down...
Lets be safe and cautious by slowing down when you are driving through the front parking lot!
For our 8th graders soon to be 9th graders:
March 31st: Career Assessment meeting with LAHS College and Career Counselor, Mrs. Barton during 8th grade Social Science
April 12th: HS Registration Materials and Videos sent out to families
April 14th: Live Q/A sessions with HS counselors
DID YOU KNOW... Parents and Students....JUST A REMINDER....
· No cell phone use during school hours even if you aren’t feeling well or forgot something at school. Please go to the office.
· Please plan out your morning for items needed for school, there shouldn’t be any calls home for forgotten items. We are not allowing forgotten items to be dropped off.
· Dress code reminders: no midriff tops, no hoodies on your head and no pajamas should be worn to school.
· Masks should be worn at all times during school and please obey the 6 feet social distance rule.
· Make sure you are showing up to school on time, we will be issuing detentions to any student that is tardy without a valid excuse.
DID YOU KNOW... End of the Year Planning
School Calendars can be found by clicking here:
DID YOU KNOW...8th Graders Interested in Choir at Los Al High School next year...Please See the Flyers Below...
Lunches available for our Oak families: Each school day, our cafeteria crew is out under the white canopies handing out free lunch and breakfast. The meals are cold, and will need to be reheated at home. Stop by and show your ID and pick up your lunch! Anyone can pick up the meals as long as they are 18 or younger. You can also pick up lunches for students from other schools at Oak. You do not need to go to the individual school sites to get the meals.
CHECK OUT WHAT IS NEW AT THE OAK SPIRIT WEAR STORE: New face masks with the Oak Logo. Type in There are tabs at the top and click on team store. The teams are in alphabetical order so go to Oak Middle School.
Gear up to show your school spirit on Fridays!
Oak spirit wear is available for purchase or go to search Oak.
Erin Kominsky
Principal, Oak Middle School
MONDAY March 29: In person hybrid learning at Oak
21 Day Challenge continues today! Day 21... Reflection
Were you able to complete the 21 challenges? Why or why not? How do you feel? Are you fully charged?
Oak Olympics- NEON DAY
TUESDAY, March 30: In person hybrid learning
Oak Olympics- Jersey Day
WEDNESDAY March 31 : Distance learning all students today!
Oak Olympics- Wacky Socks Day
THURSDAY, April 1: In person hybrid learning.
Oak Olympics- PJ Day
FRIDAY, April 2: In person hybrid learning.
Oak Olympics- Grade Level Color
6th - Yellow
7th - Blue
8th - Black
Mark your calendars:
- STUDENT Schedule for 4/12 through 4/16 :
- Monday, 4/12: Hybrid Learning Schedule for in-person students (Cohort A: 8:35-11:15, Cohort B: 12:15-2:55)
- Tuesday, 4/13: Hybrid Learning Schedule for in-person students (Cohort A: 8:35-11:15, Cohort B: 12:15-2:55)
- Wednesday, 4/14: Distance Learning for all students 8:30-12:51
- Thursday, 4/15: Distance Learning for all students 8:30-12:51--conferences available after 1:00pm.
- Friday, 4/16: Distance Learning for all students 8:30-12:51--conferences available after 1:00pm.
How to Schedule a Conference: Beginning on Monday, March 29
- All families (LosAl@Home and Oak) may call our school office between the hours of 9:00am and 3:30pm beginning Monday, March 29th. 562 7994740 ext. 76100
- Speak to the Oak Office staff about which teachers you would like to conference with.
- Oak Office Staff will schedule your conference(s) based on teacher availability.
- All conferences will be held virtually and teachers will provide links for parent access.
- Phone conferences are also available and parents may indicate their preference when they call.
- If all appointments are booked, or there is a scheduling conflict. You may email your child’s teacher(s) to schedule based on all parties’ availability.
Please let us know if you need any assistance. Thank you for your continued support of Oak Middle School.
March 31st: Career Assessment meeting with LAHS College and Career Counselor, Mrs. Barton during 8th grade Social Science
April 12th: HS Registration Materials and Videos sent out to families
April 14th: Live Q/A sessions with HS counselors
April 23rd: Ms. Reynolds to present to current 5th grade students regarding transition to MS and electives
April 26th/27th: 8th grade meets with HS Counselors via Core
Oak Middle School PTA Board 2020-21
Executive Vice President- Tracy Sturm
Treasurer- Stacey Levine
VP Ways & Means- Suzy Johnson
VP Parent Ed- Viki Bragg-
VP Legislation- Remy Hernandez
VP Membership- Alison Mohanna
Financial Secretary- Amy Payne
Recording Secretary- Maria Osorio
Historian- Jodee Flint
Parliamentarian- Chris Lamb
Auditor-Jackie Dominick
Gear up to show your school spirit on Fridays!
Oak spirit wear is availbable for purchase or go to search Oak.