November, 2024

Got Kids? Take a Hike!

Tips & Tricks for Hiking with Younger Kids

By Rebecca Branle

Parents, let's get real. Hiking with kids can be hard. As parents of three, we've been there and we're not about to give you a glossy telling of our experiences. Here's how it went when we first started:

Someone was always hungry.

Someone was always running ahead.

Someone was always too tired.

Someone wanted a new family.

Sounds miserable, huh? It doesn't have to be. We're not here to give you technical hiking tips or to suggest that your experience will be identical to ours, but we do want to tell you what worked for us and hope it helps you find your groove faster than we found ours.

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ETL Customer Spotlight

Meet the Amazing Lisa Georgis

By Rebecca Branle

You might say we were friends at first sight. Not long after we opened, I met Lisa when she came to the store looking for socks that would provide cushion and moisture control for her running events. She was warm, open, and endlessly kind.

As we chatted about all the awesome qualities of Vermont-made Darn Tough socks, Lisa told me about a running event she was training for, a six-day indoor race called Six Days in the Dome. She promised to come back after the race and tell me all about her experience. Now it's our tradition. Lisa competes in events and then visits to tell me all about it!

For the six-day event, Lisa cruised past her goal and completed 380.25 miles, good enough for a 3rd place finish. Of special note - her Darn Tough socks performed perfectly, making her one of the lucky runners who had no blisters or foot issues throughout the race.

Join us in congratulating Lisa on her other impressive 2024 finishes:

February: Swammie Shuffle - 223 miles in 73:15, 2nd Female

May: D3 24-Hour Race - 86 miles

September: Pine Creek Challenge - 100 Miler in 24:48, 2nd Female

October: Red Barn 24-hour - 84 miles, Tied for 1st Female

A Sit-Down with SAMBA

Learn about a Trailblazing Local Org

By Mark Branle

Over the years Lititz Bikeworks has collaborated with some wonderful people who lift up our community and have a lasting impact in the bike-o-sphere. The smallest projects can change lives and create an even bigger space for new ideas. A person worth mentioning is Nick Loftus, the Vice President of SAMBA, the Susquehanna Area Mountain Bike Association.

SAMBA's mission is to protect and encourage mountain bike trail access by creating positive working relationships with area land management agencies. I’ve known Nick long before his SAMBA days and worked with him to create the bike trails at Rock Lititz, which led to us hosting the PA State Championship Cyclocross race for two consecutive years.

I sat down with Nick to learn more about SAMBA and give subscribers to Lititz Outsider a glimpse into the organization that keeps Central PA bike and hike friendly.

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The Two-Wheeled Commute

Why I Enjoy the Ride

By Josh Kreiser

Working at a bike shop, I hear all kinds of riding stories, from crazy backcountry adventures in the Rocky Mountains to the humble commute to work. That second one is what I want to talk about today - riding your bike somewhere you’d otherwise drive. 

I’m only going to cite one statistic at you in this article: 48% of all car trips taken in the U.S. are less than three miles. For context, biking three miles takes about 15 minutes. Ignoring all the other benefits of not driving, like saving money, reducing carbon emissions, getting exercise, etc., it’s an excuse to get outside. 

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Two Old Friends. Four Days. Four State Lines.

The story of an adventure between friends, told by Lititz local, friend to Earth to Lititz, and Monday morning yoga participant, Dustin Sauder.

This is what happens when you hang out with an old friend and pretend you aren’t too old for giant adventures. You say something ridiculous like, “Hey, let’s grab our backpacks, get dropped off in Pennsylvania, and walk the Appalachian Trail back to a car in Virginia." Who thinks of these things?

On the last day of October this year, we caught a shuttle to Pen Mar Park on the PA line. Heading South, SOBO, on the Appalachian Trail, we encountered stunning views and mostly bare trees. Foot placement proved tricky as a blanket of leaves covered the rocky trail. Would our 50-year-old ankles and knees take the beating? We weren’t sure!

Read About Dustin's Adventure

Upcoming Events

  • Sun Salutations with Black Cat Yoga at Earth to Lititz, Every Monday, 8 am - 8:45 am, Intermediate Level Yoga - Join us for this amazing class. It's the best way to start your week - we promise!
  • Small Business Saturday - Visit Earth to Lititz or Lititz Bikeworks or any locally owned retail business on Saturday, November 30th. Small businesses are essential to creating thriving downtowns. They invest in your community, support local schools, and volunteer for local non-profits. Special challenge: see if you can shop for all of your gift-giving with local businesses.
  • Merry Little Toy Drive - Organized by Lititz Bikeworks at Lititz Springs Park - December 14th

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